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Horse Blankets for Sale at Cost,



FOR SALE- Rent or exchange 6 1/8 acres near city limits - Improvements a nice two-story frame dwelling, barn, and other outbuildings, plenty of good water, apples, cherries, and other fruits. A pretty place and a pleasant location. The price way down if taken soon. P. O. Box 1311, Ann Arbor, Mich. Líddell. 6-10

FOR SALE -- Farm olf100 acres with good buildings, 20 acres timberland, situated in Lima. If not sold for rent. Terms easy. Enquire Fred Buss, 118 W. Liberty st, Ann Arbor. Mich. 8-10

FOR SALE - Four cows, seven hogs, and 27 chickens. August Hintz, 727 Spring st. 8-10

FOR SALE CHEAP-Two good 5-year oíd colts, weight 2,400 pounds, well broke. S. J. Beardsley, 618 st. 75-80

FOR SALE - Registered Jersey Bull Calf, dropped Sept. 14, '98. Dam gave 7167 Ibs. of milk, testing 58 percent, as a two-year-old in '98. Also 2 purebred Jersey Cows, 2 pure-bred Jersey Heifers. bred; and two half-blood Jersey Heifers, not bred. James H. Murray, Salem, Mich. 7-8

FOR SALE- Two farms, between Bridgewater Station and Manchester. Enquire of John Burg, Ann Arbor, or George Burg, Saline. 7-f

FOR SALE-A quantity of Oak and Hickory Cordwood; also wood by the acre on the Owen Gallagher farm in Webster. 7-9

FOR SALE OR RENT- Six and three-fourths acres of land with privilege of twelve. Ten room house, barn, water convenient, fruit, etc. city limits. Address P. O. Box 1311, Ann Arbor. 6-10

FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-280 acres, 2' 1 miles from Saline. It has abundance of water, Ís well fenced, and has $3,000 worth of buildings on it. Address A. F. Clark, Saline, Mich. P. O. Box 75. Res. E Main St. 7-10

$1,100 will buy a three-story stone and brick house and extra good large horse barn, well, and cistern. Lot 3x14 rods on Main st., Ann Arbor. Telephone 79, or write Geo. A. Peters, Scio. If not sold by April 1st for rent. 46tf

FOR RENT- The farm known as the Eber White farm, situated on West Liberty st. Inquire at the residence. 1025 West Liberty st.

FARM FOR SALE- The old Henry Krause farm in Lodi on gravel road, 4 1/2  miles from Ann Arbor and 4 1/2  miles from Saline; 138 1/2. acres, good school on farm, 20 acres timber, water within 3 feet of surface, every field watered, maple grove, buildings in good shape. Easy terms of payment. Low price. Apply Fred Krause, just outside city on Broadway or at Argus-Democrat office.