
An Electric Line Through Ann Arbor and Saline
Ann Arbor Would Have Roads in Five Directions
The Northville to Adrian Project Would Compete With the Lake Shore and Help Out the Detroit Wholesalers
The electric line to Saline is still occupying the attention of our businessmen and it is hoped that the committee will keep hammering away at it until it is an accomplished fact. While they are it, it might be well to investÃgate the status of a proposed electric line from Northville to Adrian by way of Ann Arbor. The proposed line is to run as follows: Northville, Salem, Worden, Ann Arbor, Saline, Tecumseh, Adrian. A line already reaches from Northville to Wayne and so into Detroit. This road, if built, would not only keep Ann Arbor the trade of Saline, bot would open up communication with a new trade frorn the vicinity of Northville. The new road it is said is designed also to carry light freight.
In this connection, it may be remembered that the Detroit wholesale merchants claim that the Lake Shore discriminates against the Detroit Southeastern Michigan trade in favor of Toledo in the matter of freight rates and accommodation. This being so it may not be impossible to interest the Detroit wholesalers in the proposed line, especially if it can be arraigned to carry light freight, as the new line would come in direct competition with the Lake Shore and would eventually force that road off its high horse and compel them to give rates.
If this liue is built Ann Arbor would be quite au electric line center as its geographical position would naturally nake it. There would be a line to Detroit, one to Northville, one to Adrian, one to Jackson and one to Lansing, with all the intermedÃate stations connected. These various projects if carried through would make Ann Arbor merchants happy and would also have the effect of materially increasing the attendance upon our educational institutions.