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Notice Of Letting Of Drain Contract

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Xofee is hereby given, That I. D. W. ïiarry, County Dram Cqmmissioner of tlie County of W-wiitm, State of Michipan, will,on the lst tlay of July', A. D., 1899, at the lower end of Drain in the Townshin of i aw,.Hn(l said County of Washtenaw, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. proceed to receive bids for theHee n wideningand extending a certain Drain known and designated as 'The VVood Outlet Drain " located and Pt n-nïDgt in the ïownships of Lodi and Pittsfield, iii said County of Washtenaw and described as follows, to wit: caull)11süed. Commencinir ;n center of Highway in Sectioa 36, T. 3, S. R. 5. E. at a point froiu which the N "W m, land of the Watsun estáte bears N 18 W. 59 rods and thence running as follows: " " C01ner ol Sec. Cottrse. Dislaoce Grade Hit Surface Width Sec. Coui'se. Distance Grade Cut ss„.f Clisins. Feet. Feet. Feet. Chains. Feet. Keet pLe (Wltb 0 0.33 5.00 b.m. 8S n 45 e 2.00 .12 5 42 io or 1 ne. 200 ; 2.00 9.00 ( on ,ine bekeen Geirer & Sutt$ 3 " " " 2.06 11.00 87 " " " 5.50 J 4 " " ' 4.25 15.75 88 " " 5.50 {Sí 5 " " - 4.00 15.00 89 " ' .16 5.16 trl 6 " " " 3.58 13.75 90 " " " 5.75 -o2? 7 " " 2.33 10.00 91 ■ ■ 5.84 $& 8 n50e ■' " 142 7.25 92 " " " 6.08 21 I? 9 " ' 2.58 10.75 93 ' " " 6 25 oi7 10 " '■ 1.88 7.00 94 " " ' 6.84 tó 11 n66oe " 16 1.84 8.50 95 " ÍS ' 6.66 ttm to nerih line section 36 96 " " " 6.92 oq-L a " 1.00 " , 97 " 6 42 22 25 12 D42e l.Ott " 2 08 9.25 98 " " " .4.75 179? 13 " 2.00 " 2.42 10.25 99 North " " 5.66 200Ó a 123 on i section lino 14 n64oe .75 " 158 7.75 100 " " " 6.92 ■? oft 15 " 2.00 " 2.25 9.75 .70 to south line of R. R. 16 n35e " " 2.25 9.75 101 " 2.00 .16 7.58 5 7% 17 n 56 e li " 2.42 10.25 1.05 north line of R. R. to Clement's east line 102 " 2.00 .lö 6.50 ooc,, 18 " " 2.42 10.25 103 " " " 5.08 ï jL a " .50 " 104 " " " 6.58 2275 19 n74e 1.50 2 50 10.50 105 " " " 6.08 '12 20 n46e 2 00 " 3 00 12.00 306 " " " t; 66 o300 21 n30 e " " 3.16 12.50 107 " " ' 7.08 245 22 n60e " ' 3.92 14.75 1C8 " " " 5.08 isjk' 23 ' " " 3.58 13.75 .50 to north line section 29. 24 n 51 e " " 3.42 13.25 a " .75 25 " " " 3.92 14.75 109 n 42 e 1.25 .16 6.25 21 75 26 " " " 3.84 14.50 on line between Pau] & Cadv 27 n70e " " 4.08 15.25 110 " 2.00 " 6.00 2100 28 " " 4.58 16.75 111 " " " 5.42 1825 29 " " " 4 66 17.00 112 " " " 5.66 20 00 .18 to town line. : 113 " " " 5.16 185030 2.00 16 4.75 17.25 114 n 20o e " ' 5.92 2O'.75 31 " ", " 4.84 17.50 ■ 115 " " " 5.84 2o'sO a " ' 100' 116 " " " 6.42 2125 32 nS4e 1.00 " 4.66 17.00 117 " " " 5.42 18 2533 " 2.00 " 4.84 17.50 , 118 " " " 5.50 19.5a 34 " " " 5.08 18.25 - 119 " " " 5.84 20 50 35 " " " 4.84 17.50 120 " " " 5.33 19.00 36 " " " 4i'2 17.75 121 " " " 5.66 20 00 37 " " " 5.16 18.50 ;122 " " " 5 92 . 20.75a " 161 center of highway. 123 " " " 5.75 20 25 38 s86e ■ .39 .16 5 00 18 00 124 " " " 6 00 21.00 39 " 2 03 .12 4.92 17.75 125 " " " 5 75 20.25 40 " " " 4.75 17.25 ,126 " " " 6 00 21.00 41 " " " 5.42 19.25 127 " " " 6.00 2100 42 " " " 4.66 17 00 128 " " " 5.84 20.50 4H " " " 5.33 19.00 A29 " " " 6.16 21.50 44 s86e " " 5.25 18.75 130 " " " 6 00 21.00 45 " . " " 5.58 19.75 131 " " " 6.08 21.25 46 " " " 5.68 19 75 .19 to i sec line Paui's n line on w. s a " -50 .132 " 2.00 " 6.50 22.50 47 s77íe 1.50 " 5.0S 18 5 a " 1.50 Oady's east line. 48 " 2.00 " 4.m n.00 133 north .50 " 6 16 21.50 49 " " ' "?3 IS).OO 1S4 " 2.00 " 6.66 23.00a " 1 50 to Whf' ".ei-' -ast line. 135 " " " 6.75 23.25. 50 East .50 .12 ..84 19 50 136 " " " 6 75 23.25 51 " 2.00 " 5 f18 19.75 137 " " " 6.42 , 22.25 52 " " " 5.08 18.25 138 " " ' 6.08 21.25. 