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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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Tuesday, January 3, 18Ö9. The Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County met in Special Sssion in the Supervisors' room in the City oí _Ann Arbor, ou the 3rd day of January, A. D., 189Ö. The Board was calleo, to order by the Ghairaian. Eoll called and the following answered to tbeir names: "Dean, Millard, Fisher, Boyle, AllmenclinL?er, Toumey, Blbbins, WaRer, Clark, SeyTer, Fowler, Whittaker, Voorhies, Kenny, Mcïntyre, Hunter, McCullough. Quorum present. Mr. Hunter moved tlml the Chair 4ippolnt a Committee of flve, togetlier wit.h the Plosecuting Atlovney. to uxaniine the bonda oí Un; Onuity 0ÍOarried. Mr. Millard n oved thar aH Wils to !n allowed at this session ïmisi be iri sentèd by 3 p. va. Thursday. Carried AFTERNOON SESSION. Clmirraau Whittakw announed the followiug committee to examine bonds of Gouniy Offieers: Walter, Dettlinir. Allmendinger, Fowler. HoMett. Mr. Bibbin.s moved; that the bond oí County Treasurer be made the saniu :as it Was two .vears aso. at the ssuni of $100,000. Carried. "Mr. Clise moved' that the Karmers' Institute be pi ven the use of' the Court Kooit some time in February next Oiirried. Mr. moved that the County 'Preasurer be instrueted to draw on the Treasürer of Yisilanti City for the amount l' the fine money dtae the 'ounty. Carried. Mr. Clark moved that the Board ■f1journ until 10 a. m. to-moixow. Carried. B. ('. WIIITTAKKll, Ghairnian. .T. F. SGHUK. ülerk. Wednesday, January 4. 18!9. The Board met iursuant to adijourn"ïiiont. Koll ealled. quorum present. Mr. Boyle, Committee on Criminal Claitns, roported the following bilis: Geo. M. Huil, M. D 7 00 R. M. Conklin, M. D V 20 D. M. Cowie, M. D Oú i unrad Ueorge, M. D ï W' G. M. Huil, M. D 7 00 Mr. Millartt moved that the report be aeoepted and adopted Carried. Mr. McCullough report ed the amount. of fine money oolUxited by .lu.stk-e ChilcDs from Oetober. 1887, to .Tanuary, 1895). at the sum of $102.00. Mr. BltvWns moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Caso moved that the jurymon l)p allowed pay for the holiday. Carried. Mr. Walter moved to reconsidfr the Xirevious motion. Carried. Mr. Millkrd moved that the jury be allowed pay for two iiolidays. I,ost. Mr. Case moved that the jury in the Wobb case be allowed pay for om: holid;iy. Mr. Van Hielde moved as :n amendment that the jury receive pay for one holiday. Carried. The vote on tbe original moiioa as amnnded carried. Mr. Hunter mov(rT that the consid-ratioi! of flre proof vaults be postponeil until 11 :i. m. to-morrow. ' larried. Mr. Bibbins moved that Board :uljonrn Until 1 :."0 p. m. Carried._ AFTIÍRNOOX SESSION. Roll called. quorum present. Mr. Beach from Committee on CrimMi.-it Claims, Xu. 1, reportedi the following bilis: Claimed. Allowed. AYm. Judson, board bill for Oct. and Nov $153 94 Wm. Judson, board bill for December 373 6& Thomas Bell. Deputy Sheriff 8 55 Harris Ball. Coroner 17.55 Mr. Kitson moved 1ha1 the ï'eport be accepted and udiópted. öïirriedi Mr. A-Umendiinger from Committee to examine banda of the Count.y Ofiieers made the following report: Your Committee on Bonds would respectfully submit the following report: We have examlnedl the bondfc wbich have been filed by the sèveral County Offlcers nametl below; and fiud them properly executed as reqtilried by the sta tut es goveraing bonds. therefore your comniittee reoommendod the followiTig' boncBs be acceptedi and the suroties approvedi: Oottnty Treasurer, Geo. .1. Maan (To thé Oouinty). (onutv Treasurer. Geo. .T. Mann (To the State). Gounty Clerk, .1. F. Schuh 1T0 the County). Oounty Clerk. S. F. Schub (To the State). Register of Deeds. Geo. A. ('ook (To the Countyi. Sheriff. John Gillen (To the Counlyï. GEO. WAT;TERS. FRANK DKTTI.I.NG. W'ILLIS M. FOAVIEU. JAMBS HOWLBTT, GEO. V. Al.TyMKXniXliEK. Mr. Boüdi moved that the report be ;i reept ed and adopted. ('arried. su-. MeCnllouiïh morefl that on aooouni of1 iekne&s, Mr. Damon be i tiied i'rom this session. Carried. Mr. Milhu-d moved Hiat full pay as Jnror be paid Albevt Wolf. hé baying 'lied uring the December term of Court. Oarried. Mr. Hunter moved that Board a(3;i"urn until !()::!() a. m. to-morrow. Carrled. B. C. WHITTAKHR. T. F. SOHUH. Ohairman. (ilerk. Thursday, Jaanary 5. 1899. The Board met purswant to udjourujueut. Koll called, quorum present. .Minutes read and approved. Mr. Hall reported the following bilis Claimed. AHowed Wm. E. Blackburn. Dputy Sheriff $3G.4 l. W. Huhn, Deputy Sheriff 50 04 Mr. Kvapf moved tli.-it the report be avpte] and adopted. Carrled. Mr. McCullough reported the iollowin bilis: Claimed. Allowed. A. J. Hawkins, Witness.. S $ 1 13 M. R. Fletcher, Constable 24 50 Í8 52 V . H. Brown, Constable. -i ïa Frank Munger, Constable 612 Si 62 Thos. I). Moss, JustlCB... 5 55 Mr. Iettliiiíí moved that report b' accépted and adopted. Carrled. Mr. Bibbins reponed the following bilis: Clalmfd. A!lowe1. Paul Schal], Constable $ 4 tñ $4 6Ü Herbert W. Childs, jus tice. 69 55 59 05 Chas. Fagerbourg, Witness 48 Geo. Shaffer, Witness 4fj ■Wm. Mead. .Turor 100! John Powlock, Witness 77 Clarken Boillinger, Witness 4g James H. Eaton. Witness.. 44 David H. Kurtz, Witness... 48 Arthur Seoffleld, Witness . is Chas. Kief, Witness 4S M. Brillinger, Witness 45 Mr. Hunter moved that the report be accépted and adopted. Carried. [r. Allinendlnger offered the following resoltitlon : Resolved, That if the Circuit Court is not in session January 18. ISO!), the ne of the Court Room be glven to the Millei-w' State Associatlon for its raeetinj ou that day. Mr. Walters moved that the resohition be accépted and adopted. C.-u-ried. Mr. Llghthaïï offered the following resolution: Resolved. That the Building Comnittee be authorized to bwlld an adlition on the east side of the jall to be used lor an office and entrance to the .i;iil ind -olls. siüe to'lie about 12x20 feet. The eost of same not to exeeed $500.00. Carried. Mr. Case moved Hiat the Building Committee be Inetnieted to adyertlse 1'or bids Lor the eonstracöon of the jail ;ull ilion. Carried. The Chairman aimounced that the tiine had anived for the consideration of the building of a tire proof vault iu the Register of Deeds' Office. Mr. Al'lmendttnger moved that $2.5()O be arpropiiatedi for building a lire proof vault iu the Register of Deed's Office. Mr. Kitson moved that the Building Oommittee be instracted to spend not óver $1,500 in building a vault. Carried. Mr. Case moved as an amenduient to the amendment that the whole matter oí building vaults be laid over nn til - p. m. AFTERXOOX SESSIOX. Iioll ealled. quoiimn present. Mr. Boyle recommended the following bilis: Claimed. AUowerl. E. P. Mason, Supt. Poor...$ $2101 Jas. Taylor, Supt. of Poor. 27 65 Ti-aoy L,. Towner, Supt, of Poor 22 4 Oeo. H. Jackson, boarding prisoners 7 óo D. M. Cowie, M. D 10 OJ ' Harria Ball, Coroner 4G 67 41 w Mr. Walters moved' that the report be accepted and adopted. Carried; Mr. Clark reponed bul oí A. C. Clsvrk without reeommendation tbat it should be allowed at $40.00. Mr. Allmendinger moved that thé bilí be allowed. ' Carried. Mr. Beacb reeommended the bilí oí .ina B. Buck, deputy sheriff, $4.83. Mr. Húnter moved dial the report be aeceptéd and adopted. Oarried. Mr. Beat-h reported the bilí f William Britton, députy sheriff of Lena wee Comity. Mr: Walters uiored ttia.t the bilí be (lisa lio wod. . ! Carried, Mr. Beaeh reported the bill of E. P. Goodrich without recommendation. .Mr. Case moved that the bill be allowed as claimed - .$10.00. ('arried. Mr. LIghthall reconitmendied the folhnring bilis: Claimed. Allowed. J. H. Flsh, Justice % $4 35 Herbert W. Childs, .Justice 9 45 Geo. Ament. Juror 55 John Burtis Juror 50 Lowis Bishop, Juror 50; Fred Johnson. Juror 50 E'dward Rosers, Juror 50' Frank. Panell, Juror 50 Franklln I. Carpenter. Juror l oo Seo. Alban, Juror i nn Frank Royce Juror loo Stanton Pergrusori, Juror i 00 Hlraiñ Xrisk. Juror i 00 Bdward Campbell, Juror... loo D. Wells. Juror so Harry Gilmore. Juror so VVallace VV. Worden. Juror 5o Aug. C FinKerlie, Juror... 55 Tilos. McAmtrew, Juror fio Gen. J. Ament. Juror 50 Hoy Speneer, Wltness Jg "W. W. Worden. Witness.. 48 Frank Daly. Witness. ..'... ts Jas. Showers. Witness 43 i Franela 10. Edmunds, Witness - 7;, I Frank Jarvls, Witness ' 17-, nhíis. Fletcher 175 Fred Forsythe. Witness... 1 '-, I Mary Forsythe, Witness... 1 m A. .T. Blair, Witness 125 Geo. Yedley. Witness ' 1 B 1 l.ewis Cubil. Witness.. - 1 ■ Kniily Benn, Witness T$ Wm. Lossee. Witness 17-, Alta I,ossee. Witness ] 73 Wm. Torrents, Witness 175 Mr. Clark moved that the report be ncoopted and adopiod. Carriéd. Mr. Case moved that the resoltitioni for vaitlts be taken from the table Carried. Mr. Kitson moved that the bill bo 1 laid on the lable until 11 a. m. lo-' ':iorro'.v. Carried. Mr; Dettling moved that (he use of 1 he Court Room be iven to the (!ornian Pire Insurance Company on Mouj da y afternoon next. Carried. Mr. Case moved that the matter ui' ihe Court House clock be referred to the Building Connuittee. Carried. , Mr. Llghthal) moved that Board adjourn iintil 10::;0 a. m. to-morrow. Carried. R. O. WHITTAKER, .1. V. 8GIIUH, Chairmau. Glerfc. Prlday, January C, 1899. The Boni'd mot. pxn'suant. to adijournir-.eut. Roll (jvlled:, quoruiq present. Minutes read and apiproved. Mr. Beach reported1 tlie bilí of Claimed. Allowed. S. Ferpruson, Dep. Sheriff.. $25 62 Mr. Dettliug moved that repoit be ac'cepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Beacib reported bilí oí Chas Hipp, doputy sheriff, ■without reeom meudatlon. Mr. Clark moved thai tlie Ii11 be 1ls alloweá. Carriod. Mr. moved that the bilí of ICíintield be returned to the maker aw eomplianee wlth the Dean resolutiou passed at last Kession. Mr. Millard moved tliat the récoiHmendation be complied with. Carried. Mr. Hibbins repoi'ted the 1 í II of Claimed. Allowed. John L. Duffy, Justice ?298 33 Mr. V'an Sickle moved that the report be adopted. Carried. Mr. McCulIoiili reponed tht' bilí of f'liiimed. Allowed. Frank Joslyn. Justice $20 SO $21 30 Mr. Clark moved1 that the report le aocepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Bibbiu's moved that tlie resolutiou of' Mr. relative to vaults be taken í'rom the table. Carriecl. The Chairman announced that tlie 'viteon ajnendment" approprjatáng .!.- 'M) í'or vault was now before the house. Mr. Bfbbdns cal led for tlie yeas and nays. Yeas- Dean, Millard. Fisher, Krapf, P-oyle, Kitson. Allmendiinger, Toiimey and, Yoorhies - !. N'ays- Bibbins, Walter, Clark. Dettling, Beach. Seyter, Howlett. Done pul Case, Van Sk-kle. Fowler, Hall, Kenny. Ilunter, McCullough. Ixjst. Mr. Millard moved that $700 be appropriared for making a vault of the resent popyina; room. Lost. Mr. Allmendimrer moved that a Commlttee oi' t.wo be sent to Lansing To attend the Convention of Supervisors of tb is State ia February. tbe Chainnan to be one of the mnnber. T.ost. Mr. Dottlins moved that Board aajouni until 1:30 p. in. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Boíl ca)led. quorum present. Mr. Voorhies, from Committee to setHi' with Gounty Offieers. made th following report: Gentlemen: - Your Commlttee appointedi to settle with County Officers respectfully report tbat we have made examination of tbe books and accounts in the office of the Treasnrer and find' tliem in accordance with the report of the Treasurer submitted to tbis Board and for all money paid out by him correct vouchers vrere found on file in bis office. We wouKl state that the disbnrsements from Oot., 1898, to Jan. 1. 