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Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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KEPOKT OF THE CONDITION OP THE At A.nn Arbor, Michisran, attheci.'.e of bnssnous Dec 1 1S98 RESOURCES. . UABILITlBs! Uihiis and Dtseounts, -W!T B63 ri á Stonks, Hond, Morta-airesKñ99M ín Ca):ral i;)ck pjmi m j q qjJ üniied States and Mich. State Bonds 24.'ïu ■ .m urotus tnd '" luTkl Vyerdratte i iki ,; „ ' ' ............. tig. Banking House .".".'"" ati 500 ot ndivlllert Proils less curremexM Furniture and Fixtures ...'..'...'. 7,417 32 Interest and taxes pald 41 Other Heal Estáte 48.7814:1 Dividend uupaici "W CASH. ■ rue frort! banks in reserve dtie 151 K79 32 DBPOSITS Due froin Treasurer School Dist. No. J, Anti Arbor )n.3S i CommemaJ d.poas, subject to Exohanses for clearing house 3 ,90 ! ,.,,„ Cboclss and cash items 7fi5 ;s -"e'" ]:■ Tiekels andceuts ;t4 r; Savinjrs iejH-siw _ ., .H Siivèiroin TSJ Savinss Certint of Deposite",'.".'.'.'. )M Ü.S. and NtiODÍBak"KOt ;:.;;; 27,'iSuoo nuetBnksa(„1 (tankers -ij STATE OF M CfllGAN. ,M Uounty of Wushtenaw. (ssI. F, Hiseock, cashter of the above rmuied bank. do soiemniv -.Mr tl aboveMiitementistruetothebegtofmyknowli.o.n ribüef cSas.K fireoS Subscri .. rt and aworn to before me. tbig 6th riSj ot Dec"mber 18a: UIbC0CV' I doRRW! ATTESt: Christian Mack, W. B. Harnn.ap.ner, SïïiSoS? PÍJ Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $l,00ol Transacts a general banking business; bnys and s!Í8 exchangres d or, Detroit and Chicago; sells drafts on all the principé eities of E uil liiisbank, already having a large business, invites merchantsandl ÍSSíSSSt bankSgem WÍth the a8SUraDCe f th6 m8t ÜberaI deali I n the Savings Department interest at the rate of three per cent il seun ■a,.nually0D the first days of January an4 Tily, sama ft" ipposit ö three months previous to those days. thus atfordirur the peopH city and county a perfectly safe depository för their fuuds, together wS turn in interest for the same. Money to loan on apüroved securities. M DiKECTORs.- Christian Mack, Daniel Hiscock, Willard B, SxaM H arriman, William Detibel, David Rinsey, L. Grunr. W rhoH8'311 Y?cï' Resident; W.D. Harriman, Vice-Prl Chas. E. Hiscock, Caahiei I. Frita Ass't-CaBhier.