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YCUGO A POTTED CRYSAN TT U ET CTTiOE CME NEXT RSDAY AND THEMIJM WSTïi EVERY DOLLAl? ÍÍ i" l I 1 ÏC GET A ElAmWl CRYSANTEPURCHASE OR OVER 1 I I IL kj 1 Ui Leeeo MUM WSTHOUT COST ., ._ mMismsemssfimsimssmmMMSssaÊMmÊnmt - - - - _ roB. - .„. 5TH ANNUAL CRYSANTHEMUM FESTIVAL NEXT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1899. We take profound pleasure in writing this nvitation to our 5tli ANNUAL CRYSANTHEMUM SALE. Since these annua! sales have proven the happiest incident in our business life. This year with the vast preparations %ve have been making it will undoubtedly prove the greatest success of all- full of sunshine, full of color, full of life, FULL OF HONEST VALUES. PULL OP PRICES THAT HAVE ELOQUENT SPEECH WITH EVERY ECONOM1CAL HOUSEWIPE. ( BEdUTlFUL POTTED CRT5lNTHEnUn FREE WlTH EYERT S1.00 PURCMdSE OR OYER.. tS""S e&K r-, PINF 7 f 1 -_- C 5 -pn-rf-S- Therein lies our success. This great Cloak Department fairly I WP %É_R!-CJrr YOtir COmpiCtC ClXlSTciCXlOn demandsyour patronage by offering you continually and always Vj L._- V EL Üívk FURNISHINGS r- __ _- J .__ the beSt Of PPrtunities. 'n variet' and greatness of stock, in JKI rUnmOmnOO gygj. QUr PirS COnSlderatlOil. newness and correctnes. of Stylesjn sterling wor.h in each deRARGA NS frilKinJwivit FOR tail of every garment shown, in perfection of fit and finish, in " " - -wi # isi n__ S2Éir WELL FRIENDMAKING, ATTENTION TO YOUR WANTS ;#% fc nn &S'- DREESSED we stand second to no other Cloak Department in Michigan. '1ftJN '7" JM#i people. An Amazing Offer in Ladies' Tailored Jackets and Suits. $ÍE0EEA nf88' We have used great care in selectVV&Sí"fc? ing our goods for this department ■ $25. OO, $20. OO, $l8.OO LADIES' JACKETS AT fr r f r V-i. GlOVfft knowing full well that it would be ._;;.. „ ■ ■ u , 7 U K 'tl' X3ÊÊ]J} "'UIUv useless to bring out anything but 'lS Jackets representing, positively the most complete collection of High Class $% JO 'Jj f? 59C. the very best lines. By inspecting Jackets - the latest materials, colorings and styles - ever shown in this city. Absolutely ' our goods you will find they are nothing is wanting that fancy or comfort may demand. The Linings are superb, they are all man tailored better made and have a finish which . and modeIs of fit and correctness, and are sold wherever you find them at #18, $20, $25. Gold Weather G lOVeS and is not usually found in Men 's . , SStS, 5Z.: CHOiCE OF ANY JACKET IN OUR EMiRE STOCK OhMdren-AÍeNw are in a position to bring out the . ' Worth to S25, for Chrysanthemum day $2.95. . , new styles as soon as placed on the ■ YOTK, maKe. Bl'trTSgZl , ' EVERY SAMPLE JACKET N STOCK -3 REDSJCED. L„„k „„„,,_ 50 per cent. cheaper than the same , , , , ___ „_ , - . _ - _____ . - __ - - __ - - - - -- --- --- - - ;„ black, brown, red and gray goods can be bought in Detroit. . pvipr) CITOC! ! A' " J3 $1 50 Our line for this sale will save. you LUlt.Z5 rUKl5. LaUlCS isrvLvv (S La'dies' 3 Hasj ipt'cha gloyes, 'black, money and we take pleasure in DCTTírAATC T í A ' ÊËT,&'JR i tan aña firay $ 00 quotiDg a few pnces. rCl llVUAl D. 1 aiIOrCU & lÊM YK Êèê