The Greatest Shoe Sale On Earth
$17,850 WORTH OF BOOTS AND SHOES TO BE ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. The Chicago Shoe Co. has secured for spot cash the entire stock of honest made Boots and Shoes of Wm. Allaby & Son of this city at 25C ON THE DOLLAR, also the mammoth stock of high grade footwear of J. B. Gilson, of Jackson, Mich. at 33 1/3C ON THE DOLLAR. These two stocks will be closed out at 124 South Main st. the store formerly occupied by Wm. Allaby & Son. The bargains we will offer you during this great sale will fairly take your breath away.
Baby Shoes, former price 50c to 75c Our opening price - 5c Youths' School Shoes, all solid worth $1.50. Our opening price -65c Baby Shoes former price 75c to $1.25. Our opening price - 28c Youths' Fine Calf Shoes, all solid, worth $2.00. Our opening price - 85c Childs' School Shoes, former price 75c to $1.25. Opening price - 35c Boys' Rugged School Shoes, worth $1.75. Our opening price - 78c Misses School Shoes, former price $1.25 to 2.00. Opening price - 48c Boys' Fine Calf School Shoes worth $2.00. Our opening price - 98c Misses School Shoes, former price $1.50 to 2.50. Opening price - - 79c Men's Fine Dress Shoes, worth $2.00. Our opening price -59c Ladies' Shoes, former price $1.50 to 2.50. Opening price -15c Hen's Fine Dress Shoes worth $2 50. Our opening price - Ladies' Shoes hand turned, regular price $3.50. Opening price - 75c Hen's Fine Calf Shoes H. S. Calf Lined, worth $4.00. Opening Price- Ladies' Shoes, hand turned, regular price $4.50. Opening price -$1.98 Little Gents' Shoes, all solid, worth $1.00. Our opening price = - 38c
Space would not permit us to mention one-twentieth of the bargains we have in store for you have in store for you.
Remember this will be the greatest shoe sale on earth, where good shoes will be sold for less than the actual cost of the inner soles. Come prepared to buy five pairs of good shoes for what you usually have to pay for one pair. Remember the time and the place. 124 South Main Street. CHICAGO SHOE CO. Wanted-3 Salesmen. Apply at once. ANN Arbor. FRED G. CLARK, MANAGER.
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