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"Peace Hath

Her Victories

No less renowned than

War," said Milton, and now,

in the Spring, is the time

to get a peaceful victory

over the impurities which

have been accumulating in

the blood during Winter's

hearty eating. The ban-

ner of peace is borne aloft

by Hood's Sarsaparilla.


It brings rest and comfort to the

weary body racked by pains of all sorts

and kinds. Its beneficial effects prove it

to be the great specific to be relied upon

for victory. Hood's never disappoints.


Scrofula - " Running scrofula sores

made me shunned by neighbors. Medical

treatment failed. A relative urged me to

try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Did so and in a few

months the sores completely healed." Mrs.

J. M. Hatch, Etna, N. H.

Catarrh- " Disagreeable catarrhal drop-

pings in my throat made me nervous and

dizzy. My liver was torpid. Hood's Sar-

saparilla corrected both troubles. My

health is very good." Mrs. ELVIRA. J.

SMILEY, 171 Main St., Auburn, Maine.

Tumors- "A tumor as big as a large

marble came under my tongue and instead

of letting my physician operate on it, I used

my favorite spring tonic, Hood's Sarsapa-

rilla. The bunch soon disappeared." MRS.

H. M. COBURN, 8 Union St., Lowell, Mass

Hood's Sarsaparilla

Never Disappoints

Hood's Pilis cure liver ills, the non-irritating and

only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla.


F. J. Biermann,


Guns . . . . 


Fishing Tackle

The L. A. W. Repair Shop.


113 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor


Real Estate For Sale.


Washtenaw, ss.

In the matter of the estate of Charles

Binder, deceased

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance

of an order granted to the undersigned Ad-

ministrator of the Estate of said deceased by

the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County

of Washtenaw on the 18th day of February A.D.

1899, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to

the highest bidder, at the east front door of the

Court House, City of Ann Arbor in the County

of Washtenaw in said State on Wednesday, the

19th day of April A. D. 1899 at 2 o'clock in

the afternoon of that day (subject to all

encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise exis-

ting at the time of the death of said deceased)

the following described real estate, to-wit:

Commenclng at the south east corner of lot

four (4) in block number two (2) south of Huron

street in range number three (3) east running

thence north along the. west line of an

alley running north and South through said

block eighty eight feet thence west twenty

feet thence south parallel with first line

eighty eight feet to Liberty Street thence

east on the north line of Liberty

street twenty feet to place of begin-

ning: Also the right and privilege of a private

alley to be used and occupied jointly with the

owners joining said alley on the south side

said alley described as follows viz: - Being

nine feet off from the north side of the south

twenty two feet of lot number three (3) in

block two (2) south of Huron street in range

three (3) east and running from Second street

(now Ashley street) on the west to the alley

on the east and extending across the entire

length of said lot three (3) .


Administrator of the estate of Charles

Slnder, deceased.


(Line drawing)

A lady who purchased a piano from

us at Christmas time said: "I carne

near buying a piano somewhere else

because you never came to talk piano

to us."  This shows that we miss many

a sale by not having agents out to wor-

ry the people but agents cannot live

on air, and an average expense con-

nected therewith of at least $25.00 on

each piano, goes to the benefit of the

customer who will take the trouble to

come to our store at 114 W. Liberty st.,

Ann Arbor.


The Schaeberle

. . . Music Store




Staple and

Fancy Groceries

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season,


Phone 324 New State.



(line drawing)


Hair Balsam

Cleans and beautifies the hair.

Promotes a luxuriant growth.

Never Fails to Restore Gray

Hair to its Youthful Color. 

Cures scalp diseases and hair falling.

50c, and $1.00 at Druggists