18!, amountefl to SSfi.OiS 21 Receipts íor samo Urn l'.sm 4 Oash on hand Ot. 1. 1S9S R.3SS 5? Clieoks out Dec. 1, 1898 r,n 70 Overdraft Dec. 31, 1898 SM,?71 05 WATjTBTR VOOKTTTCTS, MORTON F. r-AST3 C. L. TUOMEY. Mr. Clark moved that tbe report be acceptefl. ndopted and printcd witb tbe procoedine's. Carriod. i&r. Beach réported the followiug bilis: Claimed. AlloveV Wm. .Tudson. Sheriff S $107 91 M. Wnekenhut. Deputy ■Sheriff 42131 41166 Lester Canfleld, Depntv Shpriff üm.ïi ". Warner, Dept. Sherff.. 122 fH H. NorrH Dept. Sheriff.. 5 fto Mr. Bibbins moved that the report be aecepted and adopted. ( arrierl. SIv. Dean offered the foMöwlng ïvsolutiou: Kesolved. That the Proseeiiting Attprney be directed to make a report to tlie Board nf Supervisors, a díetailed statement of all the cases wherein he has atithorized the issuinc oí warranta by the .Tustice of the Peace. and also report the costs and fines in each case. and' that the County Olerk give notiee of the of this resolution. Carried'. Mr. Boyle reportèd the bill of Claimed. Allower!. .1. A. Walker, M. D $5 00 Mr. Millanl moven that the report be aeeepted and adopted. Carried. ii'. Boyle reportèd the following bilis without recomn.eudation : Claimed. Allowefl. G. M. Huil. M. D., for posf-mortem examination. $25 01 G. M. Huil, M. D., expert testimony i40 0-, Mr. Bibbins moved that the bill of O. M. Huil. M. I)„ for post-mortem examination be allowed at $15.00. and tlie bill of G. M. Huil for expert testimony at -$25.00. ( amen. 3Ir. Roylp reported the bilí of Di Cowie :it $10.00. Mr. Hunter moved tliat the bilí be allowed at $5.00. Mr. Royle reported tlie bilí of ri. Karton nt $2.5.00 without reeomniendaíion. Mr. Van Sirkle moved that tlit b;n of Tr. R:irton be allowed at $1.5.00. Onrried. Mr. Roylp reported the bilí oí ,7ohu Webber at $2.30. Mr. Clark moved that the bilí of Mr. Webber allowed. Oarried. Mr. Boyle renorted the bilí of Jacob Rraún for fifty dollars ($50.00). for keeping sparrow account -without recommendition. Mr. Reach moved the bilí be ! lowed. ('arried. Mr. Royle offered the rollowins: i Yonr pommittee on Per Dieni recóiümend tliat the followlng aniounts be allowed the díitVerent Supervisors of Washtena w Connty : Ñamo. Por Diem. MUeaffe. TotÁl. H. S. Dean $1.", 00 S 13 $15 12 S. W. Millanl 15 00 12 ÍK V John V. Plshor 15 Oí .12 15 12 Herman Krapf 15 00 12 15 12 James Boyle 15 0" 11 15 12 Arthur .T. Kitson 15 00 12 15 13 O. P. Allmendinger.. 1S 00 12 15 12 C 1. Tuomey 15(10 24 15 24 9. S. Bibhins 15 00 2 40 17 40 Geo. Walter ]5 00 4 20 10 20 .Tohn D lark 15 00 19 l't 9-2 Frank Dettlinpr 15 00 2 40 17 40 "Davf'l K. Beaoh 15 00 1 4( ífi 4 TX D Seyler 15 0') 4S 15 ÍS lamfs Howlott ÍK 00 3 no lg on Wm. Tiurtless lñ 00 4 20 1 20 "Wm. Donesan 15 ivi oc, 15 nr. Morton P. Case 15 Oft S' 15 H A. r. VtinSícMc 15 no 3 o ís ffí B. C. Whittaker 15 QD IOS 1 OS AVm. K. Kall..., 1ñ 00 4 20 19 30 Walter Voorhips ÍS 00 1 1fi 41 Hlram Ltghthatl lp 60 3 Ot 17 04 Bert Kenny 15 00 120 1G 20 A. D. Mclntyre 15 00 2 16 17 IR ) John L. Hunter 15 00 96 13 9S . Suraner Damon 15 09 120 16 20 K B. McCulIouRh.... 15 00 120 16 20 Wm. F. Fowler 15 00 ISO lfi 80 .1 HOWLETT, JAMES BOYLB. JOHN F. FISHER. Mr. Dean moved as an amendanent (hal In's per iiiem be allowed at $3.12, ]]( luLviiiiT been present only one day. Carried. Mr. P.ilvbins moved tliíit the report of the Committee ou Per Dicm as amendied ha adtopted. Carried. Mr. Case nioved tliat ex-Deputy County Treasurer Braun lo allowecl $3.00 por da y tov flve days for makiug out report. Carried. Mr. Millard moved that Mr. John Koch be allowed $5.00 for making ilaés for vanlt. Carried. Mr. Allmendinger reported favorably on the bonds of Tracy L. Towner and V'illiam H. Murry. Mr. Dean moved that the report be accepted aud' adkpted. Carried, Mr. Allmendinffor moved that the IkiikI of Surveyor Hoppe be referred to the Chairman and Clerk of the Board for a.pproval. Carried. Mr. Lihtliall reponed tlie following bilis: Claimed. AUowed. Wm. Walsh, Juror $ 50 $ 50 A. V, Roblson. Juror 50 Edward Earlich, Juror 50 Richard Johnson. Juror 50 Walter Dancer, Juror 60 Edward Walsh, Juror 0 50 Michaél Martin. Juror 50 John Trainor, Juror 50 Charles Benham, Juror 50 Christian Cary, Juror 50 Edward McMahon, Juror... 50 Edward Alien. Witness 4 55 Albert Barton, Witness 4 55 Lewis E. Colbert. Witness.. 4 55 Edward Alien, Witness 4 53 Albert Barton, Witness 4 55 Fied Hinz, Witness 48 Gusta v Hintz. Witness 48 Robert Novak. Witness 4? Anna Mast. Witness 4S Adam Gates. Witness ■ 48 Ausrust Tessmer, Witness.. 48 Herman Goldman. Witness 48 Fanny Goldman, Witness.. 4? Chas. Davidson, Witness... ' 48 Tester Canflelrl, Witness... 4 Geo. Isbell. Witness 4S Rose Hutchins, Witness 48 Toseoh Blaokburn. Witness. 4& Gustav Prieskorn. Witness 13 4? Charles Walker. Witness... 4S Mr. Case moved that the report be aecepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Case moved that the Building Oommittee be instrueted! to repair the Coriirt House roof with the very best material. Carried. Mr. Hunter offered the following rësolution: Resolved. That the Clevk be instructed' by this Board to purehase such books as 'the Circuit Judpre may trom time to time d'eem necessary in the Court Rooiu. Cjuried. Mr. Ivighthall offered the pollQtring rësolution : Resolved. That the Board do lieivby authorize the pinchase of a new typewriter for use in the Olerk's office.' the machine now in the office to be exchaníred for a new Xo. ( Remingrton, the difference in price to be paid by the County. Carried. Mr. Li.ahthall moved that the Clerk be instructed to Imy a file stamp and record book. Carried. Fine money was collected in rlie following towns for the year ending 189Í): Xorthfielcl "...$2 00 Saline 20 00 Sylvan 2 00 York 12 00 Mr. Case moved that the thanks of the Board be extended to Chairman Whfttaker for his eonrtesy and Impar tin] rulings the sessiin of this lïoard and to County Clerfe Schuh for iiis gentlemanly manner in liis treathh'iu of the Board. Carried. Mr. Dean moved that the Board adjouru sine die. Carried. B. C. WHITTAKER, J. V. SOHUH. Chairman. Clerk. Monday, Octobèr 9th, 1S9!). Tlie Board of Supervisors of Washtennw Connty. niet in regular session in the Supervisors' Room in the Court House in the City of Ami Arfoar. on tlie 9th day of Oetober. A. D., 1899. The roll was ca lied by the Clerk and the foHowing Supei-vteors responded to their names to-wit: Ann Arbor City, lst VVard- William K (hilds. Ann Arbor City. 2d Ward- E. L Sehneider. Ann Arbor City. 3d Ward- John J. Fischer. Ann Arbor City, 4th Ward- Herman Krapf. Ann Arbor City, öth Ward- John H. Shadford. Ann Arbor City. 6th Ward- Witliam Biggs. Ann Arbor City, 7th Ward- G. Frank Allmendinger. Ann Arbor ïown- Charles Braun. Augusta- Samuel S. Bibbins. Bridg-ewater- George Walters. Dexter- John D. Cfark. Freedom - John Dresselhouse. Lima- David E. Beach. Lodl- Daniel Seyler, Lyndon- William R. Collins. Manchester- WUHam Burtless, Northfleld - Theodore Proehnow. I ittstield - Morton F. Case. Salem - Charles Kingsley. Saliru - Villx M. Fowler. Scio- B. C. Whittaker. Shuron- Williíim F. Hall. Superior - Walter Voorheis. Sylvan- WHliam Bacon. Websier- Hert Kenny. Yi.rk- A. D. Melntyre. Yysilanti- John L. Huntcr. YpsUantl City. lst District- Sumner Damon. Ypsilami City. 2d District - Elmér Síel Cüllough. Quorum present. Mr. Childs moved that Mr. Beach, of Mina, be electedi as Temporary Chairman. Carried. Mr. AlhiH'Uilin.üor moved that Board adjourn uutil - i. m. ('arried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll called, quorum present. Mr. Melntyre moveá that John L. Iluniev. oí YpsikmtJ Town. be elwUxl Chairaian of the Board of SutoervisoTs by aoclamatlon. Cariíed, Mr. (.'ase moved that Mr. "WliittaUer and Mr. Damon be elected a comnüttee on special order of business. Carrled. Mr. Allruendinger moved that Mr, Beach. of !jnia. be elected ('bairman Tro Tem. fiarried. Mr. Oase moved' Iha.t Board adjourn to jall nnd return in thirt.r minutes. Oarried. ) Thereupou the Board visited the jail. j Mr. Bibbins moved tbat Board. arlÍ .iourn until 10 a. ni. to-morrow. ('arried. JÓHN L. IH'XTEK, J. F. SCHTIH. Cliairmau. i !lerk. ïuesday. Oetober 10. 1899. Tlie Board met pursuant to ad.jouruuient. Uoll ealled. quorum present. Minutes read and iiqjproTed. To tlio Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw ('ounty: Vour Cbalrman would announce the followins: standing eommittees for tne ensuing year. K(i!iilization - Case. Whittaker. AllmendiiiRpr, McCuflough and Collins. Criminal Claims No. 1- Bibbln, Beach, Biíígs. Criminal Claims No. 2 - Damon, Brown, Sharlfortl. Civil Claims- Kenny, Mclntyre, Kingsley. To Settle Wlth County Officers- Fowk-r. VValteiv, Bacon. Op Apportionmt-nt of State and County Taxes- Bacon, ('lurk. Schneider. On Public Buildings- Krapf, VVhittaker, Case. On Rejeeted Taxes- Biggs, Hall, Fisher. To Examine Accounts of Supermtendents of Poor- Childs, Hall. Burtless. On Finalice - Kingsley, Voorheis. Prochnow. On Practional School Distriets- Shadforrl, Seyler, Voorheis. On Drains - Allmendinger, Walters, Damon. On Cmtagious üiseases- Burtless. Clark. Dresselhouse. On Printing- Childs, Dresselhouse. Fowler. On Per Diem- Collins, Mclntyre, Krapf. On Countv Kxpenses - Fisher, Beach, Bibbins. Mi-. Mclntyre moved Uiat the. report of the Standing ('omaiittw1 lie mpproved ana adopted. Carried. Mr. Whittaker. from the Conimittee of Special Order of BusineHs. begs leavo to report the tollowiüp: Klcctiou of School Examinar. Ttiesday, Oet. 10, at 2 p. m. I!(port of Drain Commissioner. Tuosilïiy. Oct. 10. at 2:30 p. ra. Blection of Drain Oommissioner, W'ednedny. Oct. 11, at 10 a. m. Report of Treasnrer. Wedtoèsday, Oct. 11, at 2:30 p. m. To visit County House as Committee of the Whole, Thursday. Oct. 12, at 11. a. m. To flll vacancy in list of persons who have the care of burlal of deceased Union sokliers and saüors, Friday. Oer. i:;. 103Ó a. m. Soldiere' Relief Commissiou. Friday, Oct. 13, at 1:30 p. m. To elect ono Supt-rintendent of Foor. Friday. Óet. 1!5. at 2:30 p. m. Eeport of Building Committee. Tneslay. Oct. 17. at 1030 a. m. Report of Superintendent of Poor, Tnesday, Oct. 17, at 2 p. m. Election of .Tanitor. Tuesday. Oc'tober 17. at 2:30 p. m. To receive bid from Aun Arbor banks for raté on interest on dieposits and overdrafts, Wodnesday. (X't. 18. ai 4.U a, ni. To receive bids from tlie newspapers of the County for the publi catión of the proeeedings of the Board of Supervisors, fnrnigliiag one thonsand copies of saine in pa luphlets. to be delivered by November 24; also of pnbldeation of proooodiiifrs in Germán without pamphlets. Tlmrsday. Ck-t. 19. at 11 a. m. To receive bids for medicine and medical care and surgical attendanee on unsouers at the C-ounty Jail. Thnrsday. Oct. 10, at 2:30 p. m. B. C. WHITTAKER. SCMMER DAMON. Mr. Krawf aioved that report be ac cepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Childê moved as an amendtaent thát the linie for the ' election of a janitor be chtaiged to Tuesday. Oct. 17. at 2::i(" . in. Carried. The original motion as amended earried. Mr. Bibbins moved that the Board wOrk under the olfl rules nntil new rules are established. Carried. Mr. Braun moved that the Chaiiinan .ii'i!iur a Conimitíee to procure conveynuces to eonvey the Board to the ('oiinty House. Tlie Chairman apIMHUted the l'ollowing committee: Ki-.i'if. Srlmeider. i!r. Beah moved1 that the basis of ,HUu:li.ation be tixed at $25,000,000. Carxied. Mr. Wfcitiaker moved that the hour oí the meeting of this Board be 10 a. m. and 1:30 p. in. Carried. Mr. Keach moved that Board adjourn uutil l:."0 p. m. Carried. AFTERNOOX SESSIOX. Iloll called. quorum present. Mr. Case moved that we proceed to the election of Gotmty School Examiner. Carried. There beinu: but one candidate, Ir. Case movwí that Mr'. Ira Savery be declared uuanintously elected. Carried.. i ne special nour tiavíng arrived for The presenta t.ion of the report oí the ('ounty Dniin Couiniissioner. thereupon Mr. Barry read his animal report. A.VNTAL REPORT OF COUNTY DRAIN COMMIS-STONKR. