Local Brevities
From Friday's Daily Argus.
The "calf case" of U. G. Darling vs. the Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor railway, before Justice Duffy, was settled to the satisfaction of both parties today.
The postmaster of Manchester has had a $100 increase of salary now receiving $1,200 a year, while the postmaster of Clinton gets the same amount which is an increase of $200. There have been no other changes in salaries in this section.
Johnny Brown, aged 10 years, who was drowned at Mt. Clemens while in bathing, June 14, was brought here on the 2 o'clock train today. The remains were interred in Fairview cemetery. His father Alfred Brown lives in this city.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank cashed a check this afternoon that was made on March 1, 1892. It was for the sum of 23 cents, was signed by Funk & Wagnalls Co., of New York, publishers of the Standard Dictionary and was on the National Park Bank of New York. Where it has been during the seven years since it was made is not known.
Grace Luxton, of Milan, came to the city this morning to write the teachers' examinations and while driving on Pontiac st. was run into by parties unknown and thrown out of her buggy landing on her head. She was badly injured and Circuit Court Commissioner W. H. Murray took her home on the Ann Arbor train at noon.
On the walls of the rear room of Zina P. King's law offices, hangs a city map that is of more than usual interest. It is map published by J. F. Shatton, a surveyor in 1836. This particular copy is the identical one used by Mr. King's uncle. Dr. Zina Pitcher, as one of the commissioners in locating the university in Ann Arbor. This copy was given to Mr. King by his uncle.
A call has been issued to the members of Grace Lutheran church for a meeting to be held Friday evening, June 23, at the residence of John Molkenthein, on Hiscock st., for the purpose of considering the sale of the property, and other church matters. This is the congregation that owns the church corner of S. First and Washington Sts., and formerly owned by the Bethlehem society.
Lizzie G. Henion, of Portland, Oregon, one of the legatees of the estate of Charlotte T. Hill, deceased, by her attorney Frank A. Stivers, has appealed from the decision of the commissioners allowing the claim of Fannie M. Pryer at $563.85. It is contested on the ground that the claim was not proved. It is also charged that the executor who is also a legatee refuses to appeal, hence this appeal.
The cards are out announcing the marriage on June 28, of Miss Grace Edith Alley, of Dexter, to Lucius Whitney Watkins of Watkins. The wedding will occur at the Congregational church at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Alley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Alley, and is one of Dexter's foremost and most popular young women. Mr. Watkins is a prominent farmer of Watkins, Mich. The young people will be at home after July 31, at Fairview Farm, Watkins, Mich.
In the estate of Cassius N. Osgood, deceased, of Ann Arbor township, Frank A. Stivers, as attorney for Calvin Osgood, petitions to have the claims in the estate heard. He represents that the two children of the deceased, Frank W. and Helen Osgood assigned their interest to the widow, that his client Calvin Osgood is the owner of a promissory note given by C. M. Osgood, Feb. 5, '96, given for $500 with 4 percent interest, that although often solicitored, these parties refuse to settle for the note which is still due.
Attorney William Wedemeyer chaperoned a delightful little party that dined at the American house today. Mr. Wedemeyer had his hands full but with usual tact managed so that everything passed off without any serious results. The leader of the party was Edmund Shields, of the law firm of Shields & Shields, of Howell, better known as "fatty" in former days,when in the year 1892 he played with the 'Varsity baseball team and in '94 and '95 was their captain and '96 their manager. Mr. Shields now weighs 206 pounds and is as lively and spry in spite of his advancing years, as when he was at the university. With him and under his protection was his brother James L. Shields a very modest young man of retiring disposition. Harry W. Saint, '96 law, a rising attorney of Cincinnati, and room mate of Edmund Shields and D. Roche, the lively under sheriff at Howell, constituted the balance of the party. They took in the ball game this afternoon.
From Saturday's Daily Argus.
Governor Pingree has vetoed the appropriation bill for the beet sugar bounty.
Dean H. B. Hutchins, of the law department of the University of Michigan, delivered the commencement address at the Niles high school graduating exercises, June 16, taking for his subject, "Ideals in Education."
Miss Lelia M. Childs, of the senior class, has accepted a fine position in the Maynard Young Ladies' school of Duluth, Minn. She received her position through the appointment committee of the university.
The receipts at the University hospital for the month of May were $2,230.56. The total number of patients registered, 213; number of in-patients registered, 60; out-patients, 153; average number registered, 80.3; highest number, 86; lowest, 72.
