A Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob Kemf of Pittsfield.
A Sketch of the Lives of the Happy Couple.
They Were Married in Ann Arbor and Have Spent the Fifty Years of Their Lives Together in This County.
On March 29 in Pittsfield occurred the happy celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob Kempf. A sumptious 6 o'clock dinner was served at which were the immediate family, Rev. John Neumann pastor of the Bethlehem church and Mrs. Neumann, Hon. Reuben Kempf and Mrs. George Schlemmer and husband, Mrs. Mayer brother and sisters of Mr. Kempf. The Ladies' Society of the Bethlehem church presented the couple with a handsome easy chair. In addition there were many presents of silverware, flowers, etc., sent in, as a sight token of love and respect for the aged couple.
Before the dinner was served, Rev. John Neumann read three poems, one composed for the occasion by Mrs. August Widenmann and another by Mr. Neumann and the third author was not stated. Scripture was read and prayer for the continued welfare of the couple and thankfulness for the past blessings enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Kempf was given by their pastor.
George Jacob Kempf was the son of John J. and Rosanna (Meyers) Kempf born and Aug. 23, 1823, in Stammkircheu, Ober Amt Calv, Wurtemberg, Germany. His father was a butcher and Jacob, his son, learned the trade which he followed with his father for many years. In 1830 Mr. Kempf with his father immigrated to the United States, settling in Trombowerville, Buchs county, Pa., where they resided until the spring of 1838 when they removed to Ann Arbor, where they went into the meat business. Their shop was opposite the court house, on E. Huron st. Mr. Kempf, senior built a brick residence on W. Huron st., which was torn down some years ago to make room for the residence of William Herz. In the basement of this house, the first German parochial school in the city was held. Mr. Kempf senior, as well as his son, were very active members of the Bethlehem church.
Mrs. George Jacob Kempf’s maiden name was Catherine Schlemmer and born Oct. 15, 1820, at Heilbronn, near Weinsberg, Wurtemberg, Germany She was married to Mr. Kempf, March 29, 1849. Three children survive their union, Charles and John who reside in Pittsfield and Prof. Reuben H. Kempf, the well know musician of Ann Arbor. After 25 years of business, Mr. Kempf retired to his present home in Pittsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Kempf have spent a long life of usefulness and are fully entitled to the affection and respect in which they are held by a large circle of relatives and friends. Mr. Kempf’s sturdy, upright character and strong individuality during his younger days left its impression on the community, and he was one of the workers that helped to make Washtenaw county what it is today. May Mr. and Mrs. Kempf long be spared to their children.