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of YVashtena'w County: Gentlemen: - ín epmplianc! witu the provisión of Seotiön T. of Chai. II of Act No. 254, of Ue l'ublic Acts of 1897. 1 have the honor to submit ïny annual report as Couiny Drain Commissioner of snkl County r Washtenaw, covering o period from the LOth day of October. A. I). 1898, to nth dáy of October. A. I). 1899; The following uamed drains vere left unnnished at the dale ot' my last report: The deepening and wijiening ol' the Big -Marsh dra in. the elenning out of the Stearley drain. the cleanlng out of the I. J. Williams and Earl ('reek drain. and the cleaning out of the Augusta central drain, all in the Township of Augusta; also the deepening and widenin.s of the Biïd.wwater No. drain. and the cleaning out ot' the Columbla Lake drain of the Township of Kridsewater. the cleaning out of the Pittsfleld Xo. 4 drain. in the Township of Pittsfleld, the dcepeninfr and extendías! of the Koebbe tile drain in the Township of i Freedom. and the cleanins out of the I Territorial Hoad drain, in the Towuiship of York: said drains are all tromI pleted. Tiie follawins named drains have ,lieen begun, construetel and completj (Hl by me dnring the year. to wit: The i John Wairner draiu in the Townships joi Salem aad Superior, and the ing out of the Joe Polzen drain of tlicl Township of Augusta. The following uanied drains have boen begun by me dui-ing the year, and are only partly completad, to .vit: The doeiKMiing and wideniug a;i! oxteudiug of the Wood on Het drnin in tbc Townships i' 1 ';1 t-!iflil aiiil Iodi, tlip cleaning out of the Swan Creefe and Pliuney ilanis drain in the Townsliij) of Augusta, the clcaniiiir out of the Picrcc and Pierre Kxteu.-ion drain in the Towijship of Lima, and the hcating and establishing the .Toslin Lake drain in the Township of Bvidgewáter. Coutractors are at work on ali tliose drains. and I expert all f tliem !( lic eompletpd this month of )ctober. also the Clark Lake drain in the Township o!' Superior and the McCarty draiu in the Township of Augusta: both of those drains are to be deejiened. widened and extended. Í have fhe right of way of those drains and will let them this fall: also thf Oionor drain in the Township of Northfield. I have done nothing with - this drain vet exc-ept haring it sir.-voyed. COJIMISSIONER. Fr.VAXf'l.lL STATEMENT DF ■'!! rIl!l l ANNUAL REPORT OF COT'XTY DRAIX I-.AKK DRAIX. THE COLUMBIA LAKE DRAIX FUND. Inr-identals - Dr. E. W. Groves, survpying drain $ 7 50 P. F. Blum. help surveylng 7". Geo. Bradenhead, help surveying Ja Ann Arbor Argus, for printing 13 90 D. W. Barry, eommissioner's fees... 42 09 Exea vating - Geo. Beottner, 30 rods at 80c per rod 24 00 Geo. Beottner, 30 rods, at $1.10 per rod 3:; 00 John Heisier. 30 rods, at $1.15 per rod 34 50 Geo. Beottner. 30 rods, at $1.20 per rod 36 TO John Heisier, 30 rods, at $1.20 per rod :x 00 Jas. Thorn, 28 rods, at $1.35 per rod.. 37 80 $299 28 Ten per cent. added 29 92 Total $329 12 Cr. By amount assessed to the Township of Bridgewater at large 132 92 By amount assessed to the Townshio of Freedom at largre 13 18 Whole amount assessed the iirst year 283 84 Total J329 12 FINANCIA!, STATEMENT OF THE KEOBBB TILJÍ DRAIX. THE KEOBBE TILE DRAIN FUND Incidental- Dr! Frank Renáu, buying tile $ tí 00 Frank Renau, work on drain 100 John Renz. drawing tile 5 4U Edward Keobbe, drawing tile 7 40 Stringham & Lewis, 1100 feet tile 71 50 S. W. Millard, printing notices 2 25 Chas. A. Ward, prin-dng 6 30 D. W. Barry, commissioner's fees.. 25 óü Kxeavating John 60 r.ids, at $3 per rod.. 300 00 Louis Keobbe. 6 rods, at $ó per rod. 20 00 $453 35 Ten per cent. added 45 53 Total ' $500 88 Total $313 5 Cr. By amount assessed to the Township cf Freedom at large $300 53 Whole amount assessed the flrst year 200 35 Total $500 SS FINANC1,1. STATEMENT OF ACOISTA. CENTRAL DRAIN. AUGUSTA CENTRAL DRAIN FIND. Incidentals-' Dr. Juróme Allen, surveying drain $ 7 00 S. W. .Millard. printing notices 4 2i Chas. A. Ward, publishing 12 i F. Hammond, help surveying 112 Ed Howard, help surveying 1 12 A. J. Doty, help surveying 1 12 Edgar Doty. help surveying 112 D. W. Barry. commissioner's fees... 33 00 Excavating - J. Ü. O'Brien. 40 rods. at 35c per rod 14 00 J. D. O'Brien, 40 rods, at 34c per rod 13 60 Mart Gotts, 40 ïods, at 37c per rod.. Il S0 S. Killingbeck.. 40 rods. at 35c per rod 14 0 G. .Markham, 40 rods, at 29c per ruti. t' G. Markham. 40 rods, at 3} fer rod. WF' FT. Elliott. 40 rods. at 40c per rod.... w m John Kramer, 40 rods, at 60c per rod 24 00 Jas. Hiichingham. 40 rods, at 64c per rod 25 60 Jas. Hitchingham, 40 rods, at 39c per roll 15 I Jas. Hitchingham, 40 rods, ai 69c per rod 27 GO Mart Gotts. 40 rods. at 50c per rod.. 20 00 John Kramer. 40 rod?. ai 30c per rod 12 00 J. A. Doty, 16 rods, at ISc per roö..' .2 8S $285 00" Ten per cer.t. added 28 ■" Cr. By -amount assessed to the Township of Augusta at large $47 02 By whole amount assessed the liist y ear -rao to Total $313 ""' F1NAXHA1, STATEMENT or THB L'EKRITORIAli ROAD DRAIN. THE TERRITORIAL ROAD DKAIX Fl'ND. Incidentáls - Dr. Jerome Alien, surveying $ 6 00 Chus. A. Waru. printing 7 35 S. W. Millard, printing notices 3W . John Rawson. help surveying 50 D. Newcomb. help surveying 50 A. G. Mclntyre, help on drain 150 D. W. Barry. eommissioner's fe-s... 2S 50 Excavating - J. H. Brownell, 40 rods. at 26c per rod W !ii M. Wheelock, 40 rods. at 45c pr ro ÍS 90 ■ Mark Masón. 40 rods, at 40c per i f J. H. Brownell. 40 rods. at 56c per rorl 22 4 ■ A. Woodmansie, 40 rods. at 50c per rod W ■ Ü..Xewoomb. 40 rods. at 37c per rod. 14 80 ■ A Voodmansie, 40 rods. at 35c per ■ rod UJÊ G. Greentield. 32 rods. ai 35c per rod 11 'jflj $4 1:1 Ten per cent, added 17 41 Total 191 BS Cr. ' By amount assessed to the Township of York at large t 47 SO By whole amount assess-ed the flrst year t Te; al $191 57 FINANCIAL, STATEMENT OF I. .1. VYUX 1A.MS AND KARI. PRSKK DRAIN. 1. i WIULIAMS AND EARL CREEK DRA1N FUND. Incidentals- Dr. Jerome Allen, surveying $ IW P. H. Gable. he'p surveying T L. Miller. help surveying T." ■. M. Osborn. help on drain 75 J. D'. O'Brien. help on drain T5 S. V. Millard. printiiiK notices 2 7 Phas. A. Ward. püblishing 9 45 D. W. Barry. comraiieloner's fees.. 29 25 Kxi avatins- Mart Gotts. 40 rods. at 25c per rod.. 10 OH Mart Gotts. 40 rods, at 19c per rod.. ; .John Percival, 40 rods. at 25c per rod 10 00 John Kramer. 40 rods. at 24c rod 9 ti' H. EHiott. 40 rods. at 29c per rod 11 60 D. Hitehinsham. 40 rods, at 45c per rod 18 00 J. t. O'Brien. 40 rods, at 50c per rod 20 r- M 1. 1 O'Brien. 40 rods. at 49c per rod. 19J H. JSlliott. 40 rods, a: 4Sc per rod... 19H John Kramer. 40 rods. at 39c per rod 15 iíB D. Pitchingrham. 4S rods, at 30c per rod 14il John Kramer. 40 rods, at 31c per rod 12 40 ■ $217 45 1 Ten per cent, ndded 2174 1 Total 239 1 ] Cr. j By amount assessed to the Townsbin of Augusta at large $43 03 Whole amount assessed the ttrst year 196 H Total 5239 1, FIN.VNCIAL, PTÍTKMF.XT OF THE POl'KXj DRAIN. THE POIZES DRAIN' FVN1. WM Tncidentals- Dr.W Jerome A-llen, surveying $ f "■ Henrv Poltin. helD surveying Frank Poltin. help surveyins i'. Woczachowski, help surveyuis'. ■ Ê Chas. V Barry, clerical work :'B Chas. M. Barry. posting and serving notices '"' U S. W. Millavd. tor printing - ■ Aun Arbtrr Democrat, for printing.. 84. fl B . .. txirry, eommissioner's fees... 16 S! ■ fjöccayaiing- ■ -Í. Elliott, 40 rods, at 20c per rod.... 8 1X1 ■vhn_Pnlzpn, 40 rirls, at 2öc per rod. 10 00 ■' .-lz.;, 40 roos, at 40c per rod... 19 60 ■f.1. Elliott, 40 rods. at 40c per rod 16 00 f.. N'ewman, 40 rods, at 45c per rod.. 18 00 John Povlock, 40 rods. at 35c per rod 14 00 XC F nv;-kr isk;, 25 ro;ïs, at 25c per i .-(1 7B Loyvt.i.... ti.í „toss i'.ighway 2 OU $137 00 Ten per cent, added 13 70 Total $150 70 Cr. By R7no :t ssassd lo tho Townsnip ot Augusta at large $15 07 Whole amount assessed the ftrst year 135 63 Total $150 70 FINANC1AX. STATEMENT OF THE STEAR1EY DRA1N. THE STEARLEY DRAIN FUND. Ineidentals- Dr. Jerome Allen, surveying $ 5 00 P. H. Gable. help surveying 75 H. L. Gable. help surveying 75 Anton GaWe. help s"rveying 75 J. lj. L' lorien, neip on drain 75 Ann 'rhv ■ is printing 7 U0 D. W. Barry, commissioner's fees... 25 50 H. Wlfnft 4ii nis r.t :9c per rod.... 11 60 Mart Gott, ) rods, at 40c per rod.. 16 00 F. Weidma.i. 40 rods, at 44c per rod. 17 60 igrus, 10 rods. at 60c per rod 24 00 P. Gable, 40 rods, at 83c per rod 33 20 P. Gable, 40 rods. at 48c per rod. 19 20 H. Elliott. 42 rods. at 20c per rod... 8 40 $170 50 Ten per cent. added 17 05 Total , $187 55 Cr. By amount assessed to the Township of Augusta at large $18 76 Whole amount assessed the first , year 168 79 Total $187 55 Q7AKCIAL. STATEMENT OF THE BIG MARSH DRAIN. THE BIG MARSH DRAIN FUND. Incidentals- Dr. erome Allen, for surveying $18 00 Bun Darling. help surveying 2 25 W, Gotts, help surveving 2 25 Joshua Cox, help surveying 2 25 James Thorn, help surveying 75 Frank Cox, help surveying 150 Ann Arbor Democrat, for publishing noiices 32 05 S. W. Millard, printing 7 50 s. W. Millard, for printing survey... 4 59 Chas. M. Barry, clerk at dram letting 150 D. W. Barry, commissioner's fees... 66 00 Excavating- John King, 40 rods, at 75c per rod.. 30 00 John King, 40 rods, at 55c per rod.. 22 00 Andrew Newman, 40 rods, at 50c per rod 20 00 John Poolock, 40 rods, at 45c per rod. 18 00 John Poolock, 40 rods, at 60c per rod. 24 00 John Poolock, 40 rods, at 75c per rod. 30 00 Ed Kowicenski, 40 rods, at 55c per rnd 22 00 H. Poltin, 40 rods, at 70c per rod 28 00 Joshua Cox, 40 rods, at 55c per rod.. 22 00 Chas. Gotts, 40 rods, at $1.05 per rod. 42 00 F. Poltin. 40 rods. at 75c per rod 30 00 Chas. Gotts, 40 rods, at 70c per rod.. 28 00 ÍFKes. T"rn, 'n Qt 35c per rod. 14 00 'rhos. Thorn. 40 rods. at 50c per rod. 20 00 Jim Thorn, 40 rods, at 35c per rod... 14 00 Thos. Thorn. 40 rods, at 25c per rod. 10 00 Wm. Gotts, 40 rods, at 25c per rod... 10 00 W. Swayze, 40 rods, at 30c per rod.. 12 09 Wm. Sanderson, 40 rods, at 45c per rod 18 00 Wm. Sanderson, 40c rods, at 35c per red 14 00 Thos. Thorn. 40 rods. at 20c per rod. S 00 John King, 40 rods, at 35c per rod.. 14 00 John King-, 50 rods, at 30c per rod... 15 00 H. JSlliott, 40 rods, at 20c per rod.... 8 00 H. Elliott, 40 rods, at 19c per rod... 7 60 H. Elliott. 40 rods, at 19c per rod... 7 60 Joiui Guiví, 40 rous, At 23c per rod... 9 20 fF.. Dison, 40 rods, at 24c per rod 9 60 ,1 „!..= Thnm m rod.. at 24c per rod. 9 68 Mart Gotts, 40 reds, at 24c per rod.. 9 60 Wart Gotts, 40 re ds, at 18c per rod.. 7 20 fit... Russell, 40 r;ds. at 20c per rod. 8 00 &èo. RusseH. 