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Electric Lights At Saline

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Saline, Aug. 24.- Dr. Shreder is not the only loser by chicken thieves. G. J. Nessly and Will Hogers have had poultry stolen.

Sam Weinett and Charles Rogers are telling how they caught a five and half pound pickerel in Arnold's lake.

A horse belonging to Michael Aberle has been badly cut with a barbed-wire fence.

The funeral of Mrs Elizabeth Burron, mother of George Burron,occurred yesterday afternoon.

The new M. E. Church is wired by electricity, as well as using gas. The town has neither yet. However, there were two young men here a month ago from Ann Arbor who looked the town over with a view of getting contracts for commercial lighting. Nothing has been heard of since, and it is believed that their project never came to a head. But Saline is now booming, and electric lighting is not so far off as seemed two or three years ago.