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St. Mary's Picnic At Chelsea

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Chelsea, Mich., Ang. 30. - (Special to Daily Argus). - The annual picnic of St. Mary' church, of Chelsea, was held at Cavanaugh Lake yesterday. About 500 spent the day at the lake, and one of the best programs ever listened to was enjoyed. The speakers were Dennis Hayes, attorney, of Detroit; Geo. Rev. C. S. Jones, pastor Congregational church, Chelsea; Judge Wm, Look, of Detroit; Dr. C. O. Rielly, of Adrian ; Dr. M. W. Whalan, of Baltimore, Md., and Congressman H. C. Smith. The day was perfect aud the speakers were listened to attentively, especially the remarks of Rev. C. S. Jones, who was the invited guest of Rev. W. P. Considine. One of the best fake side-shows was given under the management of Geo. P. Staffan, assisted by John Raftrey and C. Staffan who yelled themselves hoarse trying to induce the poor un-sophisticated farmer boy to part company with his money. On the inside of the tent were Inanita, the "Injun" fortune teller ; the Irish bag puncher; the dancing girl from Cairo; the Siames twins; the stuffed fox that the dead dog barked at, etc. , etc.

Dr. Rielly gave one of his old time advice speeches telling the farmer that he used his axe too much, and and dug too many county ditches. He said that he had just been up in Eaton county and that their wheat and corn crop was all right, and that he noticed the farmers there had spared the trees. Every field was flanked witn woods, and every field in process of cultivation was bespotted with trees; that they dug few ditches and stopped up their lakes, and to this he credited their good crops.

The ladies served an elegant meal at noon. The proceeds of the day amounted to over $200.