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Deadly Habits. The woman who is addicted to the terrible morphine habit knows that she is rapidly going down the steep hill that leads to death. There are thousands of other women rushing down the same incline, but they do not know it. They find themselves suffering from nervousness, headache, despondency, irritability, and a dozen other symptoms of female troubles. For relief they turn to the many alcoholic stimulants, malt extracts and other "compounds," so widely advertised to cure the ailments of women. These produce a false stimulation, and the sufferer finds herself compelled to take more and more as time passes, and soon becomes an unwitting slave to strong drink. What a weakly woman needs is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which contains not a grain of opium or a single drop of alcohol or other dangerous stimulant. It acts directly upon the womanly organs, stopping drains, restoring displacements and having a wonderfully beneficial effect upon the general health. Suffering women who wish to consult Dr. R. V. Pierce himself can do so by mail, addressing him at Buffalo, N. Y. He makes no charge whatever for advice.


Mrs. Rena Hensel, of Massillon, Stark Co., Ohio writes: "I had been troubled with chronic constipation and female weakness and doctored with different physicians, none of whom seemed to help me I saw one of your advertisements, and I thought I would try your medicines. I did so and with good results. Took two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and one of his 'Favorite Prescription ' and I can say I am cured of my troubles, thanks to Dr. Pierce and his medicines. They do a world of good to those who give them a good trial."


If you want a book that tells about all woman's diseases, and how to treat them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay postage, and he will mail you a free copy of his great thousand-page illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser. For a heavier, handsome cloth binding, 31 stamps. It is the grandest medical hook for popular reading ever written.