Ladies1 llt-ece lined mocha gloves Cluet&Peabodies collars, 2 for 25c Fine Fur Boas, - - S2.50 ,, Jn-s k Vk P' 1.00 an! $J50 Fine Seamless Ha'.f Hose fast color, 10O Ladies' Best Made Petticats Fine Fur Collarettes, - 3.50 5UïtS. í8$Pínteí ''aíül;s fleece lined kul nnttens, Silk finish half'HÖse ' pair or 25c -Manufactured for agents to canvas New Storm Collars, - 4.50 ÏWÉd-W _ beaver top, spnng wrist. ,J1 50 White gi.oounlaundried shirts, 39c for. Will be sold as below lm. Sable Boas, 5-50 Worth $25, $22.50, $18.50, I i 7Lf m.ttcns . . . . . . . .. . $i 50 A line of 75c muslin Night Robes, anthemum Day only. Za-Za Scarfs, - - - 7.50 tö P Vffx f ÈSu Ladies' fnr top fleece lined kid 50c _ _ _ U1 Real Seal Collarettes, - 10.00 AT 5Í3 68 Êk h M&ï'l 1 ËÊk mittens 75c. and %. 00 Heavy cotton and woolen working S2.50 Petticoats, 3 BestBeaverStormCo f5Q0 vJJI.WC. f'S'"T 1 V Ladies' fur top fleece lined kid mens half Hose,. . .3 pair for 25c ed bottom, Agents Price always FITTING 1NCLUDED. W WM ', flYiX. mittens 50c We have first class, heavy, two $2.50, one day $1.25. ft Wj Xi' Vil Ífif Ladies' one clasp mocha fleece 1 threaded fleece lined Shirts and _ . Chrysanthemum Day Prices on Ladies' Tailored Suits, worth I V' tM 11 7 kidm.ttens 30Drawers at 50c S2.2? Petticoats, made to sell by ' wl f -; '■■'■■ ;i M 'YrS V, wHs T dips' lamh knit silk mitrpni st í ) Al! our $2.oo heavy Golf Hose, canvassers at never less than Í2.25 a11 Klnds or Fur' next week rhurs l ' $13S: ia-f $8'95 'Üffi Ladies' lamb knit wool mittens. ... : ; ■ ■ l5 one day price, $1.00. day. FITTING EXTRA. pÜP 25c and 50c A line line ot L3 and $4 bweateis __.__________________________-_ Ladies' doublé black wool mittens "2 1 onr! HO : - - - ____-_-_-_____---__ -______----- l p.o. ouu pw. ■ __ extra heavy 5c All of ourli.oo fine Cheviot Shirts, PADOCTO mÊgéÊÊM égbrs, ïirTTVS. Ladies' black all wool mittens. . .10c 75c VVyriOLl O íl a%p3mr ffjcwv W FV 1 Ladies' doublé all wool mittens. 15c All $1.50 soft bosorns at $1,15 ÉííSp C I &P5? xJÚé&? K 'f C ' adies' Scotch wool gloves oT-c Kioo siik" a'scII; A Peerless Collection of Elegance. W JL WÊÈÈ üf Klfel U ï) PY S d D " M " y „ .: "f ft'.H35c'and '5f Uui ;-,c anü ii.oo öiitc Ascots at Zt-TTÜÊÊPi ÈÊÊtwmimL&$n WW fA iaija'I U w " j v v Misses' fleece lined kid gloves fur X 'iár'li'n'r.VcVri'np'fóiir íñ'nand ' Her Majesty," having sprung steels, and GrS'Ki, WSnV" - - M-t0P'. 'ñ i" ' j 75c A a'AscotesT c g especiaüy ajopfed for ; fteshy people, 1 ) i f K A Cñ I! ff) -J "" wnrrh 50r st'le 200 (single bonedj at ï2.7o, and style Cgp1" K-rW-STjrhx -- 1 I IIHISHHSI m - - ■ , u'"': Aiív.;ow;;in-oVe;;hiVZ Sc 25od0ubieb0ned,at..;... $3.50 H f ii'guiuhi w mocha m a fi i;„o „f „B,„ip qhirtQ „Mi-h '■ P. D." the French Corset style 530, made of ===:;iibL - Rfcf?fi3BSS82 V „ ví -?-■"'. ... ",,",","■ ,' _ tïo col ir wor t 00 to c o e a quotiie at $1.85, and styleWmade of an Lfc I VÍ -S1 O ' isses 'amb kf 7o1 -i"enS.25c rvvo couars, wortn si.oo, to ciose Knlish Sateen at $2 75 Sssn 7 jj I n(fln3JD' jj 1 2 Misses heavy doublé wool mittens aü 39C The W. B." America'V'Leading' Corset, _ _ . 232Z=- Ji CÏ Dü KeFCnieTS ................. 