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Geo. Gifford visited Detroit Saturday.

School is out for a week's vacation.

Mrs. J. Bernap is visiting in Northville this week.

Mr. Rankin, of Tecumseh, visited Milan friends Sunday.

Mrs. Case, from Macon, gave her Milan friends call Friday.

Mrs. R. Brown has returned from a winter sojourn in Detroit.

Mrs. Easterly gave Toledo a business call Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Susie Knight, of Olivet college, is home for a short vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sill entertained guests at tea Saturday evening.

Miss K. Lamb, of Tecumseh, is the guest of Mrs. K. Burns this week.

Miss N. Simpson is down from Ann Arbor this week attending to business.

Dr. and Mrs. Chapin are entertaining Mrs. Hankey, of Petoskey, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sayles moved back onto their farm in Tuburg Monday.

Rev. F. O. Jones preached to a very large audience both Sunday morning and evening.

Mrs. Wilmer Butler and sons, of Detroit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson.

Miss Bessie Leach left for Cheboygan Saturday - expects to be healed at Zion of consumption.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards are moving this week into Mrs. Crandle's house on County st.

Mrs. Springer, who has been visiting friends in Milan for a few days, left for Detroit Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woolcott gave a progressive pedro the last of the week at their home on Main st.

Mrs. J. Calhoun returned Tuesday after a two months' visit with friends in Ann Arbor and other places.

Mrs. May Hack left for Chicago Wednesday, where she will visit Zion under the management of Dr. Dewey.

Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Lacy, and daughter. of Toledo, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Gauntlett Friday and Saturday.

John Lockwood and family are moving into the Palmer house on Toledo st where he intends running first class hotel.

Prof. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller and little Hazel. left for their home in Salem Saturday after a three weeks visit with Mrs. Fuller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Williams.

The York republicans have nominated the following ticket : Supervisor, Geo. Richards; clerk, Fred Gauntlett ; treasurer, C. Cobb; justice of the peace, W. Robison; highway commissioner, M. M. Dillon ; school inspector, F. Gillett; board of review, Louis Laughlin ; vacancy, L. Josenhans.

At the democratic caucus in York the following ticket was nominated: Supervisor, A Mclntyre; clerk, A. E. Putman ; treasurer, Geo. Delaforce. highway commissioner, L Wilcox; justice of the peace, J. A. Jackson; school inspector, J. Case ; board of review, D. Throop; constables, H Doty, E. Hale, W. Coe, Eugene Dillon.

Misses Eva Palmer and Mamie Mesic gave a musical Saturday evening at the residence of Miss Palmer on Main st. The instrumental selections were fine and exceedingly well executed. Numbers were given by Misses Eva Palmer, Mamie Mesic and Mary Belle Sill pleased the audience, who, after the interesting program, were served with dainty refreshments. This is the first musical of the season in progressive Milan.