To Be Tried Monday
The Case on Call in the Circuit Court.
At the adjourned term of the circuit court which opens Monday morning, the cases on call had been arranged as follows:
No. 2, People vs. Henry Matthews, larceny; Duane C. Salisbury attorney for defendant;
No. 3, People vs. Michael Staebler, A. J. Sawyer attorney for defendant;
No. 7½ , People vs. John Poll, arson;
No. 8 , John N. W. Smith vs. Caleb Eaton, Lee N. Brown and A. J. Sawyer for plaintiff and D. C. Griffin for defendant;
No. 9, William Kline vs. M. S. & L. S. R. R Co. , Lehman Bros. for plaintiff and C. E. Weaver for defense ;
No. 10. Hattie M. Bond vs. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R,. Lehman Bros. & Stivers for plaintiff and C E Weaver for defense;
No 11, Cecelia R. Lellis vs. M. C R. R. and Ann Arbor R. R. Co., Michael J. Lehman and Thomas J. Navin for plaintiff and Lawrence & Butterfield for the Michigan Central and T. J. Whitney for Ann Arbor road.