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The South End Industrial Club will meet a week from today.

Senator Wm. E. Frye will appear in the S.L.A.course next Saturday night, Oct. 21.

The Baptist church choir spent a very pleasant evening last night at the home of Albert Hill.

The long-talked-of sidewalk and street grade of Observatory st. again went over at the council meeting last evening because the profile was not on hand. It is to come up next Monday afternoon.

Charles Russel Gardner, of Ann Arbor town, died this morning, aged 75 years. The funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his residence.Rev. Mr. Crooker officiating. The remains will be interred in Fairview cemetery on the Northside.

Taxidermist Norman A. Wood, of the university museum has mounted a rare specimen, partly albino, of a red-winged blackbird. The bird has partly moulted, the old, two long tail feathers still being in place. The specimen was presented to the university by Mr. Cook, of Brooklyn, Mich.

A handsome new plate glass front has been put into the Keanrey block on S. Main st. occupied by John Goetz Jr. Wesley Howe had the contract for the change. Ambrose Kearney, the owner, is also having the building repainted. It will now compare favorably with other modern stores in the city.

Paris Banfield says he approves of the suggestion made by the Daily Argus that O. E. Butterfield and himself, for the sake of harmony in the republican party should head their respective delegations to the next city or county convention. He thinks it would be well for them to meet and discuss preliminaries. This would materially help the present love feast.

Secretary Wade takes a decided view on the question often mooted, "Do eels propogate in Michigan waters, or are all those found the result of planting years ago. " Mr. Wade says there is no doubt eels propagate in Michigan waters. He has seen the water wheels of the mill at Jonesville stopped by the quantity of little eels which were swarming in the race.

The campus well was down at noon to a depth of 275 feet, and still in light, bluish shale. Occasionally there appears to be streaks of darker colored shale. The present prospects indicate 123 feet more of this formation. Every five or 10 feet samples of the rock are taken from the stuff the sand pump brings up. These are placed in little bottles and labeled and are for the use of the state geologist. While the drill goes into rock very easily, much care is used to see that the hole is perfectly straight.

From Wednesday's Daily Argus.

Adelia Bell has been granted a decree of divorce from her husband, John W. Bell.

There were just 148 tickets ordered from Ann Arbor for the grand opera in Detroit next week.

Postmaster George H. Pond was appointed a member of the committee on resolutions at the meeting of the postmasters of Michigan in Detroit yesterday.

Reserved seats for the Y. M. C. A. Star Course have had a very ready sale. A few choice ones still remain. Tickets and seats may be obtained at the association rooms any day after 4 p. m.

David Allmendinger is laying a fine vetrifled brick sidewalk in front his residence on W. Washington st. His example can be followed with advantage by others.

A petition has been filed for the administration of the estate of Jan Lamb who was killed on Fuller st. , short time ago. The estate foots up to $3,000.

Marriage licenses issued: Phili Broesamle and Minnie Mensing, of Chelsea; E. S. Wingear, of Lak George, Mich. ; and K. J. Gates, of Ann Arbor.

Grand Bade Carl Bauer and Grand Secretary Gustave Zindler, D. O. H. , of Detroit, were in the city yesterday in consultation with Grand Treasurer Eugene Oesterlin.

Jacob Polhemus on Monday celebrated his 88th birthday anniversary. He is hale and hearty for his age, and his family hopes he may enjoy many more years of health.

John Ryan, editor of the Howell Democrat, and well known in this county, was married yesterday to Miss Anna McCarty, of Deerfield.. And all the craft wish them joy.

The sale of Choral Union tickets began Monday at the following places : Ann Arbor Music Co., W.W.Wetmore, E. E. Calkins, Wilder's Pharmacy and the University School of Music.

The members of Germania Lodge, No. 476, D. O. H., are preparing to give a social hop Thursday evening, Oct. 26, in Germania hall. Music will be furnished by the Chequamegons. A good time is expected as usual.

The high grade of the faculty concerts in Frieze Memorial hall is being appreciated. Thomas Colbuni, the secretary of the University School of Music, is daily receiving inquires in reference to the remaining season tickets. The capacity of the hall is limited.

Koch Bros, the contractors of the new Homeopathie hospital, commenced drawing stone yesterday, and ground will be broken in a few days. If there should be a mild fall, they expect to have the walls pretty well up before the end of the year. The building is to be finished by Aug. 1, 1900.

Senator Wm. P. Frye will appear upon the S. L. A. course next Saturday evening. He was one of the Peace Commissioners, and his subject will be one with which he is thoroughly conversant. It is "The Operation of the Peace Commission and the Philippine Islands. ' '

The board of trustees of the S. C. A. met last evening and elected the following officers : Prof. A. B. Prescott, president; Prof. Volney M. Spaling, vice president ; C. E. Goddard, secretary; J. J. Goodyear, treasurer. The reports show that the meetings lis year are considerably larger than ever before.

