Milk and Water.
Milk is food. Water is not food. Nurse the baby on water and it will not live long. But many a mother who supposes she is buying real milk is getting half water, and she wonders why the baby frets and looks thin and pale.
What water is to milk so substitute medicines are to Dr. Pierce's. This is why there is nothing "just as good " as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for the cure of disordered or weak stomach, impure blood, bronchitis, obstinate, lingering coughs, sore throat, weak lungs, bleeding lungs, and kindred affections, which, if neglected or badly treated, lead up to consumption. If you ask for Dr. Pierce's remedies and the dealer won 't supply you, go to another store. Your health is of greater importance than any extra profit he may make on the substitute. The imitation substitute can not imitate the cures. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is absolutely non-alcoholic and non-narcotic. It can be safely relied upon by temperance people. It is not only the safest. but also the surest remedy for the stomach, blood, throat and lungs.
"My wife had a severe attack of pleurisy and lung trouble," writes Abram Freer, Esq., of Rockbridge, Green Co., Ills. " The doctors gave her up to die. She commenced to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and improved from the first dose. By the time she had taken eight or ten bottles she was cured, and it was the cause of a large amount being sold here. I think the ' Golden Medical Discovery ' is the best medicine in the world for lung trouble."
For 21 one-cent stamps to pay postage, you can get a free copy of the Common Sense Medical Adviser, a work of 1008-pages. Cloth bound 31 stamps. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
HAIR SWITCH FREE on easy conditions.
Cut this ad out and mail to us. Send a small sample of your hair, cut close to the roots. Send no money; we will make and send you by mail, postpaid a Fine Human Hair Switch, an exact match, made 22 inches long from selected human hair, 21'4 ounces, short stem. We will inclose in package with switch sufficient postage to return it to us if not perfectly satisfactory, but if found exactly as represented and most extraordinary value and you wish to keep it, either send us $1.50 by mail within 10 days or take orders for 3 switches at $1.50 each among your friends and send to us without any money, we to send the 3 switches to them direct mail, to be paid for 10 days after received if perfectly satisfactory, and you can then have the switch we send you free for your trouble.
We give Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Dishes, Furniture, Watches, Bicycles, Cameras and other premiums for taking orders for our switches. One lady earned a Piano in fifteen days, one a sewing machine in 2 days. Order a switch at once or write to-day for free Premium Offer. Address, Ladies Hair Emporium, Chicago.
What is Life Without Health
A bottle of Sarsapasilla for 75 cents
is what you need in the Spring.
Mann's Drug Store, 213 Main Street Ann Arbor.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat