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WITH ONE VOICE. Ann Arbor People Who Have Investigated are a Unit on the Subject.

The voice of the people is heard all over the land Trumhet notes of truth

Sounded from East to West

Ann Arbor has joined the throng

Many citizen lifts his voice in praise

Enthusiastic people everywhere

Backs relieved of heavy burdens

Nights of suffering, days of misery

Become nights of rest and days of joy

It's the constant working of

Doan's Kidney Pills

Are these reports all true?

Here's an Ann Arbor man; Ask his opinion:

Lawrence O'Toole, of 1825 Hill st., says "The pains across my back were almost constant, and were so severe at times that I was often obliged to get my back against the wall before I could straighten. I could hardly rest in any position, and was tired in the morning as the night before. I could not stoop to pick anything off the ground, and was, generally speaking, used up.

The kidney secretions deposited a heavy sediment, and were too frequent, greatly disturbing my rest at night. I was bothered much with headache and spells of dizziness. I wore plasters until I was tired of them, and took alot of medicine, but it did me no good. When I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised I felt confident they would help me, and I got a box at Eberbach & Son's drug store. They did at once, and in a short tie they thoroughly cured me.

Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's and take no substitute.