53 ■' " " 5 08 18.25 139 " " " 6.00 21.00 54 " '■ " 5.75 20 25 140 " ' " 6.08 21.25 55 " " " 6 00 21.00 141 " " " 6.(8 21.25 56 " " " 5.02 20.75 .50 Cady's oortli lino west of ditch. 57 " " " 5 68 19.75 142 North 2.00 .16 5.84 20.50 58 " " " 6.1 2150 ..-143 ' " " 5.75 20. 2, 59 '-' ■ " " 6.08 21.25 144 " " " 5.16 18.50 a " .50 -145 " " '■ 6.00 21.00 a n59e 1.32 ,140 " " " 5.84 20.50 00 ■ North .18 " 5 06 20.00 147 " " " 5.66 . 20.00 61 " 2.00 " 6.08 21 25 148 " " " 5.33 19.00 a " .75 . W9 " " " 5.16 18.5 62 n53e 125 " 5.68 19 75 l0 " " " 5.75 20.25 63 " 2.00 " 5.08 18.25 151 " .25 5.00 18.00 64 " " " 5.50 19 50 75to n line sec 20, Hurd's'nline woí d 65 " " " 5.08 18.25 152 " 2 00 .25 5.33 18.00 C6 " " " 4.66 17.00 153 " " " 4.84 16.50 C7 ... " ■ " -" 4.58 16.75 154 " " " 5 08 17.25 -68 " " " 4.92 17.75 155 " " " 5.25 17.75 69 " " " 5 42 19 25 156 " " " 4.92 16.75 70 " " " 5.66 20.00 157 " " " 4.33 15.00 71 " " " 5.58 19.75 158 " " " 4.66 17.00 72 " " " - - 5.66 20.00 - 159 " ■ " 4.16 15.50 73 " " " 5.42 19.25 160 " " " 4.58 16.75 1.37 east line section 30. 161 " " " 4.58 16.75 74 " 2.00 .12 5.16 1P.50 162 " " " 4.16 15 50 75 " " " 5.42 19.25 163 " " ' 4.00 15 00 to line between Smith & Tate. 164 " " " 4.16 15-50 76 n89e " .12 5.00 18.00 105 " " .33 4.25 15 75 77 " " " 5 42 19.25 166 " " " 0.50 13.50 78 " " " 5.25 18.75 167 " " " 3.75 14.25 79 " " " 5.33 19.00 168 " " . " 3.66 14.00 80 '■' " " 4.92 1775 169 " " " 3.75 14.25 1.25 to we?t line of Lake Shore R. R. 170 " " " 5 16 18 50 81 " 2.00 .12 5.16 18.50 171 " " " 5 42 19 25 1.40 to east line of R. R. ' 172 " "■ " 540 1905 82 " 2.00 .13 5.50 19.50 173 " " " 4 50 le'öO 83 " " " 5.42 19.25 174 " " " 4.I6 15.50 1.85 to Smith aud Tates east line. 75 " " " 433 16.00 84 " 2.00 .12 4.66 17.00 17(i " 1.00 " 4.00 15.00 and tliere terminating into the liDe between the e i and w i of the n e i of section 17, T. 3. S. R. 6, E., 193 rods nortb of the line between sectioiis 17 and 20. The above desc-ibed route is the center line of said drain and follows the channel thereof. The interseclion of eaeh line is noted. The bottom of drain shall be 3 feet wide from the lower end to the nortb. line of section 20, and 2 feet wide trom there to the upper end. The slope of each bank is to be IJ feet horizontal to each foot perpendicular. Tbree rods nn each side of the center line of said drain is taken to deposit excavation, and for convenience in digging. Sairi job will be let by Sections. The section at the outlet of the said drain will be let flrst, and the remainingsections ín their order up stream, in accordance vviththe diagram now on lile with the other papers pertaining to said drain, in the office of the County Drain Commissioner of the said Countv of Washtenavv. to which reference may be had by all partjes interested, and bids will be made and received aecordintfly. Contracta will be mle with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate seourity for the performance of the work, in a snm then and there to be fixed by me, reserviug to myself the nght to reject any and all The date for the completion of such contract, and the terms of payment therefore, shall and will be aunounced at the time and place of letting. Notice is furtber herby given, That at the time and place of said letting, or at such other time and place tnereafter to which I, the ( ounty Drain Commissioner aforesaid, may adjourn the same, the assessments for beneiits and the lands comprised within the 'Wood Outlet Drain Special Assessment District," and the apportionments thereof will be awarded by me and will be subject to review for one day, from nine o'clock in the forenoou until five o'clock m the afternj:n. The following is a description of the several tracts or