15c and 25c . .. , &2L?S&dïï, Taste Qual.ty and Pr.ce %flX"örswf 1 LailieS' IHSSÍSSÍS? Recomnd These. A patudo of Bargains Hene. OSÍijí .: ví% Style 443, a short corset, sizes 18 to 34, in $2.50 Golf Cloth in blue gray and tan, 54 inches ; ... .15c, 5c and 40c W-ÏT SlnHcr drab and WhUe at Sl Wlde fr'oneday -S2-19 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Ya and inch hem Msíí ScoTch d'oTrfives S' ngjStyle, a long corset, i3 to 3o, in L1.75 Plaid Skirt Patterns, reduced for one dayto worth 8c at .' 5c M'SSeS stch Vor,l Kloves . . . ■ ; VIIUWI drab and black at $1.00 $ 57 p Li Handkerchiefs % and % inch hem mfVnV ' fi'n'e' wol ,,7; ! VV. C. C. or Royal Worcester long corst, 492, $1.75 Heavy Golf Plaids, 50 inches wide at $1.45 wQrth at A ( ,Oc Infants fine wool mittens, white, l !Ë3,' UiOQr indrabandwhit;at $100 $1.50 Scotch Cheviot Paids, 54 inches wide one p L Handkerch.efs V. and % inch hem rj'" q,an1,n T.':' ' "r " " ' '■' fd llUUil VV. C. C. or Royal Worcester short corset, day $1-25 worth 18c at 12 l-2c , lamb kmtwool mittens, -JVJJJHDCRWCARJ style 535i in drabj white and black at groo $1.50 Camels Hair Cheviots in dark and light pure Lien Handkerchiefs and % inch hem .I, "' ' ' " ', " ' J " C . .. , . ... . W. C.C. or Royal Worcester, short hip corset, grav, blue, brown, "te, $1.25 worth 20c at .. (5c nfants silk an( wool mittens . 5c L8r,es extra heavy ]ersey nbbed Ó45 adopted for fleshy people at $1.00 $ L.35"Venetún and H.ett. Cloth in pastor, red Pure Linen Èmtóroide wiïh inch hem S blac ' 1 fleecedvests,. ... ; -25c The Thompson's Glove Fitting Corset, in drab brown, black and blue at $100 worth 20c this sale .. . 12 12c whlte and blackÍ 2 ,neyrihh e Pin white and black at $1.00 $x. 15 Camels Hair Chevoits, 50 inches wide at 90c pure Linen Embroidered with %L inch hem - LadiVeïtraïeavy'VibSd 'f Model form 853, ,n drab and worth 25c, this sale ... 15c POCKETBOOKS fl , j i. 1 white at gl.UU gQ LÜT Pure Linen Handkerchiefs very sheer emJk Jt, LadLs' extra 'ieVs'eyribbed gIÍowJ SS"o ' n S white 9oc and 8pc Dress Goods in Botany Mills broidery with inch hem, also embroidered T fLinTliiy ñeeced pants,.... 50c Gage-Downs Chicago waist in drab, white Grante edejes in the dainty designs somuch favored MA NI N Ladies' Guinea vests with extra Fe! Good sV; Ladies'waiVt" tVk 2 fiured black ois a" at ne pdce f th%Ladles' pecially pure l.nen WWr HflIUIl heavy fleece, 50c 5. 1.1100 ay 66c worth 35c at 25c W Ladies' Jersey pants extra . o(J g Misses wai st tle 2 in AMr.TUC-D .---r SSÊm ICPT heavy fleece, 50c drab and white at 75cANOTHtR LQT - VVfeZ ULi I I Ladies jersey fleeced vests, extra Ferris Qood Senge_ Cnüdren.s waist style 2 Coverts Silk and Wool, Black Serges TXT large sizes, J3C n drab and white, 50c black and figured Mohairs, Crepons, etc. , up ÍIIITINR f I ARINPI NIRUTDilBC iadies' jersey fleeced pants, extra Globe jn nk &ad hlue medium length tQ 6 value at 44c ÜU I IPIü rLAUPItL ñlüfi I nUDtö, Brass picture frames, oval, square ïarge sizes, 35c at 50c r lot 4SC silk and Wool Novelties one day 29c and round .25c, 35c, 75c and $1.00 One lot of ladies' jersey nbbed G,obe corset j n biack with yellow strippings, 1 lot 25c Plaids and Fancy figured weaves. . 