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Mack & Co.

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Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Linoleum and Draperies


Basement Bargains in Our Big Bazaar.

$8,500 Worth of Goods Slightly Damaged by Water Consisting of all kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Muslin and Lace Drapery Material, Crockery, Lamps, Chinaware, Glassware, Clocks, Silverware and all manner of Bazaar goods

At Half the Price these Goods are Worth to You.

We will also place on sale as the result of our recent purchasing for Spot Cash and in Big Lots


Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Iron Beds, Folding Beds, Parlor Furniture and furniture Especially Adapted for Fitting up Student's Rooms.

Sale Commences Saturday, Sept. 2, 1899


Big Drives From Our Fire Goods Purchase


WE have still on hand hundreds of Parlor, Office and Library Chairs left from our purchase of the Mack & Co. Furniture stock. Some slightly damaged, but nearly all of them perfect in every way. We will close them out at the following prices:

$1.95 FOR $4.00, $3.50 and $3.00 Parlor chairs, quartered oak, mahogany and white mahogany finish, plush stuffed, silk damask seat and polished seats.

$2.90 FOR $7.00, $6.50, $6.00, $5.50 and $5.00 Rockers and Easy Chairs, Office Chairs and Small Divans. No such bargain will come to you again.

$3.85 FOR $10,00, $8.50, $7.50 and $6.50 Parlor Chairs in fancy styles. Mahogany, Birch, Willow and Quartered Oak.

$5.00 FOR $15.00, $13.50, $12.50 and $10.00. Golden Oak, Birch, Mahogany, polish finish, Parlor and Office chairs, damask and polish seat and back.


$4.49 BUYS a Mahogany Finish Morse Chair with velour cushions. You would pay $7.50 for elsewhere.

$5.00 BUYS a Morse Chair made of solid Oak with cushions made of Silk Damask and Corduroy, worth $8.00.

Parlor Suites.

$8.00 BUYS a 3 Piece Curley Birch Suite, upholstered in silk damask, worth $16.00.

$10.50 BUYS a 3 Piece Mahogany Finish Parlor suite, covered with silk damask, worth $23.50.

$13.00 BUYS a 3 Piece Mahogany Finish Parlor suite, covered with plush, carved inlaid frame, worth $25.00.

Ladies' Dressing Cases.

$7.50 FOR a $13.50 Ladies' Dressing Table, quartered oak, beaded edge and brass railing.

$8.00 FOR a $15.00 Ladies' Dressing Table, 5 drawers, large oval French plate bevel mirror.

$11.00 FOR a $16.00 Ladies' Dressing Table, quartered golden oak, swell front, French carved legs, with large bevel mirror.

$11.50 FOR an $18.00 Birds' Eye Maple Dressing Case, extra large bevel French plate mirror--a beauty.

$19.00 FOR a $35.00 Solid Mahogany Dressing Table, swell front, large oval bevel French plate mirror.


Ladies' Secretaries.

$2.50 BUYS a $5.00 Solid golden Oak Secretary, is sightly and substantially made.

$6.50 BUYS a $13.50 Ladies' Secretary, solid quarter oak with 3 drawers.

$7.50 Mahogany Finish Secretary, inlaid front, brass rail, worth $14.50.

$8.00 Solid Mahogany Secretary, inlaid front, polish finish, worth $15.00

$9.00 FOR $18.00 Solid Mahogany Ladies' Secretary, carved front, 2 drawers, 4 cabinets, with bevel plate French mirror.

China Closets.

$10.00 FOR Solid Quartered Oak China Closet, glass front, French plate glass mirror, worth $18.00.

$14.00 FOR Oval Front China Closet, polish finish, worth $25.00.

$17.50 FOR Circle Front China Closet, very elaborate in finish, worth at a low price $28.00.

Bazaar Bargains.

Water Glasses, all styles, per dozen . . . . 19c

25c Large Glass Berry Dishes . . . . 11c

Decorated China Cups and Saucers . . . . 10c

Salt and Pepper Cruets . . . . 3c

25c Glass Bread Plates . . . . 10c

Glass Wine Sets, decanter and 6 glasses . . . . 50c

Study Lamps, Rochester Burner, worth $2.00 at . . . . $1.47

Fine German China Salad Dishes . . . . 25c

Fine China Tea Cups for decorating, per dozen . . . . $1.50

China Fruit Plates, per dozen . . . . $1.50

The New Delta Rocks Jardineres, usually sold for $1.50 and $1.75, now . . . . $1.00

56 piece Imported China Tea Set . . . . $3.50

101 piece Imported China Dinner Set . . . . $8.00

Rockingham Bowls, each . . . . 3c, 5c, 8c and 10c

Large Size Trunks, flat top . . . . $2.25

Large Size Telescopes . . . . 90c

All Framed Pictures 1/3 Reduced.