40 rods. at 20c per roS. 8 00 Ed Dixon, 40 rods. at 15c per rod 6 00 Sfert Gotts, 40 rods, at 13c per rod.. 5 20 J. Dawson, 27 rods, at 18c per rod... 4 85 $704 00 i Ten. per cent. added 70 40 l Total TH By amount assessed to the TownB sliip of Augusta at large $77 44 ■Vjjt amoünt assessed the first P yfc 96 96 TotaT $774 40 F1XANCÏAL STATEMENT OF PITTSFIEL.D NO 4 DRAIN. THB PITTSFIELD NO. 4 DRAIN Fl'XD. Ineidentals- Dr. K. W. Groves. surveying $15 00 Chas. Cubitt. help surveying lat) Chas. Johnson, help surveying 150 Oeo. Jedele, help surveying 2 26 Carl Harwood, help surveying......... 150 M F. Case, help on drain 3 00 Ann Arbor Democrat, publishing notice 12 60 fe. TT. Millard. printing 2 50 k'. W. Barry. commissioner's fees... 34 50 Bxeavating- Fred Heininger. 30 rods. at 2óc per rod 1 50 F. Heininger. 30 rods, at 20c per rod. 00 3. T). Warner, 30 rods, at 2Sc per rod 8 40 Martin Wheelock. 30 rods, at 55c per rod 1650 Tí Heininger, 30 rods, at 43c per rod 12 90 H. Heininger. 30 rods. at 36c per rod 10 80 P Sehance, 30 rod?. at 40c per rod.. 12 00 P. Sehance, 30 rods, at 40c per rod.. 12 0 V. Elliott. 30 rods, at 50 c per rod.. 15 00 BIT Forsyth. 30 rods, at 40c per rod.. 12 00 V Forsyth, 30 rods. at 35c per rod.. 10 60 i; Forsyth, 30 rods, at 40c per rod.. 12 00 P Sehance. 30 rods. at 40c per rod.. 12 00 H Heininger. 30 rods. at 45c per rod. 13 50 John Feigle, 30 rods, at 75c per rod. 22 50 p Prhance, 30 rods. at 70c per rod.. 21 00 . Sehance. 30 rods. at 65c per rod.. 19 50 ■f Poltin, 30 rods, at 55c per rod - 16 50 W Poltin, 30 rods. at 30c per rod - 9 ff) Lnn Feigle. 30 rods, at 50c per rod.. 15 00 ■hn Phclin, 30 rods. at 85c per rod. 25 50 ■ Sehance, 30 rods, at 80c per rod... 24 00 ■hn Phelin, 30 rods. at 70c per rod. 21 00 I Poltiu ?0 rods, at 65c per rod 19 50 ■hn. Feigle, 41 rods, at 40c per rod. 16 40 HLfitnch Drain- ■toltin, 30 rods. at 60c per rod 18 00 ■r'rieh, sn rod?, at 60c per rod 18 00 ■rUlrich. 30 rods, at 55c per rod... 16 50 ■f1, Orion. 42 rods, at 55c per rod - 23 10 I $520 95 Píen per cent. added 52 09 k Total 5ï?'l)4 "By amount assessed to the Township of Pitlsfield at large $114 fiO Bv whole amount assessed the first year ■'5844 Total $573 04 riNANCIAL, STATEMENT OF THB JOHN WAGNER DRAIN. THB JOHN WAGNER DRAIN ÏTND. ïncidentals„Drm -Jerome Allen, for surveying $ 10 00 Lred Sockow, help surveying 1 50 Frank Murray. help surveying 150 James Barry, help surveying 1 C M. Barry, serving notices 6 00 C. M. Barry. clerical work 3 00 Democrat Publishing Co, for printing 28 15 D, W. Barry. commissioner's fees... 49 50 EKcavating- 3 V O'Brien. 40 rods, at 75c per rod 30 00 ÏFred Sockow, 40 rods. at 80c per rod 32 00 iFred Sockow, 70 rods. at 70c per rod. 28 00 l-hn! Thorn, 40 rods, at $1.80 per rod 72 00 liThos Tïrnrn V) rods. at $1.85 per rod 74 ÜO V . O'Brien, 40 rods, at $1.75 per 60 00 fc,'.i:Vir 40 rods. at $1.00 per rod 40 00 ■F Sockov, 72 rfd=, at JIJ per ■7,1 i2 00 $r,79 15 ■„ per " ' aiiled & M . ■.- amount assessed ti lae TownKliip of Salem ai lar? $ IK -l ■ amount assessed the iirsi year.. 73 ■r"ial Hl lo horeby i-t-rtify tli.H tti ■ B , ;. ruil irtuj rt;;.orl ■( :. tyn'.nt constriK ii'il. funii-;t-il i 11.' ■ l(-f lll.V Sapf'.-Visiuil ii:'1 ■Éi'ii'-:',]',' tlje yi'v nniv ui ;i , r Bf i)if financial statemwi '' ■' ■in snlmiittofl hevpwitii is !:'■ .1:1 ■PCt. Hf oí vbich is refi;uctf:i!!y ■■''■ m' Biteil .Ann Arbor. Mir-h.. tius !)!li a.-i v of October, A. I). 1899. 1). W. BAKKY. County Drain ('oinmi.ssioniT of the Coimty of WashtenaTy. Mr. Whittaker moved tiiat the report of the Drain Commissioner lx; accepted aud referred to Oommittee on Dmins. Carried. Mr. Ctoildis moved as a substitute Oïat the Drain Commissioner have until to-riiorrow to complete in report. ('.uried. Mr. Childs offéred the following resolution: Resolved. That no smoking be aliowed at this sessión of the Board' of Supervisors. Carriedi Mr. Biggs moved that only editora and County Olficers be invlted to go to ilie I'oor House with the Supervisors du Thursday next. Carried. Mr. Childis mo.ved that we now adjouru un UI to-morrow at 10 a. m. CarrieóJ. t Wednesday. Oetotoer 11, 1899. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. lioll ca lied. quorum present. Minutes fead and npprovetl. Mr. Bibbins from Oommittee on Criminal Claims, No. 1, reported the following bilis and reconunended theii allowance as follows: Claimed. Allowed. D. Kelly, Sheriff 7 60 Í3 0 D. Kelly, Sheriff 1 10 Walter F. Porter, Deputy Sheriff, Ingham County!. 10 00 7 00 Mr. MeCullough moved that report be accepted and adopted. ('arried. Mr. Kenuy, from Committee on Civil Claims, reported the following bilis. Claimed. Allowed. Dr. John Kapp, examination o( V. Schneider , J5 00 Dr. John Kapp, examinatión of C. F. Weimer 5 00 Dr. D. M. Cowie, examination of.Wm. Barr 5 00 Dr. D. II. Cowie, examination of Chas. F. Miller... 5 00 Dr. D. M. Cowie, examination of V. Schneider 5 00 Dr. Wessinger, examination 1 of Chas. F. MUler 5 00 Dr. John Kapp, examination of C. L. Tomlinson.. 5 00 Dr., E. A. Clark, examination of C. L. Tamlinson.. 5 00 Mr. Chilcte moved 1hat report be accepted and adopted. C'arried. Mr. Wliittaker moved that Mr. Barry finish Rejwrt of Drain. Carried. iir. Barry reads report. Mr. Walters moved that report be aecepted and referred to Committee Drains. Carriel!. Mr. Whitaker moved that the Board have recess of five minutes. Carried. Mr. Whitaker moved that wo proeeed to the election of a Drain Comüiissiouer. Carried. The whole nuniber of votes cast fór Drain Commissioner was 27, of whieh 1. W. Barry received 12 audi J. F. Towler 15. Mr. AVhiitaker mored tliat J. F. TowIer having a majority of all the vol es cast, be declared unanimously elex-ted Urain Commissioner of this County. Oarned. Mr. Bibbins moved that the County Treasurer give an itemized statement of the balance iu eaeh County Drain Fuud on 1. 1899. Garriedi Mr. Kinc;sley moved to adjourn until láO p. va. Carried. AFTERKOON SESSION. Roll ealled, quorum present. Mr. Melntyre reported bilis of Claimed. Allowed. J. F. Breakey. examination of Emmet C. Corwin $5 00 J. F. Breakey, examination of Herbert Benedict 7 00 J. F. Breakey, examination of Franklin C. Pierce 5 00 J. F. Breakey, examination of Harriet C. Schnaitnamm . 5 00 J. F. Breakey, examination of Maud Gough for Industrial School 5 00 Mr. Walters moved that report be at-cepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Beaoh frem Committee on Criminal Claims No '2 reixirted the bill of Simeón H. Lucas without recommendatior:. Mr. Walters moved that bill be disallowed. Carried. Mr. Kfapf moved that the County Orders of D. J. Loomig issued iu 1881 for $4.43 be paid. Carried Mr. Damon moved' that the ordier of Mr. Spencer for tifty cents le allowed. Carried. Mr. C-hilds moved that a reeess of tifteen minutes be taken. Carried. The hour haviug arrlved for hearing report of the County Ti-easurer, the same was read by County Treagwer Maun. To the Honorable, the Chairaaaa and the Board of Supervisors of Washteuaw County: (Jentlemeu:- I herewith transmit niy report of nioneys received and paid out by me during the term from January 3. 1S99, to October 1. 1890. as sliown by the books of this office, the Ist da.v of Oc-tober. 1899, all of wliich is respeetfully subinitted for yotir inspertion and examination. OEOROE .T. MA XX. County 'Treasurer Washtenavr. RECE1PTS. Ann Arbor City - State tax $ 13,525 78 County fax 5,578 53 Poor tax 535 77 Liquor tax 16,630 00 % 36.270 08 Ypsilanti CityState tax ' $ 5,954 59 f'oimty tax 2,435 33 Poor tax 628 07 Liquor tax 6,630 00 15,647 99 Ann Arbor Town- latc aml county tHX..$ 2,842 80 Poor tax 104 52 2,947 32 AiiRiiiita Town - State tax % 1,201 25 County tax 502 00 1,703 25 Rridsewater Town- tfiie tax % 1.763 18 "nuntv tax 727 90 Liquor tax 500 00 Poor tax 69 68 3,060 76 ïexte Town - State and county tax...$ 1,183 83 1.183 83 Freedom Township- S'i'e and oountv tax $ 2,356 2t 2,356 21 Ijim;1, Township - ■Via'. e and county tax...$ 2,672 49 2,672 49 1 '!; 'I'ownship- "Wa1- :nd county tax t ?,0?2 48 f.iquor tax 500 00 - - 3,532 48 Salin" Township - = 1itc nrvj n.)unty tax...$ 3,703 56 3,703 56 T.-'nrton Township- Statp and County tax...$ 1,269 65 1,268 66 Manchester Township- SUite and County tax $ 3,657 01 Poor tax 339 m Noi Ih field " 3,796 37 State and Cour.ty tax...$ 2,349 90 Liquor tax 1,000 0Í) Ptor tax grf 6S Salem Township- S419 M State and County iax....$ 1,803 6'! Poor tax 6355 Sharon Township1M7 21 State and County tax..? 2,435 6S Poor " lig H Scio Township 2'349 2 Sylvan Township- 4'582 71 I&V fiSf CUnty taX--J 2 Ij t o4 Superior Township- " 3'513 30 State and County tax. .i 3 155 35 1 oor tax H 74 Pittsfield Township317l) 10 State and County tax...$ 3,705 33 Poor tax 89 68 Webster " 3.776 01 State and County tax. $ 7S0 13 Poor lx ■' 696S Ypsilantl Township2'S49 81 State and County tax...$ 3,117 67 York Township3'117 OT State and County tax.. .$ 3.377 80 poor tax 45 25 Dexter Villag-e, Iiq. tax.$ 2.000 00 Manchester Vil. Iiq. tax. 4,065 00 Miian VHlage, Iiq. tax,. 1,000 00 Chelsew Village Iiq. tax. 3,000 00 Saline Village Iiq. tax.. 1,875 00 _ ,, 11,940 00 DPlinquent tax $ 2,492 56 Interest }.,., 134 16 Primary money 5,915 00 Fine money 120 00 Poor money reed. from Mason 15189 Teachers' Institute 4950 Sterling drain 187 SS Pittsfiekl drain No. 4.. 572 04 Pittsfield drain No. 3... 63 54 Augusta Central drain.. 313 40 Bridsrewater drain No. 1 329 13 Big Marsh drain 774 40 I. J. Williams drain 239 19 Koebbe drain, Preedom. 500 88 Bridgewater. No. 2 758 fiO Doane and Ferris drain. 149 87 Territorial road drain. . . 191 57 Mollets Creek, No. 1 6 96 Morgan Branch 7 L7 Drain No. 2, Pittsfield.. 64 Rose Ou tiet drain, Pitts. 64 Sumues Branch. Pitts.. 1 45 Morton's Braneh, Pitts. 11 D-ain No. 13, Pitts 2 81 Wood's Outlet. Pitts 30 12,967 06 Total received $135,319 73 DISBURSEM ENTS. Stenographers' fund $ 656 24 Teachers' Inst. fund.... 46 71 Witness 86 59 Sterling drain 187 00 West. Mich. Asylum 316 63 Pittsfield drain No. 4 572 95 Maybee drain 5 00 Pittsfield No. 3 drain.... 68 40 Pittsfleld No. 1 drain.... 395 Augusta Central drain.. 313 W 'Bridg-ewater No. 1 drain 396 72 Big Marsh drain 773 81 I. J. Williams drain 234 69 Koebbe drain, F 497 38 Bridgewater No. 2 754 20 State Asylum Ionia 53 40 Doane & Ferris' drain.. 149 75 Territorial road drain... 181 57 Unknown heir, S. Sturd. 264 36 School Ex. fund 300 00 $ í 903 06 Overdraft paid State Savings Bank. Jan. 2, 1899 11.792 23 Total paid out $136.592 11 Total received $135.319 73 Ovardraft, Oct. 1, 1.9 1,272 2i Total dis., Oct. 1, '99 $136,592 11 Fine money received - James Doyl $ IS 00 John Ij. DufEy 49 00 Wm. Doty 38 00 Robert Bushman 15 00 $ 120 90 Superior Township - Primary money $ 181 50 Library money 54$ -_ , ï 186 96 Sylvan Township- Primary money $ 329 50 I.ibrary money 9 89 D. L. tax 25 74 - $ 365 15 Webster Township- Primary money $ 83 50 Library money 2 51 % 86 01 vpsilanti Township - Primary money $ 139 5U Library money 411 143 61 York Township - Primary money $ 313 50 Ubrary money 941 D. L.. tax 7 82 ♦ 330 70 Chelsea Village L. L. tax $ 1,485 00 Dexter Village L. L. tax 990 00 Manchester Village L. L. tax 2,012 18 M'lan Village L. L. tax. 495 00 Saline Village L. I. tax. 742 50 $ 5,721 68 Contingent fund $ 9,342 47 Soliders' relief fund.... 1,167 95 Deer license fund 19 50 County fund 2,581 25 Kastern Mich. Asylum.. 1,753 83 Creneral fund 399 98 Jail fund 2,u41 65 .lurors' fund 3,004 70 Poor money fund 3,674 94 Northern Mich. Asylum 121 52 Public Building fund... 2. 