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Tons And Tons Of Onions

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Chelsea, Aug. 25- J. J. Raftrey has a blue heron, the largest captured in this section. It was caught in Lyndon by the Hadley boys.

Lewis H. Hindelang, of Dexter township exhibits a stalk of corn which measures 11 1/2 feet, of the Pride of the North variety.

Dr. H. H. Auery and August Mensing have laid a cement walk in front of their lots.

R. A. Snyder will harvest 20,000 bushels of onions from 35 acres and John Walterons & Son 8,000 bushels from 12 acres.

George H. Foster has put down flowing wells on the farms of Joseph Meyers and Mrs. Frank Everett in Sharon, striking water at a depth of 50 and 55 feet.

The Chelsea Herald says: It is related of well known Chelsea man that he was out to dinner at a farmer's house in Waterloo one day recently, and although he did not care to go out fishing yet he ate a gallon of fish at a sitting. So fast did he eat them that the lady of the house became fearful that she would have to go out and hire some one to help her cook the fish for him.

Edward Monroe, who broke bis right leg while pulling down a portch in front of James Geddes' residence, is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances.

Frank Fenn's stub of his finger which was pressed out at the stove works is doing alright, but as yet there is no sign of a finger nail.