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Will Run On Saturday

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Saline, Mich., Aug. 31.- (Special to Daily Argus.)- Midnight marauders broke into the car in which E. A. Hauser had his chickens for shipment, last Friday night. They fled before securing any booty.

Miss Turner has resigned her posit ion in the schools. She has accepted position in the Ludington schools.

The wire gang of the Ypsilanti and Saline trolley road are stringing the feed wire through the village today. The connection at the Ann Arbor crossing and the bridge over the track is about completed. Cars will be run Saturday without fail.

Messrs. Glover, Merrill and McGregor were in town Saturday. Messrs. Merrill and Glover were looking after the interests of the trolley road.

The plastering in the M. E. Church is completed. The church will be ready for occupancy by Oct. 1.

Prof. S. Hall is building a fine large hen house on his farm north of town. It will be one of the finest in this region.

Prof. F. J. Tooze is moving into town this week. He will occupy Geo. Barr's house on Adrian street.

Geo. Barr has moved into F. D. Ford's house, so as to be nearer his work.

Henry Lindenschmitt and Geo. Lutz have returned to work from their vacation, which they spent at Clark's Lake and Detroit.

Walter Bailey, so long associated with Samuel Josenhaus as blacksmith, is moving to Mason this week.

Titus F. Hutzel, of the firm of Hutzel & Co., of Ann Arbor, was in the village on business today.

Dr. C. G. Darling, of Ann Arbor, passed through town on Wednesday.