863 24 State of Michigan 60.879 8S Salary fund 5 835 94 Detroit House Corr'tion 23S 29 St. Joseph's Retreat 52 S5 $$ 93.978 93 Lodi Township - Primary money $ 365 00 T Ibrary money 4 95 L.iquor money 247 50 $ 417 45 T.yndon Township - Primary money $ 107 50 Library money 3 23 $ 110 73 Manchester Township - Primary money $ 338 00 Library money 10 15 $ 3(8 15 Northfleld Township- Primary money $ 135 00 Library money 4 05 Liquor money 495 00 D. L. tax 1 4 $ 635 51 Pittsfield Township- Primary money $ 136 00 ■ Library money 4 08 $ 140 08 Salem Towrphip - Primary money $ 126 00 Library money 378 D. L. tax 31 97 $ 161 75 Saline Township - Primary money $ 263 00 Library money 7 89 D. L. tax 12 75 $ 2X3 64 Sharon Township - Primary money $ 1W 00 Library money 4 99 $ 170 99 Scio Township - Primary money $ 272 50 Library money 8 18 $ 280 (8 Ann Arbor City - Primary money $ 1.2fit (Hl Library money 37 98 Liqnor tax 8.231 86 D. L. tax 284 07 .. 9,819 91 Ypsilanti City- Primary money $ 89 00 Ubrary money 26 67 t iauor money 3,281 8 D. L. tax 160 07 $ 4,357 0 Ann Arbor Town - Primary money $ 116 50 Library money 3 49. D. L. money 371 123 70 Augusta Town - Primary money $ 273 50 Library money S 21 D. L. tax 43 6 325 il Bridgewater Town- Plimary money ■ w' Library money Líquor money _ 27 400 ;)7 Dexter TownPrfmary money ♦ 10b oU Library money J D. U tax ■ 2JHI i2202 Freetlom TownPrlmary money is au Library money ._ ati . Ma TownPrimary money ♦ 1 Library money D. 1-.. tax 157 u! $15,531 73 Mr. Case moved that the report be referredi to the Committee to settle with County Offieers. Osurriect. Mr. Cbilds moved that tlie Treasurer be given until Friday at 10 a. m. to complete bis report and that he give a list of and amounts of suoh funda as show a surplus, also a Hst and amounts of sueh fnnds as are overdrawn. Onrried. Mr. Walters moved we adjourn uutu 10 a. m. to-morrow. JOHN U aiJNTEH, J. F. SCHUIL Ohairmau. Clerk. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1899. The Board met purauant to ad.iournnaeut. Koll caJlcfl, quorum present. Minutes read and approved. Mi. Kenny, from Committee on Civil Claims feported the followiug bilis: ClMimed. Allowed. E. Dieterlie J. B. Hause W Dr. Chapin W J Dr McL,aughlan 8 ' 8 bu Mr. Childs moved that report be accei'ted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Case moved bilis be allowed with the exceptlo of the stamp. Mr. Krapf moved 'as a substitute that the report be laid on the table j vmtü to-monwv. Oarried. Mr. Beac-h moved that the Board 1 solve itself iuto Oommittee of the Whole to visit the County House. Chairman Hunter thereupon called Mr. Melntyre to the chair. Mr. Melntyre anno un eed that the Board would aow visit the County House. AFTERNOON SBSSION. Mr. Case. fronr Committee of the Whole. moved that the Committee arise. report progrèss andi ask to be ddsehérged. Can-ied. Mr. Melntyre, Chairman of the Cominivtee of tlie Whole, asked that Committer be srrauted fiirther time in which to make report. Mr. Childs moved that the Committee bc graiited further time in whieh to mako the report. Carried. Mr. Kenny. frorn Civil Claims, reported bffl of F. C. Higgins. ?40.(K). Mr. Bibbins moved that Wil be accepted aud allowed. Carried. Mr. Kenuy. from Ciril Claims, reported bill of Dr. Cowie at $10.00 without. recommenïation. Mr. Case moved that tke bil! Vve alknved at ten dollars. Carried. Mr. Kiugsler. from Ciril Claims, reportfed tlie bjlls of Claimed. Alloreflf)r. Treorg $5 9 T)r. Kapp 5 00 Dr. Thomas 5 00 Dr. Wessinerer 5 00 Dr. C. R. Wilcoxson 7 00 Wm. P. Herdman, M. D... S 00 G. C. Darlingr. M. D 5 00 Mr. Sohneider moved that report be acfepted and adopted. Carrted. Mr. Case moved that the hour for hearing report of Sirperintendent of Poor be changed from Tuesday. Oct. 1T, to Wedneday, Oc-t. K!. at 10::) a. m. Oarried. Mr. Childs moved that Board adjourn until tomorrow at 10 a. m. Carried. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1899. The Board met purauant to adjournment. Roll called. ((iiorum present. Minutes read and approved. County Treasurer Manu read liis eompleted report as follows: STATEMENT CK All, THÏ. DEAINS. DR. CR Pittsfield No. 4 $572 95 $572 04 Over Draf t $ 91 Maybee Drain 5 00 6 58 Balance in Drain 158 Willow Marsh Drain Balance in Drain 23 Pittsffield No. 3 68 40 6939 Balance in Drain 99 Eastern E?ranch Big Marsh Balance in Drain 74 Rridsewater No. 1 396 72 39é'oi Over Draft 71 Bip Marsh Drain 773 81 774 41) Balance in Drain 59 I. J. "Williams 234 60 93919 Balance in Drain 4 5 Koobbe Drain 497 38 500 88 Balance in Drain 3 5 BridRewater No. 2 754 20 758 60 Balance in Drain 4 40 Horner and Applet Drain Balance in Drain 6 50 Saline No. 1 Balance in Drain 16 14 Seney and Washtenaw Drain Balance in Drain 20 61 TVnlf C.reek Drain .... Balance in Drain 6 37 Saline River Drain Balance in Drain 82 94 Doan i?nd 'Ferris Drain 149 75 149 87 Balance in Drain. 12 Henry Meir Drain Balance in Drain 19 37 Rlliott and Cox Drain Balance in Drain 24 24 Mason Drain Balance in Drain 78 50 Warboy Drain .... in Drain. 3 13 Stoney Creek Drain .... Balai'ce in Drain 100 Bishop and Cady Drain Balance in Drain 2 57 Jewel Drain .... Balance in Drain 103 Kelsey and Ketchum Drain .. Balance in Drain 12 87 General Drain .... Balance in Drain 37 Herry Helzerman Drain Balance in Drain 3114 Ben McGraw Balance in Drain 3 72 Brown and Heith Drain Balance in Drain 3 64 Willow Drain Balance in Drain 1 27 Kelsey Drain Balance in Prain 6 73 Sugar Creek Drain ' ■ Balance in Drain 38 Christ Henning Drain... .... Balance in Droin ■ 7 93 A. Doty Drain Balance in Drain 2 45 Fullerton Drain Balance in Qrain 20 71 .loe Poolzon Drain Balance in Drain 12 51 Sterling Drain .Aug Balance in Drain 2 73 Kelley Drain Balance in Drain 171 Chas. Harris Drain Balance in Drain 55 55 Town House Drain Balance in Drain 5 54 Derbyshier and Ward Balance in Drain 2 86 Fred Helzerman Balance in Drain 25 Liimbard Drain Balance in Drain 54 Crippen Township Drain Balance in Drain 37 Moïlets Creek No. 1 Balance in Drain 6 96 Morgan Branch Balance in Drain 7 87 Drain No. 2, Pittsfield - Balance in Drain 64 Rose Outlet Drs in Balance in Drain 64 Pumner Branch Pitts ..„ - Balance In Drain 145 Morton's Branch Balance in Drain tl Drain No. 13, Pitts - Balance in Drain 2 81 Woori-ï Outlet, Pitts - Balance in Drain 30 Augusta Central. Pitts - Balance In Drain 49 of the different Drains of Washtenaw County, as shown by the books of this office, October lst. 1899. lilOO. J. MANN. County Treasurer All Drains that have no Balance or Oerdraft not included'in this list.' Mr. Fowler moved that the report of I üovmty Tren su re r Mann l)e aecepted iinrl referred to Coirmirttee to settle wifh Gounty Officers. (Jarried. Mr. Kenny. froi Commlttee n Civil Olnhns. reported llie bilis of Clalmed. Alloweil. 0', M. Martin $40 00 H. W. Potter ■ 40 00 Mr. Krapf moved that report be BCeepted and adopted. . Oarrled. ïbe Clerk reported the uniouut of State Tftx as apportioned to th ty under rarious Arts of the Legislature. ünlverslty, Sec. 1, Act 102, 1399.-$ 7.750 00 Universitj , Sec. 2. Act 203, 1897. . M 1 Agricultural College, Sec. 3, Act 10S, 1899 1,8014.Agricultural College. Sec. 3, Act 114, 1S99 w Agricultural College, Sec. 5, Act 137, 3899 154 Stata Normal College, Sec. 1, Act 124, ISOa 30to " Central Michigan Normal School, Sec. 4, Act 113, 1899 2,082 84 Northern State Normal School, Sec. 5, Act 61, 1S99 '" Michigan College of Mines, Sec. 4, Act 123, 189 1,814 60 Michigan State Ubrary, sec. 4. Act 140, 1899 %;■■■■ & ' Michigan Soldiers' Home, Sec. 5, Act 120, 1899 4,130 62 Michigan Soldiers' Home, Sec. 8, Act 174, 1899 ■ '8 Michigan Kome for Feeble Mtnded and Epileptic, Sec. 2, Act 99, 1S9Í Michigan Home tor Feeble Minded and Epileptic, Sec. 4, Act 138, 1Q'49 o,.flw ü State Pubiic School, Sec. 4, Act 163, 1899 1,54329 School for the Deaf, Sec. 6, Act 119, 1899 8:i School for tho Blind, Sec. 4, Act 12, 1899 W54 U Michigan Asylum, Sec. 3, Act 122, 1899 ;■ 4874 Eastern Michigan Asjlum, Sec. .., „ Act 158, 1899 ■ 2,159 98 Northern Michigan Asylum, Sec. 4 Act 121, 1899 1,420 iW U. P. Hospital for Insane, Sec. 5, Act 165, 1899 " 1. State Asylum, Sec. 2, Act 17S, 1S99 JOo ib State Prison, Sec. 3, Act 101, 1899. 995 84 State House of Correction anrt Keformatory, Sec. 3, Act 270, 1899 o4o 04 State House of Correction and Branoh Prison, U. P., Sec. 3, Act 159, 1S99 " ' Industrial School for Boys, Sec. 4, Act 89, 1899 2,370 37 Industrial School for Boys, Sec. 6, Act 145, 1899 1,189 39 Industrial School lor Girls, Sec. 5 Act 164, 1899 1,676 23 Stata Board of Fish Commissioners, Sec. 2, Act 53, 1899 146 li State Board of Fish Commismissloners, Sed. 3, Act 170, 1899 701 30 Soldiers' Aid Kund, Sec. 7, Act 134, 1899 ,1M Recomplllng records Adjutant General's Office, Sec. 3, Act 15i, 1899 L' Compiling records Adjutant Generai's Office, Sec. 3, Act laO, 189 Dairy and Food Commissioner, Sec. 12, Act 268, 1899 O93 Dairymen's Associatlon, Sec. 3, Act 146, 1S99 ■ 8 Board of Library Commissioners, Sec. ó, Act 115, 1899 4 Michigan National Guard, Sec. 960. Act 198, 1893 ■■ &a 2l Stato Naval Brigade, Set. 3b, Act 6, 189S iliil State Board of Health, Sec. 2, Act 241, 1S81 ■ il0 State Board of Health, Sec. 2, Act 142, 1897 -■;■; 70" State Weather Service, beö. 5, Act 46 1895 ""' Michigan War Loan of 1898, Act 1 1898 S'Si0 TpenrSeAc3yirTct M H General Purposes, Sec. 1, Act w, 1899 ■Jz___ Total State Tax $104,516 28 Mr Fovrtei' moved that report l)e accepted aud refevwd to coiimiittee on aiïportionmfiit of State aud Count.T Tax. Canied. Mr. IMinon moved tliat the Chairnvan appoint a committee oü three te go over the work of the Register f Deeds as to additioiial work reenjlred by tlie Tax Commissioner. Canied. The appo'mtod -Messrs. Dmon, Braun. Fowkn. Mr Krapf moved that tlie bilis of Dr. Cliapin and Dr. McLauglilin taken fvoni the table. Canied. Mr. Whitfaker move-d that the mlls be alïorw-ed as claimed. Mr. Case moved as ameiidmt'Ut Ihat the büls be allowed xcrept the stamp. Yeas and Nays called for. Yea - Kra'pf, Shad'ford. ABmendlnger, Bi-iiun, Bibbins. Seyler. Collins, rroohuow. Case. Kinssley. Föwler, VöorMes, Bacon. Molutyre, Jlunter, Damon. MöOullongh 17. Nay- Bijrsís. Wiüttaker, 2. Oarried. The original inotion as amended oarried. Mr. Fowler moved that the School Commissioner be allowed $'.)).