Sergt. Fred Huntoon yesterday touched Judge Newkirk's' weak spot,by presenting him with a Springfield rifle which has seen service in the Spanish American war in Cuba. It is in excellent condition and is a relic much prized by the donee.
Michael Klaeger and Henry Bridenwischer of Bridgewater station, were in the city today to settle the sale of an acre of land. Mr. Breitenwischer proposes to build a fine house and barn on the land. He is well known as one of the principal threshers of the county.
Thomas F. Kearns is the third Ann Arbor boy to recently go to Manila. He enlisted in the 14th regular infantry and left for the west Thursday night. He will probably sail on the same transport which will convey the 19th infantry to Manila and so will probably not leave this country yet for about six weeks.
Deputy County Clerk Philip Blum Jr., is today again on duty after an absence of four weeks. He reports that his father, ex-County Treasurer Philip Blum, Sr., of Lodi, whom he assisted in nursing, is slowly convalescing. Charles Awrey, of Saline, who took Mr. Blum's place, has returned home. During his stay in Ann Arbor he has made many friends.
The Unitarian church will make extensive repairs this summer. The Home Association, of Boston, has kindly loaned them $1,000 without interest for this purpose. The ceiling of the church is to be decorated and some changes made in the windows while a room is to be built at one side of the pulpit for the pastor, so that he may come to the pulpit without doing so in the sight of the whole congregation.
In building the storm sewer Hutzel & Co. struck a big cistern at the northwest corner of the campus, State st and N. University ave. They have dug a trench around it, which with extra man holes may cause an expense of $150. The cistern was full of water. It is one of the many cisterns that the city put in for fire protection. This one was fed from two sides. It might be utilized by the people in the neighborhood by inserting pipes, and pumping the water for their bath tubs, etc.
One of the most delightful spreads of the season, was enjoyed last evening by the brothers of Fraternity Lodge, No. 262, F. & A. M. After the work of the evening was completed in the lodge room the brothers adjourned to the drill room where tables had been set. Here after the good things were enjoyed and cigars lighted, Prof. Levi D. Wines was chosen toastmaster. He called upon Prof. E. F. Johnson who made a most earnest address on one of the strong points of Masonry. He was followed by Judge of Probate Newkirk, J. E. Beal, Charles Baird, Elmer Beal and others What made the gathering of special interest, was the fact that it was the last time for a long period that some of the brothers attending the university, would be in their mother lodge It was midnight before the company left for their respective homes.
From Monday's Daily Argus.
There will be but one mass at St. Patrick's church, Northfield, next Sunday at 8 a. m. Father Goldrick will attend the first mass of Father Stockable on that day at Brighton, Mich.
A vag with the unusual name of Harry Smith, was before Justice Doty today, who kindly gave him five days' board in Hotel de Gillen. He claimed to be a bridge builder from New York.
Grass Lake News- W. W. Wedemeyer, of Ann Arbor, who will deliver an oration here on the Fourth of July, is pronounced the leading orator of his age in Michigan.
The composition for pipe organ written by Frances S. Taylor, was beautifully rendered last Sunday morning at the Unitarian church by Miss Marian Smith, for which the composer wishes to return her hearty thanks.
The receiving seperator and smut machine of Heinzmann & Laubengayer have been sold to Allmendinger & Schneider. The former firm will run their feed business until the fall, when their building will be used by the Chicory Co.
The Lansing Journal pays the following well deserved compliment to the senator from the 10th district: Senator Charles A. Ward, of Ann Arbor, is a democrat in a legislative body composed of four other gentlemen of his political faith, and 27 republicans. In view of this fact the achievement of the Ann Arbor senator in securing the passage of the university appropriation bill, increasing the tax for the benefit of the big institution 50 per cent is a notable one. Senator Ward has many friends among the republicans, as well as among the democrats. He is agreeable, discreet, and has made an enviable record.
Rev. B. L. McElroy delivered an excellent and most practical address on "Personal Leverage, at the men's meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday afternoon. The meeting next Sunday will be in charge of Richard L. Flynn and will be of unusual interest. The following men of the 31st Michigan regiment who saw service in Cuba are expected to be present and give some of their personal experiences: Maurice Willows, Co. I, Detroit, and superintendent of the Y. M. C. A. tent in Cuba; Corp. Thomas B. Elliott, of Co. D, Jackson; Irving R. Edwards, of Co. A, and Sergt. Geo. L. Bond, of Co. C, Tecumseh. Special music will be rendered and a good time is expected.