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From Tuesday's Daily Argus.

Fred P. Reinhardt of Toledo, passed through Ann Arbor this morning on his way to Zukey lake. He is preparing to open a lunch room at the station. Mr. Reinhardt has been laid up with a broken arm and an attack of the grip.

The funeral services of the six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McOmber, of the Gravel Road, will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at the parents residence. Mrs. McOmber was formerly Miss Sophia Zahn.

The Security company of Cincinnati has adjusted the loss of Mattie Calenian colored who was burned out some two months ago. She received $240 in full settlement, through A. J. Sawyer Jr., who represents the company.

The American Wringer Co., on S. Fifth Ave., yesterday moved to No. 205 N. Main St., where it will be managed by Ben Slade agent. Mr. Slade formerly resided in Manchester and is an old hotel man who has many friends in the state.

Circuit Court Commissioner W. H. Murray was busy today hearing the arguments in a motion to dissolve the attachment of Harding and Schaefer and Helen F. Evans. Attorney J. Willard Babbitt represented the plaintiff and A. J. Sawyer the defendant.

Application was made in the probate court today by Mary E. Schwikerath, of Chelsea, to have an administrator appointed for her husbands estate, estimated at $2000. The heirs consist of the petitioner and ten children, Carl H Matthias G., Maggie, William, Otto, Leda, Veronica, Henry, Lizzie and Mary.

John O'Hara, two and a half miles east of Ann Arbor on the Pontiac road will sell at public auction on Wednesday, April 12 at 1 o'clock p.m. : 4 work horses, 1 2 year old colt, 1 jersey cow, 5 yearlings, 3 breeding sows, a new McCormick binder, a Deering mower, other machinery, 30 tons of hay, 500 bushels of oats, 300 bushels of corn on ear, etc. Fred Krause will officiate as auctioneer.

T. G. Wallace, of Northfield, was in the city today. He says that he was at Whitmore Lake yesterday. The ice which had not been cut was a foot and a half thick and still very solid. Where ice had been cut there was open water. He noticed a big flock of wild geese, in the center of the lake. Mr. Wallace thinks the winter has been very hard on the farmers stock of feed. Many will have to buy feed as it will be three or four weeks before pasture will be in condition.

The Soldier's Relief Commission consisting of L. G. Hoyt, of Lodi; E. Holbrook, of Ypsilanti and Jacob Fischer, of Ann Arbor, met today in the County Treasurer's office. The usual number of monthly appropriations were made. It is a remarkable fact that all applicants to whom relief has been granted with one exception live in the towns and villages. Mr. Hoyt accounts for this that when the veterans got old and cannot get around, they they think they are more comfortable in town.

From Wednesday's Daily Argus.

In the local markets today 68 cents was paid for wheat.

Col. Dean received 10 more votes in Jackson city than did Sutton.

W. J. Booth, president of the State Savings bank, is confined to his house with illness.

Mrs. Peacock, soprano soloist from Detroit, will take part in the Harris hall choir concert, Friday evening.

William Raeth has rented the Green store at 206 N. Fourth Ave., and deals in rattan and wicker works goods.

The infant child of August Feinkbeiner died yesterday morning and the funeral was held this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Miss Augusta Josenhans, of York, who has been spending Sunday with her brother, Gerhardt Josenhans, of E. Ann St., returned home last evening.

Col. Dean's plurality in Wayne county was larger than that of Co. Sutton, who lives there, for while Sutton carried the county by 1722, Dean carried it by 2,421.

One of the things that millers have to contend with, is the wearing action of the wheat, where ever the kernels strike. Allmendinger & Schneider have just taken out a six inch pine shaft, that is grooved as if cut by a chisel.

William Kern, of Ann Arbor town, fractured his leg this morning in a peculiar manner. He started to go to the field to sow some clover seed and while on the way slipped on some ice and fractured his leg. Dr. J. Kapp reduced the fracture.

The university authorities regret that they are unable to invite the citizens of Ann Arbor to attend the reception of the legislature in University hall on Friday next. There is barely room in the hall for the faculties and the students. It is therefore impossible to make provision for the citizens to attend.

John Stevenson, of W. Huron St., and employee of the Ann Arbor Manufacturing Co., was so severely kicked by his horse yesterday, that he is confined to his bed. He had his horse in his yard to graze, and held the animal by a long rope. The horse wheeled around and kicked, striking Mr. Stevensons knee.

Dexter Ball Dewey who died at his home near Grass Lake recently came to Michigan in 1841 and settled near Rowe's corners in Sharon where he lived until he moved to Jackson county. He was 83 years old at the time of his death. He was married September 8, 1847, at Sylvan to Miss Cordelia F. Powell. Of this union Mrs. Flora Coppernall, survived him. His wife died March 18, 1877, and five years later he married Mrs. Irene Martin who died November 4, 1897. Mr. Dewey was much respected for his Christian character.

The citizens of Dexter held a very enthusiastic meeting last night for the purpose of organizing a business mens association. The possibility of a new manufacturing enterprise being located in the village, was the motive that inspired the idea of organizing, so that something definite could be accomplished. After a free expression of opinion a committee was appointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws. The meeting then adjourned for one week. The citizens of Dexter propose to revivify the staid quiet village, and give it new life and vigor.

A petition was filled in the probate court today asking that an administrator be appointed for the estate of Charles Kalmbach, of Northfield. The real and personal property is estimated at $12,000. Mr. Kalmbach left a wife and six children, two of which are of age.

At the annual election last evening the Ann Arbor Typographical Union elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Geo. R. Cooper; vice-president Geo. R. Cole; secretary treasurer, Adam Goetz; corresponding secretary, J. L. Saunders, auditing board, W. J. Kirby, H. C. Parr, C. J. Reule.

Emanuel Sweitzer, of Lodi, yesterday afternoon had a big scare. He with his mother drove to the city. He ties his horse to a post on S. Ashley St. After a time he returned to find his horse and buggy gone. He rushed to Sheriff Gillen and wanted the sheriff to telegraph his deputies. Sheriff Gillen, before taking steps in the matter, insisted upon Mr. Sweitzer looking up his mother. He did so, and found his mother had charge of the horse and buggy.

From Yesterday's Daily Argus.

Miss Tyler of 1316 Geddes Avenue, died this afternoon. Her remains will be taken to Elsie Saturday morning.

County Treasurer Mann is now ready to deliver to the supervisors the rolls for this year. He received them from the bookbinder yesterday.

George Gentner, of Lodi, was in the city yesterday. He reported that many farmers were out of hay, and were trying to buy feed to help out until the pastures were fit to use.

E. F. Mills will address the men's meeting at the city Y.M.C.A. Sunday, April 9, at 2:45 p.m. Special music will be provided at this meeting. All men are cordially invited to attend.

The Junior exhibition of the high school which occurs Friday evening will be free to the public. Heretofore an admission of 25 cents has been charged but this time no admission fee.

Mrs. Fred S. Gaige, 1109 Willard Street, who has been ailing for some time died last evening. The funeral services will be held at her late residence tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

The Michigan Furniture Co., in the past three years purchased of Jacob Sturm, of Saline, over 500,000 feet of oak lumber. They expect to receive a 100,000 more feet from him very shortly.

Jacob Reichert, of Scio, was in the city today. He takes a more hopeful view of the out look for his wheat, than do his neighbors. While his wheat on the ground looks brown, he thinks it is not dead.

The U. of M. Minstrels give an entertainment in Athens theatre Monday evening. Everyone who in the past had attended one of these entertainments knows what to expect, good music and side splitting local gags.

At the annual meeting of the Ann Arbor Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary, at Harris Hall yesterday, Mrs. C. S. Millen was elected president; Mrs. John Bennett, vice president; Mrs. S. W. Beakes, secretary, and  Mrs. W. G. Doty, treasurer.

Willard Stearns, the well known editor of the Adrian Press, has been elected mayor by a majority of 41. Shake Mr. Stearns. Just wait until you electrify the state with a veto message in which you will inform your alderman that they have long ears and that they had better place their oraniums in moisture.

Mrs. Dr. W. Smith, will sell at public auction on the Dr. Smith farm on East River road, on Thursday, April 13: 10 horses, 5 cows, 5 head of young cattle, 4 calves, 37 Shropshire sheep, 35 ewes, 2 rams, 75 hens, 6 shoats, and all the various kinds of machinery found on a modern farm. The stock is very desirable, and was selected with great care. Lunch will be served at noon. Fred Kraus will be the auctioneer and W. J. Clancy the clerk.

A very pretty wedding occurred this afternoon at Bethlehem church. The high contracting parties being Mr. Fred Radke and Miss Emma F. Holke. Rev. John Neuman, the pastor of the church officiated. The bride is a young lady of most estimable character and the many friends of the happy couple wish them joy and happiness. The members of the Women's society of the church attended in a body. Among the guests from out of town were Paul Holke and Miss Haas of Detroit.

A Narrow Escape.

Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S.D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settles on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four doctors give me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband advised me to get Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, thank God, I am saved and now a heathy woman." Trial bottles free at Eberbach & Son Ann Arbor and Geo J. Haeussler Manchester drug store.
Regular Size 50ยข and $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded.

Whitmore Lake.

The Sick in this immediate vicinity are imroving.

Chas: L. Rane will have his store on Main St., completed by May 1, 1899.

D. F. Smith is able to be out again and greet his many friends.

Whitmore Lake will be an incorporated village within this year and don't you forget it.

At our annual election yesterday M. Tobin declared elected against John P. Smith for treasurer, but after the votes were recounted at 2 a.m. Mr. Smith had a majority of 6 and was declared elected.

At the annual election yesterday there was an unusual ballot cast being 342 out of a registration of 360 votes. The democrats elected everything excepting highway Commissioner and this office was traded off by the south east end of disaffected politicians. The election gives general satisfaction.

A Frightful Blunder

Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, and Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a boz. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Eberbach & Son and Geo J. Haeussler Manchester Druggists.

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