(X for Clerk hire. Carrled. The foltowing is i correct list of the persons havlng the care of the burlal of dèceased Union Soldiers and ors; Ann Arbor City, 1st Ward- II S Dean Ann rbor City, 2 ml Ward- Conraci Noli. Ann Arfoor City, 8r3 Ward- Mlchael Donohus. Ann Arbor City, 4th Ward- Wn Walsh Ann Arbor City, 5th Ward- Wm Acton' Ann Arbor City, tít h VVard-Sainuei Gregory. Ann Arbor City, 7th Warl- H. P Lanforth. Ann Arbor 'J'own- John H. l-'uller Aususta- C, . Greenman. Bridgewater- Joaeph Linden Dexter- Richard Whalin. Lodl- G. Heyt. ,.7 Lima- .T. W. Walters. L,yndon- Edward Gorman. Manchester- H. Kirchoflitr. Northneld- James ïïrokaw. l'ittsfield- H. H. VVebb. Salem- J. D. Haywood. Saline- Orrii; i'arsous. öci.j- A. K. Phelps. Kharon- ti. C. Dorr. Superior- T. Quackenbusn. salvan - lohn A. Palmer. Webster- Wm. Weston. York- John Jackson. YpsilanU 'i'own- N. B. Tuttle. Tpallantl City, lst Ward- R. E. Trim. Ypsilanti City, 2nd Ward- ,1. W. Wise. Vpsilanti Ciiy, 3rd Ward- E. P. Alle. Ypsilanti City, 4th Ward- John Chap■YpBllantl Cltyi Bth Ward- K. Hathaway. Mr. Damon moved that the nanies as reported be adairted. Öarried. Mr. Allmendinger moved that i leave of absence be grantèd Mr. Childs on Monda. v next. CaiTled. Mr. Case moved to adjourn until 1:30 p. in. Carried. AFTEKXOÜX SESSION. Roll cadled, quorum present. Tlie uur lui ving arrived for hearing the report of the Soïdler's Kelk-r Uommission, the ir report v-as read ly the Secretaiy, K. Hoïbrook. To the Supervisors of Washtenaw County: We, the menïbers of the Soldier's Relief Commission of said County, would most regpectfully report as l'ollows: Money on hand Oct. 1, 1898 $ 37 40 Appropriated by lax 1,500 00 Total $1,537 40 Of ttns amount there has been expended by said Board of Commissioners the past year 1,495 00 Balance on hand Oei. 1, 1898 $ 42 40 There teis been 37 families reliered ■by said Commissioners dwing thu past year, said fandliex being residents of the rarious townships of the, County as follows: Augusta (2). Superior (1), Ann Arbor (11). Ypsilanti (12), Dexter (10). Manchester (1). Tlie Board has held fourteen meetings anct have lraiwn in fees $2öO.S7. thls jrteludes investigations, stationeiTand postage. The Commissioners would most respeetfully ask tor an appropriatfpn of $1,S(K) to bjB placed to the credit af the Soldiere' Relief Commission to provide all poseible emergencies for the coming year. The thauks of' the Ooinmission is extended to all County Offlcers who hare kindly donated the use of their offices to the Board. G. L. IIOYT. ühairman. .TOHN .T. FISHBR, E. A. IIOLBROOK, Seeretary. Mr. Oase moved tliat the report be nceived and referred to the Committee on Flnanee. Carried. Mr. Damon; from Criminal (J1hí'w No. 2. bilis of Krank Joslyn at $20:.. "O and allowed at $194.75. Mr. Clark moved that report be accepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Braun from CrimiiüU Claims Xo. 2 report ed the bill of W. (J. Doty at $113.75, and allowed' $113.75. Mr. Ohllds mored1 that report be acrepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Kingsley from Civil Claims reported bilis of _ _ , ClalniPd. Allowert. Dr. Conklln S10 00 eo. Huil, M. D 7 60 Dr. Kapp 5 o John 3. Fisher 1 w Mr. Braun moved that report be accejited and adopted. Carried. The Clerk read communicatiou fron Department of Public Instruction. Mr. Case mored that the communication be accepted and referred to Committee to settle wlth County Offlcers. Carried. The hour havlng arrived for the election of a Superintendent of the Poor, Mr. Bibbins moved to proceed to ballot for the same. Carried. The whole number of votes cast is 22. of which Mr. Pieteher receired 21 and Mr. Towner 1. Mr. Fletcher ha ving a majoríty of the votes cast is declared elected. Mr. Case moved to adjourn nntil Monday. Qctober 16, at 10 a. m. JOHN L. HUXTER. 3. K. SCHTJH, Chairman. Clerk. MONDAY, OCTOBER 16. 189S. The Board met pursuant to ad.jourument. Koll ealled, no quorum present. Mr. Damon moved to adjourn until 2 p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SBSSION. Roll cali, quorum present. Minutes read and approved. Mr. Bibbins from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1 ï-eported the board Wils of .lohn Gillen, sheriff: Claimed. Allowed. January $ 281 4 I 21109 '"bruary 409 17 30 87 March 636 65 477 44 April 435 59 326 B2 May 235 79 176 84 June 352 62 264 4 July 228 74 17155 August 193 28 144 9K Septembfr 198 62 148 96 Total amount of bill'... $2,971 92 $2,228 Ü4 2,228 84 Balance due Oct. 1, '99.$ 743 08 Total amount of bill as claimed, $2,971.92. Balance claimed, $743.08. Mr. Braun moved that the bill be allowed as recommended by the Comtnlttee. Mr. Allmendinger moved as a substituto that the bill be referred 'back to the Sheriff and that he present bis bill ns required by a resohit'ion passed by last year's Board. Yeas and naya ealled for, Y ca- Fishtr. (Shadford. Blgge, Allmendinger. Dresselhouse, Colline, Powler, Kacon, Hunter, Damon. 10. Nay- Kiapf. Braun. Bibbins, Beach, Seyler, Burtless, Prochnow, Case, Kingsley, Whittaker. Hall. Yoorhies, Kenuy, Mclntyre. McCulloug'h. 15. Ijost. Mr. Case moved that. the bill be referred back to the Committee with the iustrucrion that whenever two days ai'e charged for. it be reduced to two meata and one night's lodgin-. Yeas and nayn called for. Yeas - Fisher. Case. 2. Nay- Krapf, Shadford, Biggs Allmendinger, Braun, Bibbiu.s, Dresselhouse. Bcach. Seyler, Oollins. Blirtlesa. Prochnow, Kl.gsley, Fe wiet, Wiiittaker, Hall, Voorhies. Kenny, Baíron, Mfclntyre, Hunter, D-amon, McOullough, 2;i. IvOSt. The original morion earried. Mr. Be&eh t'roui Öommlttee on örimiual Claims Xo. 1 repoi'ted the Wil of Fred Gillen, Deputy Sheriff, at one lrundred severrty-five and nittety-fire one-hunflredtbs dollars. Mr. Case moved that the bilí be referred back to the Coinmittee, they to confer with Prosecuting Attorney Kirk as to whetlier a a officer can charge ntty cents for attendance Ju Oourt when a prlsoner pleads guilty. OaiTied. Mr. Damon moved we takè tive minutes' Oarried. Mr! Damon on Criminal Claims Xo. 2 reponed the bilis of Clalmed. Allowed. M. S. Cook, Justlee $3 00 Ï2 76 George Robert Gunn, stenogxapher 5 20 J. H. Kingsley, .Justice 2 50 2 25 Edmund Gilbert, Witness... 97 Vincent Green, Witness.... 97 Wm. Wortley, Witness 137 Daniel Lancaster, Witness. 1 17 Henry Liangdon, Witness... 1 27 .]. P. Madison, Witness 97 .John Cole, Witness 175 J. L. Amerman, Witness... 125 Zina Buck, Witness J. L. Amerman, Witness... 48 Calvin Burt, Witness 95 Mary Burt, Witness 95 P. H. Merriman. Witness.. 2 15 Hattie Moore, Witness 48 Libbie Whiting, Witness.... 48 Mrs. Geo. Belsher, Witness 48 Jas. L. Amerman, Witness 78 Oscar Amerman, Witness.. 1 2S Lester Amerman, Witness. 98 A. A. Sherman, Witness 4S .lames Bourke, Witness 5 35 Miehael Winecup, Witness. 1 75 Geo. Powloek, Witness 1 75 Andrew Janiwalk, Witness 1 L5 John Keene, Witness 1 9 Klizabeth Gas, Witness 48 .föhn S. Sheneld, Witness.. 48 Herman Olke, Witness 158 Ida Sork, Witness 158 Robert Olke, Witness 158 Anna Olke, Witness 1 68 Bmma Olke. Witness 158 Fred Chester, Witness 158 Anna Sork. Witness X 58 R. H. Hardy, Witness X5 T. S. Colby, Witness 85 Mabel Nash, Witness 85 Tophella Powlook. Witness 1 75 Mr. Bibbints moved tliMt the bilis be accepted and Ho-wed. Oarried. t H&1 Mr. Biggs from Committee ou rejerted taxes reyorted as follows: Ann Arbor City $5 42 Ypsilanti City 22 92 Ann Arbor Town 44 Pittsfleld 15 79 Freedom 3 90 Brklgewater 27 L,odl 7 71 Dexter VUIngre ül Saline Village 5 8 Scio 4 18 Dexter Town 4 37 Total $70 99 Res-pecffull.r submitted. WM. BIG-GS. .1. J. FISHER, WM. F. HALL, Committee. Mr. Kiugsley moved that the report of the Commiiree be accepted and adupted. Carrled. .Mr. Kcnny ij-om Commjtte on Oivil Claims reported the íollowlng bilis. Claimed. Allowed. J. A. Polhemus, Hack. f 'M Robinson & Co., Hack 5 00 Dr. Darling-, Kxamination. . 5 00 K. L. Sehneider, Witness... 2 25 A. C. Clark, Undertaker... 40 00 Mrs. Mattie Newman. Board 30 Ü0 Dr. Wm. Blair, Services... 10 00 Mr. Bïbbins moved that the bilis be accepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Beach moved to adjoiirn until JU a. m. tomoirow. ("arried. JOHN L. HU NT KIR. Chairman. T. F. SOHÜH, Clerk. TUESDAT, OCTOBBR 17, 1899. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. lloll called. quorum present. Minutes read and approved. Mir. Damon, Commit . ■ on Criminal Claim Xo. 2. reported ('.ie bill of C. M. Warner. $10.20. Mr. Bibbins moved that the bill be accepted and adopted. Cai-ried. Mr. Damon, Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2. reported bill of Warner & Ross. .$4.r.o. Mr. Childs noved that bill be accepted and adonted. Oarried. Mt. Damon, Committee on Criminal Claims Xo. 2. repprted the bill of Fred Da vis without recommenda.tion. $1.00. Mr. Whitaker moved that bill be allowed. Carried. Mr. Millard. from Committee on Building preser.ted the followins report: Ann Arbor, Oct. 16, l.s'.Mt. To the Honorable Board of Sujervisors: Gentlemen - ■ Yonr Committee 011 Public Buildings would respectfully report their worü for the yeir, October, ISm. to October. 1899, a's follows: As per your orders your Committee liave laid1 a cement walk on the West side of the. Oourt House grounds at an expense of SJ832.27. We aJso built the office at the Couuty Ja il, wliieh apon reeeiviug bids for, was foundl to be alwve the amonnt expeeted. But after contferring witli a. number of your body deeided' to erect. the same 2 stories Jiih. placlng a water closet, etc.. on the second Hoor. also a room where ladies or hildTon could be kept without, placing them with the prisoners in tïie jaii proper. the full aiuount of the expense of the same amoUnting to .$1)20.02. We also al your orders have repa red the roof of the Court Huse. removlns' the slate and substitutinjr tiling, also remoTing one set of guV ters, placlng new guttei1 on the mata nol' and also on the tower, whlch were all rusted throuiíh, aleo the reoovering of the porehe.s on the north. anJ south sides. Total expense. $S!)L82. Also had the ga:lvauized iron work on the buildinsr and! tower painted. at $403.30, including the new sided! bams, pis house, and woodshed at the Oounty House, and tlie roof and gutters palated with roof paint at $!3.00. The re-sidinir of the two large barns and buildiing the woil house at the County House was completad at the sum of $500.38. The boller and! steant apparatus at the jaii foundi to be iu very bad upon-flring up this fall and your Committee, after examination of the aame, had it placed] in ftrat class shape, Uinost rebnlldins it: the fluee iipon examination were all in a leaking centMtloB, haviug from 5 to Ut holes in eaeh. the expense of thla work ainounting to $214.39, setting radiators and piping $77.42. The are now in as good a oontWtion as eould be made with the money expendfed1, and with a few needfed' repairs whkh we will reeonimend, will place tliem in good Khape. The following ík a list of repairs at the different buildings: Jail- Mrs. Wm. Judson, suppliis $ 6 50 J. Feinar, painting snd glass 4 74 3. Walz, repairs to sidewalk i 00 Wra. Herz, setting glass 6 00 Wm. Herz, paint and brushes 65 17 Hennio & Stanfter, desk, chair, shades and matting 36 39 Major & Co., painting and papering Sherifï's living rooms 58 88 $180 68 Counly House- J. F. Schuh, piping for Cre protection $63 27 Court House- W. H. H. Boylan, lettering file boxea. Probate Ofiice $12 00 C. H. Kittrldge. eleütric supplies 24 75 M. Haller, desk. School Commismissioner's Ofiice 20 00 W. Herz, glass and setting 7 25 Mack & Co., chair, School Commissioner'a Office 5 00 W. Herz, 'painting closet, Sheriff's Office 4 10 Wm. G. Dieterle, desk, Register of Deed's Office 30 00 Sauer Bros., shelving, Judge of Probate's Office 18 40 W. Herz, papering. painting, etc, Janitor's Room 3162 C. H. Kittridge, eord and lamps... 4 90 M. C. Peterson, door stops 14 25 W. Herz, glass and setting 14 57 $186 84 Your Committee have given the Coxmty work its (-lose supervisión, and t-ompensation is expected au follows: S. W. Millard, 47 days $14100 H. Krapf, 28 days 84 00 H. Lighthall, 10 days and mileage... 50 40 Your Committee' would reconimend for your favorable conslderatlon the eonstructlon of uew steps at the east entrance of the Court House, whleh, upon exaniination you will tind in a bad eondition. We think the Jail is in au unsanitary eondition, and would recommend the polier ofa prison closet and ventilatiou. also coimection to the city sewer. the eonstmctíon now being a private sewer. which is too sinall. All of which ík !