Deputy Sheriff Kelsey went to Detroit this morning after Frank Diamond, who is wanted here for the larceny of a grip, a brooch and a couple of breast-pins from Mrs. Harkins' home. He had just finished serving a 5 days' sentence for jumping a board bill from Boyd's hotel in Chelsea and had also served a sentence in Grand rapids for larceny.

Rev. John Karrer and Christian Goedecke, of Tawas City, arrived in the city last evening and were registered at the American house. They are delegates to the Michigan district synod of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan Lutheran Synod, which will open its sessions in Northfield in the St. John's church tomorrow. About 30 pastors and delegates are expected to be present.

Let all the friends of the W. C. T. U, remember the entertainment Monay night. And those who are not interested in the W.C. T. U. are invited to go on Miss Inouye's account. Since she is a medical student, as well as a young Japanese woman, making her own way through college, it is hoped that her department may be well represented. Miss Inouye speaks Engish with ease and is indeed an interesting type of oriental womanhood.

Miss Ida Benfy, who has won such popularity before the American public as a reader of Dickens, Victor Hugo and Geo. Elliott, appears in Ann Arbor this season on the Y. M C. A. Star Course. She is a reader of great versatility and seems to have it in her ower to move her audience to tears or laughter at will. Her method is simple and direct and free from affectation. Superb dramatic power enhances an already strong magnetic personality.

A novel contest is on at the fair in the armory. A splendid office chair is to be voted, 10 cents a vote, to the more popular of the two priests, Frs.Kelly or Goldrick. As the latter is considered the most popular man in the county, it is difficult to see how this contest is to be decided unless it is thrown in with the pole question on Washington st. and left to the city council. It would then be settled about the year the university well strikes China.

The big fair for the benefit of St, Thomas' new church will begin tonight at the armory with a magnificent band concert, and continue one week. You can find everything useful there. Coal is 10 cents a ton and not $6.75; shoes only 5 cents, barrel of flour only 10 cents, furniture, carriages, etc. , etc. , at your own prices. Admission only 10 cents. Splendid concert every evening. Remember you can get anything you want at the fair and at your own price.

The Ladies' Benevolent Society of Hamburg and Webster, ,will hold their eighth annual festival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, of Webster, Tuesday evening, Oct. 24, 1899, instead of Saturday evening, as announced last week. The program will consist of remarks by Hon W. W. Wedemeyer, Judge H. W. Newkirk and others and music. The usual attractions will be there also. The ladies need your assistance in carrying on their work, so one and all come. Remember the change in date. Supper 10 cents. Ice cream and cake 10 cents.

From Thursday's Daily Argus.

Last evening four students came by the opera house and stole two large frames in which were displayed pictures of the Wilbur Opera company.

Ward N.Choate, a brilliant young Detroit lawyer, and a graduate of the law department, was married in Jackson Tuesday evening to Miss Emily E. Warner.

The Wilbur Opera Co. were last evening greeted with a big house. Every seat in the gallery was sold out. and the floor of the house was almost as well filled.

John U. Staebler died at his home in Scio at ten minutes of nine last evening of stomach trouble. He had been a resident of Scio for 30 years. Two children survive him, Mrs. Mary Spies and John Staebler.

Emil Golz, of S. Main st. , is laying out his route for tomorrow when the hunting season opens. Quail, etc, had better "look a leedle out." He is an experienced nimrod and an unerring shot.

V. W. . Helm, traveling secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, will speak at McMillan hall, Sunday, Oot. 22, at 3p m. Mr. Helm expects to go to Japan next year as a Y. M. C. A. secretary.

The well-known agrarian and jurist, John F. Lawrence, was the first one to deliver his chicory roots to the Ann Arbor Chicory Co. New supplies are coming in daily.

On account of Senator Frye's lecture in the University hall Saturday evening, the University Masonic Club will hold its business meeting and smoker tomorrow evening at the club rooms on S. State st.

It is a great satisfaction to the innumerable friends of Judge G. Harriman to know that they are to have the pleasure of hearing him describe something of his English experiences during the summer. No one can tell the story of Oxford more delightfully.

The entertainment at the M. E. church on Monday evening promises to be a great success not only on account of its novelty, but also because Miss Inouye has made many friends since coming to Ann Arbor, and they are anxious to assist her in a financial way.

C. D. Richard, chief engineer of the Ann Arbor road, and J. J. Kirby, assistant general passenger agent, passed through Ann Arbor yesterday for Menominee. They are working on the St. Paul extension. Grading will be continued as long as the weather will permit. The car ferrys are still runing regularly to Menominee and Gladstone and will continue to the latter place until Little De Nogue Bay freezes up. The ore trade of the road is just as large as it can furnish cars. This alone is enough to keep the boats busy all winter.