pareéis of land constituting the Special Assessment District of said Drain, viz: 130 a m n part of n e sec 36, e 1 of w i of s e i sec 25, e of s e i sec 25 all of the Township of Lodi. lownship of Pittstield 59 a in w part, n of r r sec 31 e 97 a e of road n w i sec 31, w h of n e i of sec 81, 117 a s w i less 42 i a n of ditch and on e side of road sec 30, 42 a n of ditch in n e i of s w sec 30, w i of s"e i less 1 a sec 30, 8 a part n of rrofsei, sei sec 30, neiofse} less 1 a sec 30, 40 a part n of r r e i of n wi sec 29, s 18 a s w 1 of n e i sec 21, n w i of neisec20, e i of s w i sec 31. n 64 a e i a ei sec 31,sl3aof e .} of s e i sec 30, 12 a s e i, se i sec 3032 a nof road e lof n w i sec 32, w i of s e J sec 2!). e i of s w i sec 29, s w of sw i sec 29. n wjofuwi s?c 32. wi of n e 1 less 31 a sec 29, lOabownded n and wbv rr, sby Southerland, e by n w i sec 2, 20 a in s e corner e i of n wi sec 29, e ï of e of nei seo 29, n áoíwi n w i sec 28. Part e of ditch in n i of s e i sec 20, e } of se i less 3a sec 20, w i s w i s 21, e i ■ s w } n e } sec 20. 15 in n i ot s w i of n e ] less 6 5 see'81, la in sw corner lof n w i sec 31, 15 a part ñ of r r of s, 25aeiof nw i sec 21, 4 in s w ror in e i of n w i sec 21, e i Of s o i less 4 a sec 21 34 a in n w } of n e è sec 21, n 55 a of e i n w i sec 21, w i ot n w i sec 21 , e of s w i sec 21. 4 a in e 1 of w i s of r r sec 21, s w of s w i sec 16, e i of e ■ of n e i sec 20, s e i ot s e i sec 17, n e i n ei, sec 17, 55 a in s part of e i nei spe 1 7, n w i of s w + sec 17. s i of s v i sëc 17 w 50 a of n i of ,n w i sec 20, s w i sec 20, 39 w of ditch w i of s e i sec 20, e 30 a n i n w i sec 20, w .! of s w i of n e i sec 20, 25 in n end n e , of n e i sec il, e of n e i sec 30, w of n w i less U a 8 c 29, 8 o 1 of uw} sec 20, 3 a bomided n, s and w by road, e by Isabell in e i of w j of swi sen 31. 37 a in n vv i of s w i sec 29, w i of e L of n e i sec 20 ü .; of e of w i ot sec 1 w i ot e } sec 17 all in the Townhir of Pittsfleld; al-:o the Townships of Lodi and Pittsfleld at large. Novy, üherfttore all unknown and non-r.widf nt nvsvis, ;ix and persons interested ín the abová described lands and you II. 11. Watson Estáte William Cietna.Ks .1. Roasé; of thfl Township of Lodi, E. W. Wallace, It. W. Wheelei-, G. B. Harris, Gilbert Hurd. C. B. Isibell. Wilü vu ITenl-r, G ttlieb Hertier, J. B. Rouse, Aralvin Vaudusen, hlanor, batty Uiarles Gier, lobias Sutin-rland. David Cody, .land. M. ükele, Christian April, Newton Lewis, II. T. Marten.EdithClarke, Emeline Philips. Wilti-ini fior-tte, .!. B. -oi-e Liötrlar, D. J. Divison. Goorge Hutze.l, Cliristian Eberbaoh, A. Garree, llanry G., Anna Ent, Banj-imin N. Smith Dr.ike. John iate, are hereby notified tliat at the ,tiie and placa aforesaid, or at suckot.her time and theraaftfer to which sii.l heariug may be adjourned, I shall proceed to receive bids for the deepbrtin?, wi.lening andejcteudiai?of said "Wood Outlet Dram." in the marmer hereinbefore stated; and, also. tbat at such time of letting from nioe in the foren oh until Bv o cloefcln tne afternoon tlje assessment fór beneöts and the Iahds comprised witnin the Wood Outlet dritiD special assesment districts wilj ba subject to review. And you and each of you, pwners and persons interested in tne aforesaid lands. are hereby cited to appèav at the tune and place of such letting as aforesaid, and be heari with respect to such spmiial assessmsnts aii 1 your interessin relation tf ereto, if yon so desire. i) W BAtiPY Dated ut Aun Arbor Mich., June 13th, A. D., 1S99. County Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw. inar i - -f- m ii i ■■ ■■■mi iihbiijimi - wmmmmm-m---lt The Argus-Democrat $1.00 Per Year.