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From Extreme Nervousness. THAT no one remedy can contain the elements necessary to cure all diseases, is a fact well known to everyone. Dr. Miles' System of Restorative Remedies consists of seven distinctively different preparations, each for its own purpose.

Mrs. L. C. Bramley, 37 Henry St., St. Catherines, Ontario, writes: "For years I suffered from extreme nervousness and annoying constipation, developing into palpitation and weakness of the heart. I was unable to sleep, suffered much from headache, pain in my left side, palpitation and a constant feeling of weakness and prostration. I began using Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Cure and Nerve and Liver Pills and the Anti-Pain Pills to relieve sudden paroxysms of pain and headache. I soon felt much improved and the pains and aches and weariness left me. I then took Dr. Miles' Restorative Tonic and am now restored to my former good health."

Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded.  Book on diseases of the heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.  Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health


FOR SALE- A nice looking pony. Wanted a good family horse about 900. Enquire of J. F. Schuh.   21-23

FARM of 136 acres in Webster at big bargain. Must be sold. Come this month or stay away forever. ARTHUR BROWN. 12-

FOR SALE- Two farms, between Bridgewater Station and Manchester. Enquire of John Burg, Ann Arbor, or George Burg, Saline, 7-f

FOR SALE- Choice Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs for Setting, One Cockerel of the Hawkins Blue Strain, B. P. R. 410 North State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.

TO LET- The farm known as the Eber White Farm situated on West Liberty St. Inquire at the residence 1025 West Liberty St. Ann Arbor.   14 - 16tf

LOST- Box containing Optical Goods ad-dressed J. C. Henderson, care of Ann Arbor Organ Co. Finder Will be rewarded for return of box to office. 17-20

FOR SALE- Lawn Fertilizer. Best ever put on market. Leave orders with Louis Rohde, 223 E. Huron st. 20tf


Estate of Lydia Sutherland.

STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the 28th day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.

Present, H. Wirt Newkirk,Judge of Probate.

In the matter of the estate of Lydia Sutherland, deceased.

Charles H. Worden, the administrator with will annexed of said estate, comes into court and represents that he is now prepared to render hie final account as such administrator.

Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the 29th day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor. in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estate, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing.- H. WIRT NEWKIRK, Judge of Probate [A true copy.]- P. J. Lehman, Probate Register.


TRUCK AND STORAGE   C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., North Telephone 82.


Start the day Right . . . and everything will go smoothly The proper way is to start with a steaming cup of our delicious Mocha and Java Coffee. The best Coffee in the country. Try it to be convinced.  If you are not satisfied with your Coffee, try ours, and you will find it does make a difference where you buy your Coffee. RINSEY & SEABOLT  106-108 E. Washington St.