15c ■ ,, '. _ A splendid line of New Posters for pants worth 50c for 39c j t 50c Ladies white outing flannel Night Robes your room at f 25c One lot of ladies1 wool pants, odd in drab and white lace tri-mmed at 50c Phronnne fnr PhrUCQIlthDmüm fl9V made 'n the Ulest Style and tritnmed in Ladies' fancy back combs, jeweled sizes worth ,oo. for 63c 3 m db d - h vjjt, in CUrepOOS fOF 183081110111 U8y. torchon lace at . . . .... $..55 anr, plain ,5c, 25c ind 50c Ladies' all wool Star of Garter vests 25 drab $2 504 and black $3 00 $ c reduced for this da t0 79c ..adíes colored outing flannel gowns made in Ladies' pompadore combs ranging and Pants, $100 m CrJ reduced fOr this day to. . .$1.35 the latest style and trimmed m torchon ace f rom 25c to 50c Ladies' fine natural wool vests and DIRROM QAI P I17S Crepons reduced for this day to. . .$1.50 ■ at ;;■ ' .......$.25 Ladies' pure shell hair pins, plain pants, $1.00 rlDDVjlN OML.H 75 ' Ladies' outing flannel Gowns, made from plain and fancy from 20c a doz. to,40c Ladies' fine Camei's Hair vest and crD nIF nfiY DNI Y _____---------- colored twilled outing blue and white at $1.00 a piece. pants $1.35 hUK UINt UAT UINL.Y. T- - Ladies' outing Gowns trimmed in torchon lace Latest in patent leather belts, 1 Ladies' jersey fleeced 2 button Pure Silk Taffeta Ribbon in all desirable f 4E$MM%frthlm), _ÖS made in two different styles at $1.00 inch wide only 50c Union Suits, 50a shades, special price No. 5 and 7, at 5c, é Wm, -&J Ladies' outing Gowns trimmed in torchon Fine buckles in cut steel and 'jet. Ladies' Elliott buttonless Union Xo. 9 at -7c MAm. tace at 75c Afine collection of hand mirrors Suits, 50c Full line of Satin Ribbon, pure silk at pnce, Sí jpaplpjn QCT V KI A KIT Ladies' outing Gowns trimmed in torchon lace cheap at 25c, 50c and 75c The Capital Union Suit for ladies' Nos. 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 22, 40 at flÍlilÍlliÍ I L. I VI IN M IN I also plain at 50c r lot of 25c writing paper only. .lic ín natural anu ecru 85c 6c, 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 22c Jijf2 gjLJF ] Children's outing flannel Gowns at 45 and 50c Umbrellas from 49c upward. o pau wooi, 2 button Union Taffeta Ribbon in wide widths, the kind used "3a C v r A l i Children's night drawers at 50c. snits, natural, $1.00 for Collars and Belts. Our special brand in P Wl AXlT 1 OALt Misses' large aprons with wide hem and A fine collection of shopping bags i r' fine wool. 2 button Uniorpure silk Taffeta Ribbons are shown in all J[VI1 il l All ICx streamers at 50c 25c and upward. Siiits, natura!, $' ï0 the new shades and without a doubt the best Ladies' white aprons with satin stripe at 25c Latestin pearl and gold cuff links 25c 'L adíes' Elliott buttonless, fine wool value in width, quality and price, No. 40 at 2,000 yards short ends of Dress Goods placed upMaid's aprons with bibs trimmed in emSterling silver Thimbles at 25c Union Suits, $1 "0 25c, worth 30c, and No. 60 át 30c, worth 35c on our Remnant Counters to sell at 1-2 PRICE broidery at 50 and 75c Beauty pins a fine collection. BOTH ÏIEÏOHVTEÏS.