Carpets, Rugs and Matting.

BEST INGRAIN CARPETS for far less than cost to make.

49c Buys choice of 50 rolls of best of all Wool Ingrain Carpet, perfect in every way, worth 75c a yard--balance of fire stock.

29c Buys best all wool Ingrain Carpet, slightly water stained, the 75c value.

35c Buys best all wool Ingrain Carpet, as good for wear as though you paid 75c for it. Just what you want for student's rooms.

39c Best all wool Ingrain Carpet, very slightly water stained--all good patterns.

24c For 15 rolls best Union Carpet, shows the affect of water, but equal to the best made for wear.

Jap, China and Coco Matting.

75 Rolls in all kinds of make and colors, selling at more than


Smyrna and Wilton Rugs.

Large Smyrna Rugs, 9x12 feet, worth $17.50 at . . . . $9.95

Large Smyrna Rugs, 9x12 feet, worth $20.00 at . . . . $12.95

Large Smyrna Rugs, 7 1/2x10 1/2 feet, worth $27.00, at . . . . 15.45

Large Smyrna Rugs, 7 1/2x10 1/2 feet, worth $27.00, at . . . . 18.50

Large Genuine Wilton Rugs, 9x12 feet, worth $45.00, at . . . . 29.85

$4.00 Wilton Rugs had here at . . . . $2.95

4.00 Smyrna Rugs had here at . . . . 2.25

2.25 Smyrna Rugs had here at . . . . 1.59

3.00 Wilton Rugs had here at . . . . 1.89

2.50 Wilton Rugs had here at . . . . 1.69

1.75 Wilton Rugs had here at . . . . 1.19

Lace Curtains, Portieres and Drapery


See our Lace Curtains at 49c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up. You'd have to add one-half to these prices before you could get as good elsewhere.

Window Shades.

If you've a house to shade you can get the job done here at about half. Try us for estimates.

Upholstering and Repairing.

We have engaged first-class workmen who will devote their time to repairing and upholstering furniture. make your wants known at the store and we will call upon you and give you the cost of any work you wish done. all work guaranteed satisfactory to you.


New Furniture.

The best and latest designs money can purchase placed on sale at the smallest margin of profit new furniture has ever been offered for.

$14.00 Buys a Solid Golden Oak Sideboard, elaborately carved, three shelves, three drawers, two linen closets. First class in every detail.

$16.00 Buys a Solid Golden Oak Sideboard, swell front, polish finish. Would be $20.00 in a regular sale.

$18.00 For a swell front golden Oak Sideboard, French beveled mirror, heavily carved, worth at regular profit price $25.


6 Hard wood, carved back, cane seat Dining Chairs for . . . . $4.49

6 Hardwood, carved back, cane seat Chairs, braced arms, for . . . . $4.90

6 Solid Golden Oak Dining Chairs, cane seat, braced arms, for . . . . $5.89

6 Mahogany finish Dining Chairs, box seats, new style back, for $12.00


$4.00 FOR a Heavy damask Covered, Spring Edge couch, with wide fringe around the bottom, is one of our bargains.

$5.00 FOR a Heavy Velour, Oak Frame, Spring Edge couch, is another bargain that will attract attention.

$13.00 FOR Turkish Couches, covered with the very best wearing damask, spring edge, our own make, will prove a bargain to whoever buys one.


100 Solid Oak, 3-shelf Book Case, always sold for $1.75, sale price . . . . $1.19

100 Solid Oak, 4-shelf Book Case, usual price $2.00, sale price . . . . $1.45

100 Solid Oak Book Cases, never less than $2.75, here priced . . . . $1.95

Combination Book Case, solid golden oak, large and roomy, at . . . . $6.00


Large, solid built, golden oak, Student's Tables, gloss finish, never less than $2.75, here . . . . $2.10


Both Phones. MACK & CO., ANN ARBOR.