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Washtenaw Country Grange

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About two hundred members of Granges and their friends accepted an invitation to picnic yesterday at the home of Hon. John K. Campbell in Augusta township.

After a basket dinner under the maples in the yard, all gathered in front of the house during the after noon program. The broad porch made a fine rostrum, and was tastefully decorated with fruits in honor of Pomona the patron goddess of all county Granges. An awning in front roofed an out-door audience, and gave comfort in spite of the heat. The main addresses were by John II. Combs, of Lenawee county, on "Progressive (range Work," and W. N. Lister, county commissioner of schools, on 'To What Extent Can Agriculture Be Taught in the Rural Schools?"

Hon. G. B. Horton, master of State Grange, who was unexpectedly present, added much to the discussion by pointing out some of the particulars that indicate progress in a Grange organization. Orchestral music, singing. varied papers and recitations, enlivened the occasion, which throughout spoke for a quickened interest in all public and patriotic matters and a confidence in the value to be derived from associating together both in work and recreation.