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Piano Prices Coming Up.

This is an assertion never heard before. The past five years has marked a steady decline in piano values; close margins and cheap pianos have sent old time values stumbling. The present rise in iron and lumber with a strong improvement tendency has started a reaction, the house of Chickering & Sons taking the initiative. A notice (this morning) from Ludwig & Co., verifies the above statement. Our present stock will be sold at the old time low prices, so if you are a perspective purchaser we commend you to select a piano at once.

Ann Arbor Music Co.

205 207 E. Washington St.

What's In a Name.

 Ask those who use the Ann Arbor Brewing Company's beer.


FOR SALE- On the Eagan farm in Lodi, 12 choice grade yearling black top lambs. 36-9

For Sale Cheap.

Small house, barn, store and post office; also good well of water; two acres of land and some fruit trees. Situated in town of Agusta, Stony Creek, seven miles south of Ypsilanti, on Ridge road. Inquire Plymouth, Mich., box 30, or Richard Hopson, P. O. M., Stony Creek, Mich. 38-0

$750 PER YEAR and all expenses guaranteed our general agents who travel and appoint local agents on our popular books. We need a few more now. Ladies or gentlemen. If interested in traveling employment send stamp for full information. Local agents also wanted. The Hoey Publishing Co.. Chicago. Ill. 38-0

Call Up The Ann Arbor Brewing Company either phones No. 101.

William Z, Burton vs. Eliza Burton.

STATE OF MICHIGAN, 22nd: JUDICIAL Circuit. In Chancery. Suit pending in the County of Washtenaw in chancery at the City of Ann Arbor, on the 14th day of August, A. D. 1899.

William Z. Burton. complainant, vs. Eliza Burton, defendant.

In this cause it appearing by affidavit on file that defendant, Eliza Burton, is not a resident of ibis state, but resides at Canton, state of Ohio, therefore, on motion of Cavanaugh and Wedemeyer, solicitors for complainant, it is ordered that defendant enter her appearance in said cause on or before four months from the date of this order and that within twenty days the complainant cause this order tó be published in the Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat, said publication to be continued once in each week for six weeks in succession E. D. KINNE, Circuit Judge. (A true copy.)

Philip Blum, Jr. Deputy Register. CAVANAUGH & WEDEMEYER. Solicitors for Complainant. Examined and countersigned. Phiilip Blum, .Jr.. Deputy Kestister.

Notice to Creditors.


Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 28th day of August, A. D. 1899, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against tbe estáte of John Kuebler, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the 28lh day of February, 1900, next, that such claims will be heard before said court, on the 28th day of November, and on the 28th day of February, 1900, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaoh of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, August 28th. A. D. 1899 H. WIRT NEWKIRK, Judge of Probate.