-; lectfully subniitted. SID. W. MILLARD, HERMAN KRAPF, II. LIGHTIIALL. Conimittee on Public Buildings. Mr. Beaeh moved that the report be aceepted and referred to the new Building Committee. Mr. Caso moved asi au amendment that Wie report be aceepted and printed with the prócéedings. Carried. The original tnotion as amended carrieö. Mr. Mclntyro. from Committee on Civil Claims, reported tbe bilis of: Clairoed. AHowed. E. A. Ward, Justice $ 4 47 Jas. Benham, Justice 4 86 John Kirk, Pros. Atty.. 600 00 Mr. Clark moved that the report be accepted and' adopted. CatTied. Mr. Beacli. from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the bill of Fred Öillen at $175.95, without recoinmendation. Mr. Case movedi that the bill of Fred (iillen. Ueputy Sheriff, be allowed at 1.")).9."). Carried. Mr. Biggs. from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1. reported bill of Oliver H. Westfall. Depttty Sheriff. $25.85. Allo wed at $25.05. Mr. Cliilds moved that bill be allowed as reported. Carried. Mr. Biü'gs, Committee on Criminal Claims Xo. 1, reported bilis of Dina Bm-k. Deputy Sheriff. $.00. Mr. Mdntyre moved that report be iiecepted and adopteL Carried. Mr. Kingsley. from Committee oti FiiiHuce. reported that Soldier's Relief Commissiou be allowe.d the mi of uiteen hundred Mr. Cliilds moved to amend the report of the Committee and allow tbe Soliüer's Relief Co-nvmission tho suin of sixteen lmndred dollars. Carried. Thè original niotioa as amended earrlwl. Mr. Daniou. from the Special Committee to inquire into the additioual work imposed upon the Register of Deedis by tho Tax Commissioner. reportéd that tJie Oommittee had looked over the extra work reqiiired y? the Commissioner and recominended thnl the Register be paid the sum of serentv dollars ($70.00.) Mr. Kingsley moved that tlie report lie accepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Kiufíslev moved to adjourn until 2 p. m. Carried. AFTKRNOON SESSION. Roll called. quorum present. Mr. Damon. from Oommittee on Criminal Claims Xo. 2, bilis of: Clalmetl. AHowed. H. W. Childs. Justice $271 29 $266 -'O Fred Johnson, Juror 100 C. F. Enders, Juror 100 C. M. AVarner, Juror 100 Georgo Gaudy, Juror 100 N. B. Harding. Juror 1 00 James Chidister, Juror 100 Jay Worden, Juror 100 Frank Boyee. Juror 100 Suniner Damon, Juror 108 Chas. Damon, Juror 100 Chas. AVestfall, Juror 100 Wm. Ellis. Juror 100 C. M. Warner, Juror 160 Walter HayneB, Juror 150 L. D. Cole, Juror 1 W W. J. BoJley, Juror , 1 50 r. Bowrnan, Juror 150 Joe Parsons, Juror 150 Austin H. Oran., Wltness 48 C. Jtf. Warner, Witness... 4S Georire Paine, Witriess.... 48 Austin H. Grane, Witness 48 C. M. Warner. Witness 48 George Paine Witness 48 Austin H. Crane. Witness 48 C. M. Warner, Witness.... 48 George Paine Witness 4S Austin H. Crane. Witness 48 C. M. Warner, Witness 43 Georsm Paine. AVitness. .. 48 Austin H. Crane. AA"itness 4S C. M. Warner, Witness 4S George Paine, AAHtness 48 Julia Tolbert, Witness . S5 Harry Armstrong, Witness ió John Armstrong, Witness . 83 Chas. Thomps.'m. AVitness 8" Btta Crosby, Witnees 86 Zlna Buck, Witness 8ó Mary Bet-ler, Witness 48 AVm. Ostrander, Witness. 4S Jonathan McGee. Witness V 48 John Gillen. AVitness 175 Bert Amsden, AVitness.... 85 Minnle Falrohild, Witnefs 48 Albert Hand. Witness 85 Oliver Shojnis. AVitness.,. 85 Avis Thorp, 'itness 85 Zina Buck, Witness 48 Zlna Buck. Witness 48 Mr. ChiUls moved ttoftt repwrt be ac(■(i)t('(i and adopted. Garried. _ . t Mr. Sfolutyre, from Committee on Oivil Claims, reported the following Wils: Claimed. Allowed. P. K. Owen t 7 00 $ 5 00 Dr. E. A. Clark 5 00 5 00 Dr. C. Georff 5 00 5 00 Mr. Childs moved tliat report be accepted and adtopted. Carried. Mr. Kenny. frow Coiumittee on Civil Claims, reported Wie order of Geo. Palmer for $4.41, without recommendation. Mr. Walter moved that tlie order be disalJowed. Oarried. P.J. Lehman. Depnty Probate Register, reud1 the Report of Comniitments as follows: To the Honorable Board of Supervis ors for Washtenaw County. Michigan. Gentlemen: - Herewith I have the honor to snbmit my official report of commitments to the Eastern Michigan Asylum and iprivate Retreats for the jear endinji September 30, 1899. H. WIRÏ XEWKIRK, Judfre of Probate. Also report of Jail Inspectors, as follows-; REPORT OF INSPECTORS OF ! JAILS. For the Couuty of Wasbtenaw, of Inspoetion made Föbruary 24, 1809. To Hon. Board of Supervisors: The undereigned Inspectors of .Tails for tbO Couuty of Washtenaw, in i eomplrance vrith the provisious of law (Secs. 1)049-9054. fouud ou page 2318 of EtotweÜ's Anuotated Statutes of Michigan, aw sbove amended),. would respeetfuMy report: Tlmt ou the tweuty-fourth day of February, 1889, they vistted aud carefully inspected the County Jail of said County, and found as foliows: I. Tlmt during the period since the last required reiiort. and to the date of this examinatiou there have been confined at different time ',L20 prisoners, chapged wifh offenses as follows: Offense. Male. Female. Whole Number. Ko. Drunk 1SS 188 Vagrancy 30 1 31 Burglary 6 6 Larceny 19 2 21 Ijnreeny. Suspicion af 14 1+ Suspicion 5 6 Carrying Conccaled Weapons fi E Assault 3 3 Manslanghter 1. 1 Murder 1 1 Indecent Langüage ... 1 1 Non-support 1 1 Grand Larceny 1 1 Assault with intent to kill 1 1 Assault and Battery.. 6 tí ilallcious destruction . . of property 1 1 Threats 1 1 Altempt lo Rape 1 .1 . . 1 Breaking and entering shops 1 1 Prostitutes 2 Robbery 1 1 Conterapt of Court 1 1 Insane 2 'Í Suspicion of burglary. 2 2 Attempt to murder 1 1 False pretense 1 Threatening life 1 1 Drunkarrt and Tippler 3 3 Suspicion of holrl-ups. 1 1 Writing threatening' letters 1 TMsorderly S 5 Truancy '. . 1 1 Fraudulently disposing of blej'cle 1 1 Total 314 6 320 II. There are ïuiw in jail. detained for trial, 1. There are uow in jail, detained for trial. 1There are now in jail. servlng sentence, 2. There are now iu jail awaltlttg sentence. O. There are now in jail. awaitins cominitnM'nf, O. Number now in jail - uiale 21, female O: total, 21. Number of the above ii are nnder 1( years oí aire, none. Frlsoneis detaiued for trial have been held in jail the follorwing number f d.-iys each: One prlsoner 52 days. Prisoners avraitlng commltmeni have been held since senteiice. O days e.Hch. III. Nunnber usually contined in oüe room by day. 10. Xunïber usnaly conflned in oiie roo-in ai iiinht. 1. IA'. Èmplóyinent in jail, ncrt any. X. ('ondition of' bedding, fair. Conditiou of cells. good. ("ondition of halls. good. ('ondition of water-closets, iu poor condirion. VI. Wiiat distiiiftiou. if any. is made in the troatment of p-risoara? Not any. VU. Are prisoners undtr ]li years of age at any time. day or night, penuitted to_iii ingle or associate with older prisoners? See Sec. 2tHX. pago 540, Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan. No. VIII. Are prisoners arrested on civil process kpt in rooms separate üiixl dtstinct f rom prisoners held on criminal charge, hs requircd by Sec. 894X, HówelFs Sta tutes V Prisoners .srrested ou civil procesa are not coufined in county jil. IX. Are maie and female prisoners confined in separate rooms as required by Section SÍW2. Howell's Statutes? Yes. X. Is there a proper .fail Record kept. and is it kept properly posted, and d(Ks it comply with Sec. tMi4. page 2320. Howell's Annotflted Statutes of Michigan? ïes. XI. What, f any. evils either in coiistrwrion or management of jail are found fo exist? Jail is too sniall to iicciiiuiiioèiti' those conlined. R(cominondations: The jail should be enlarged and so constructed that there should be three separate deiwrtments - one for the men. one for women. aud one for boys ander iu years of age. B. 1'. ÜASON, .1AJIKS TATLOK, TUACY L. TOWNER. Supts. of Poor. REPORT OP 1XSPECTORS OF JAILS. Por the County of Washtenaw. of lnspectlon made Atigust 24, 1899. To Hou. Board of Supervisors: 1 Fred. Dowlings Manchester Dec. 31, 1898.. C. M. Cowie and E. M. Conklin Indigent. 2 Franklin Pierce Manchester Dec. 27. 1898. .C. G. Darling and J. F. Breakey Indigem. 3 Joseph H. Bentdiet Arm Arbor. Dec. 28. 1898. G. M. Hul' and J. F. Breakey Indigent. 4 Harriet Luce Ann Arbor. April 1, 1899. .John . A Wessinger and James F. 3reakey. . Indigent. 5 Helen Smith Ann Arbor. April 5, 1893. .D. R. McLachlín and Samuel Chapin Indigent. 6 Anna Shiplack Ann Arbor. July 10. 1899. .John A. Wessinger and John Kapp Indigent. 7 Herbert L. Saunders.. Ann Arbor. April 20, 1893. G M Huil and J. M. Wileoxson Indigent. 8 Chas. T. Tomlinson Ypsilanti... May 24, 1899. .John Kapp and E. A. Clark Indigent. 9 Wm. Barr, Jr Ypsilanti... jurie 6, 1899. . c. M. Cowie and F. K. Owen Indigent. 10 Anna M. Blum Ypsilanti.. . July 10. 1899. . .E M. Conklin and C. F. Kapp Indigent. 11 Harriet C. SehwartmanYork Sep't 26, 1899.. E A Clark and J. F. Breakey Indigent. 12 Thomas B. Whltland... Chelsea Nov. 22, 1899.. c. G. Darling and J. B. Breakey Private. 13 Louis Gerlaeh Northfleld.. july 11, 1899.. John Kapp and L. P. Kapp.: Private. 14 Mary Tate Saline July 11, 1899. ..S W Chandler and C. F. Underki c:er Private. 15 Lucy Ann Cobb Lodi July 11, 1899... W J Hudmann and S. W. Chandler Private. I The undersigued Inspectora of Jails i for the County of Washtenaw. in oom plianee with the provisions of law (Sees. 9649-9654, found on page 2318 of Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan, as above amended), would respeetfully report: Tha( ou the 24th day of August, 1890. they visited and carefulíy inspected the County Jail of said County, and found as followe: 1. That during the period sin-e the last required report aud to the date of this examination there have been confined at different times 278 prisonérs, eharged with offenseB as folows: OfCense. Male. Female. Whole Number. No. Drunks 159 4 163 Arson. 1 1 Disturbing Peace 4 4 Suspiclon 1 1 Assault with inlent to to eommit rape 1 1 Street walker 2 2 Desertion 1 1 Disorderly 5 51 Vagrancy 30 30, Larceny 20 3 23, Adultery 1 1 Begging 2 2 Grand larceny 2 Insane 9 1 10 Malicious destruction to property 3 3 Entering car 1 Xon-support 1 Common prostitute ... 2 2 False pretenses 3 3 Assault with intent to do great bodily harm 3 3 Boarílng a moving train U 11 Assáült and battery.. 6 6 Carrying coneealed weapons 1 1 Jumping board bill - 1 1 266 12 278 1 II. There are now in jail, detained i ior trial, 6. There are now iu jail, serving sentence, 2. There are now in jail, awaiting sentenee. 0. There are now in jail awaiting coinmitment, 0. There are now in jail, insane, 1. Nnrnfber now in jail - male. 9, female, 0; total, 9. Xumber of the above who are under lü years of age, 0. Prlsoners detained for trial have , been held in jail the following number of days eacU: 120, 92, 15, 36, 33, 22. Prisoners awaiting oommitment have been lield since sentenee, 0 days each. III. Number nsuálly eonflned in one room by day, 8. Numbei" usually eonfined in otoe room at night. 8. IV. Employment in jail. Xot auy. V. Condition of bedding, fair. Condltion of cells, fair. Conditon of halls, good. Condtion of water-closets, poor. VI. What distinetion. if any. is made in the troatment of prisoners? N'ot any. VII. Are prisoners under 1 years of age at any time. day or uight. perinitted to mingle or ossoeiate with older prisoners? See Sec. 2000, page 540. Howell's Annotated Statates of Michigan. No. VIII. Are prisoners arrested on civil process kept in rooms separate and distiuet f rom prisoners held on criminal charge, as vequired by Sec. 8941, Howell's Statutes? No persons are held here under cvil procees. IX. Are male and female prisoners eonnned in separate rooms as required liy Sectiou 8942. Howell"s Statutes? Yes. X. Is there i proper Jail Record kept. and is if kept properly posted. and does it comply with Sec. 9664, page 2o20. Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan? Yes. XI. What, if auy. evils either in construction or management of jail are found to exist? Buildhag is too small. Stipt, of the Poor. Mr. Oase moved the reports 1k aocepted and .printed witli the proceediiifrs. Carried. Mr: ChiUTs movrtl that the Board take up the special order to elect a jaiütor ly a formal lallot. Carried. The Chairman appointed Mr. Dresselhouse and Mr. Collins as tellei's. Tlie whole number of votes -ast was 2S, of wliicli Mr. Clark received 5. Mr. Davenport 8, aud Mr. Reeves 15. Mr. Reeves haviug received a majority of ' all votes cast was declared elceted. Mr. Case moved that the janitor lx1 I paicl the sum of five humdred dollars and his iluties to be the same as the previous janitor. Carried. Mr. Bibbins moved that the Ohairniau appoint a committee ef three to insti'uct. the jaaitor as to his duties. Carried. Mr. Childs moved that the new janitor have the same privileges as th old janitor. Carried. Mr. Alluipntlinger offered the folUwing resolution: Resolved, That the Building Committee have supervisión of all buildings and apparatus bekmging to the County. and that said Committee see that the heating apparatus of the jail be properly ca red for. Carried. Mr. Case moved that the Board adjourn until ld a. in. tomorrow. Carried. TOHN L. HUNTER. Chairman. ,7. F. SCHUH, Clerk. WEDXKSDAT, OCTOBER IS. 18), The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll ca lied. quorum pres-ent. iMinutes read and approved: The report of the l'oor ('ommissioners was read by Tmcy L. Towner. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of YVasht.enaw fouuty. Gentlemen: We. the undersigned Superintendents of the Poor for said county. respectfully suibmit a report of receipts and expenditures at the county farm for ihe year endlng September HO. 1S99. as follows: We have reeeivefl eash a stated lów: Ann Arbor City $535 77 " " Township 104 52 BriiJgewater " 69 68 Manchester " 139 36 Northrteld " 69 8 Plttsfield - 69 68 tem&n. " 3 55 Sharon " 312 56 Scio " 230 28 Superior " 14 74 Sylvan " 52 54 Webster " 69 68 ypsilanti City, Ist Dist 255 36 " 2d X)ist 372 71 York Township 40 25 Total 2,205 36 Cash from County House - Bones $ 2 70 Applea 2 25 Pif?s 2 50 Calves 19 50 Hogs 24 83 Butter 40 00 Beef hide 5 76 PouKry 5 30 Coffin 100 Buil 45 00 Olcl iron 1 50 Two subjects 24 00 Coal 15 50 i $189 84 Accouuts för temporary relief in the different eitles and townsïiip bave been audited and paid from the poor fuiul as follows: Anniibor City- Food $2Sfi M Fuel 27 26 Clothing 4 20 Medical attendance 3 5 Transportation to County House 6 26 ■ 328 19 Augusta- Supervisor's services 150 150 Dexter- Supervisor's services 6 40 6 00 Lima- Transportation to Ccuaty House 2 16 2 15 Manchester - Food 16 1 0 Saline- Medical attent!n"e 4i 36 Transportation 10 County House 20 Supervisor's services 29 50 35 Scio- Medical attendance 4 M Transportation to County House 2 00 6 00 Sylvan- Fuel 10 i Medical attendance 85 93 105 93 Tpsilanti City, lst District- Food 64 40 Medical attendanco 5 00 Transportation to County House 3 60 Supervisor's services 21 10 94 10 Ypsilanti City, 2d District- Food 253 37 Fuel 1 00 Medical attendance 100 00 Supervisor's services 65 10 419 47 York- Food 4 88 4 58 Total $1,020 17 Superintendents' Services - E. .L. Mason $204 10 T. L.. Towner 79 65 Jas. Tay lor 17 85 ■ 301 60 Transportation to Friends - E. P. Mason 7 15 A. Mclntire 9Ai P. S. Bibbins 3 58 W. 'Rurtless 149 M. C. R. R 27 46 Jas. Tay lor S4 T. I. Towner 6 61 A. A. R. R 6 89 City of Ypsilanti 175 jj4 g Total Outside Relief- Oities and Townships $1,020 17 Superintendents services.. 301 60 Transportation to friends 64 48 $1,386 25 Arfwints have been expended at the County House as follows: UrocKery and Glassware - F. C. Schleiker & Co $ 195 195 Lumber- Luick Bros 7 51 7 51 Wood and Coal- E. P. Mason 53 77 Drake Coal Co 153 oy Iew McCurdy 90 00 V. Shankland 44 93 341 79 Farm Implements and Seeds- Robt. Benz 3 25 O. E. Thompson & Sons 4 75 Wm. Walsh 110 00 118 00 Flour and Breadstuffs- Keyer Milling Co „ 2 15 Wm. Í. Parker a uo Geo. W. Sweet 38 Allmindinger & Schneider. 8 9S 13 51 Drugs and Medicines- Goodyear & Co 19 90 19 90 Paints and Oils- Wm. Hertz 2 75 2 7ï Blacksmithing- Esslinger Bros 13 90 Wurster & Kern S 40 22 30 Repairs - Jas. Tolbert 4 05 Oscar Jac-kson 1126 J. F. Schuh 175 67 O. H. Major & Co 4 08 Jas. Hanby 51 19 Luick Bros 7 39 Freeman Shuart 26 00 Wurster & Kern 16 85 Wm. Arnold : 1 0 Anton Teufel 3 40 300 88 Hardware - Henry Richards 3 55 Eberbach Hardware Co 38 21 J. C. Fiseher 2 20 43 96 StockByron Cady 75 00 75 00 Hay. Grain and Feed- Allmindinger ét Schneider. 23 24 Wm. I. Parker 110 ■ Keyer Milling Co 65 59 89 93 Groceries and Provisions- "W. F. Stimson 3 69 Dean & Co S 32 Caspar Rinsey 150+5 Rinsey fe Seabult 95 OS E. P. Mason 2 (Xt Jas. Doimelly Cl V. L. Shankland 4 75 C. E. Godfrey 7 00 S. J. Beardsley 6 30 A. A. Graves 26 L. MeCurdy 13 50 C. Frey 4 SI C. King & Co 137 60 R. Shankland 4122 475 OS Furniturs- Mack & Co 2173 Martin Haller L3 50 45 23 Tobacco- Caspar Rinsey 24 32 A. A. Graves IS 03 42 95 HelpKeeper and Mati-on 00 00 Nelly Bush 10 0 Jervnie Pohl 20 50 Thoifias Burke 65 42 Mrs, Frederick 2 00 Mr?. Tremen S alThomas Oresson ..." 2100 Joo Dennison 44 C. J. Snyiler 13 00 Pauline Frey 11 Ou C. Frey 90 oo John Frey 3 00 C. WilBon 2 2U John Lowe 1 OO V. Shankland. thrshers, etc 9 00 John Rigetz 13 93 921 38 1 Beei- James Geraghty 2-51 16 C. Frey 183 17 J. F. Hoelzle 96 80 341 13 Clothing- Liindcrschmidt & Apfel 1 86 Cuttint:. Reyer & Co 23 69 Mack & Co 24 6S üeo. R. Manwaring & Co.. 2 9? 6Ï 13 Boohfi and Stationery- ü. V. Mason 178 Ann Arbor Argus 175 Ypsilantt Commercial 3i V. Shankland ï Frank Smith 2 25 M. T. Woodruff - 00 T. L. Towner 100 13 80 Boots and Shoes - Doty & Feiner 10 10 D. E. Glass IS 71 A. M. Doty 2 50 Garner & Lutz 175 33 06 Dry Goods and Bedding- Schairer fe Millir. 52 87 E. P. Mül9 & Co 184 AVm. Goodyear & Co 4 5(1 F. K. Rexford & Sons 2 29 B. St. James 6 Wi 07 50 I Medical Attendance - IJ. oí M. Hospital (horneo) 78 00 Dr. W. B. Hinsdale 49 98 Dr. Noland 8 50 136 48 Recapitulatior. - Crockery and Glassware $ 195 Lumtier 7 51 , Wooc' and Coal 541 79 i Farm Implements and Seeds 118 0) Fleur and Breadstuffs 13 511 Drugs and Medicines 19 9i) Paints a:-Hl Oilp 2 75 1 22 3 1 Repairs 300 881 Hardware 43 9S 1 Stoclc 73 ffJ Hay, Grain and Feed Groceries atid Provisions 475 iffm Help 921381 FuroHure 45 231 Beef 541131 Clothing t?13J 'iobacco 42 0L I Books and Stationery 13 801 Boots and Shoes 33 06J Dry Goods and Reddine C7 5C Medical Attendance 136 4M Total 3,376 21 Recapitularon - I Balance Oetober 1, 189? $1,18" 81 Cash from County House 189 m Cities and Towns 2.2Ú5 -■ Appropriated 2.C68 I $5,583 1 October 1, 1899- Orders paid to date $4 804 ■ Order:' outstanding 198 ■ Balance with Treasurer 579BJ $5,58sB The following amounts av toe ■ poor f nucí from cities anct ■ townshiM for boanl and care of inmates at tl Ooanty House for tbc past year: flj Ann Arbor City wks. d's. Kate Behan 52 $70 2 Daniel Winnf-gar 52 70 20 ■ Fred B. Hall.'. 35 4 48 01 Sarah J. Robinson.... 52 70 2i) ■ Harrie? Oomplin 52 70 20 Wm. Ball 5 3 7 32 1 Fred Stendell 27 3 i7 02 Viola Dale 40 2 5438 Herman Dancer 51 3 69 42 i Thomas Tuomy 23 1 3124 1 Chas. Schafer 20 5 2795 Fred Heimdinger ....17 3 23 52 Robt. Tki?well 'S. 5 tl M Marta Dale 13 17 55 (■ Jef . Lewis 23 2 31 43 Jer.nie Ward 5 2 T 13 Mar; i Kichols 9 4 12 91 E'1, 'i ambe-i; .. 2 FM Dirmor 4 S 5 97 Niek HearlloriB 4 4 18 ■ nn Arbor Township- William Da vis 52 T0 20 Curtis Davis, lfi 4 22 3fi J Dexter Township- John Lightborty 6 S 10 Lima Township - H Georse Lindam K iOMr - Mpnchf-steï Townsh: &3r H Frank Wright 52 fP 20 H Sarah P. McMahon... 10 ó 14 45 84 ■ Norfhfielrt Township- Whitr--!ii -"'2 70 28 70 W Pittt-Seid Tow];-nip- Pemr. L Br -■on r,2 TM 28 Christ Stabler 52 70 2) I 140 ■ Eridpewater Township - fl Bers 52 70 20 ;■ Ss'iro Township- lH Robert Jerry 2 2 2 08 Amella Pinith 5 1 94 . I - - I r ■ Salem Township- Aaron Dean 26 36 24 ■ Scio Townphip- Clara Wade 52 70 20 Andre-w G. Wade 52 70 20 4uB Sbaron Township - Fred Van GUder 52 7 20 Henrv Cuok 52 70 20 - ■ 14(H Sylvan Township - Mildred Ludlov; 7 2 S S3 Webste.' Township- John Darllng -"2 T 2') t!l York Townphir- Nancy Van Daberg.. 52 70 20 B. A. Hig-h 11 3 15 42 M ' I Ypsilanti City, lst Distriot- Thomas Davis 52 70 20 Ê Rosa Shi"la'ï'se - "2 Charles Spapks 3S ,1 S9 Tl1 Nelly Ray 8 5 il B James Ranford rJ 70 H Mary Ella Rand 52 70 Visilanti City, 2i"l District- j Sally Pbaw 52 70 M John Kiiiker 52 fl Miilie Blount 52 T Susan Wilson 52 " - Simon Stater 52 70 20 j Total -M Otlier nocoiuits üxie fnuti Ann Aibor City- Fiel for Hnrris Hcjcomb s 2 "■ Food for Corbett family 6 5 H AuRitela Townïhlp- Tood and fuel for Reain i family :... f Lodi Township - '■""nel for Morton family 8 Pittslïold Township - . For board and care ef tjTm?.r L,e Barron. Oct. 1, 185ti 40 Oc-t. 1, 1SH7 63t Uot. 1, 189S 69 {_ - - ■ Total ?'■ Roenpitu'ruior.- Ann Arbor City ? .■ Augusta Ann Arbor Township '.■ Iexter B Limr. Iflj Lodi )M Wnnchester Northfield i l'ittsneld M Bri dgewate.' Bj RaMnu ■ Salom Scio I Sharon I Sylvan ■ Webster ■ York ■ Ypsilanti City. lst District ■ Ypsilnnt! City, 2d Distrtct ■ Total S Mail inmatles mahitainel 52B Fema'.s inmates maintained "B Averagre numbtr o? inmates 42 I Addit'onal boiji i:i lioue JH and on farm '' Ntiotinty- Arrf r'r.'r.s A] Gern-:'n? fl Enu-Vsh v'.'MJ V,--, -os Xfl Hol'trairtn Ttal'an Mvi!n!to Freneh Vhoe nuraber of i%afhs... "Whole number ef idiots.... TVhole nnuibfv of mutss.... mióle number of blind 2 ,Tlif esihnatort valué of County farm Tid buildings is as follows: .20 acres at $60 $ 7,200 00 3uildinsw 12,800 00 $a),oüo oo Estimated valué of farm rprodiucts: I2S bushels of wheat at 70c.. Ï 229 0 2 bushels of oats at 25e 95-50 J.W0 busbels of corn at 20c.. 200 00 150 bushels of potatoes at 50c 225 00 Sarden products 100 00 Product of 10 ccws.... 150 00 2alves sold 19 50 SOgrs and pigs solí! 27 33 [r.crease of swir.e 55 00 !4 tons hay ;it $30 240 00 bushels of clover seed at ..;.:.■ 19 50 Estima ted valué of inmate labor 100 00 $1 .461 43 Estima f ed valuó of persona.1 propery: j'our work horses $ 400 00 ren cows at f.5 S50 00 Pwo heifers at $20 40 0o ?"ourteen 1 ■.:,- at $$ 112 Ou í) pigs 70 Oil Píve bree'Tiiis sows 37 00 C"wo calves 20 00 00 fowls at 27c 25 00 3ne biiU 30 00 $l,0S4 0Bstiir.ited valué of goods on hand: in house $1,200 00 )ry :,.)ds; and bedding .... 25 00 'lotl sig : 25 00 tro ■ les 50 00 tovewood, 100 cords, at $1.50 150 00 'i '. ons coal, at $3 75 00 ímplements 'M 00 $2,025 00 Average cost of maintaiuinj; inlates ;it the County House, exclusive f the product of the farm and inïates labor is one and thirty-five hunredrhs dollar per week: Estímate for the ensuing year: Seef $ 500 00 ilaoksmithing 50 00 Rots and shoes 100 Of) Sooks and stationery 25 00 'lothing 100 00 'ook and kitchen help 300 00 "rockery and glassware 25 00 )rugs and Medicines 50 00 Jrv goods and bedding 200 00 "arm labor 225 00 farm implements and seeds 100 00 i"lour and breadstuffs 100 00 Yeigrht & ■' Puvniture 25 00 lavdware 100 M ïay, gt'ain and f eed 100 00 frocerles and provislons - 600 00 knprovement 100 00 [eeper and Matron 600 w lumbtr and fencing 100 OW ledical attendanoe 100 00 tints and oils 200 lepairs 1? Chaceo 100 00 Iransportation to friends... 200 00 lood and coal 550 00 ■uside temporary relief.... 1.OO0 00 - . $5,o00 00 ■Of tlie estimated expenses for the ■suin;? year .'2.542.S3 are due frolö ■ies and towns for Iward and care of fcr. We have a balance of $5TSL51 ■ the hands of the County Treasurer ■er providiup: for ordei's outstanding Hl uupaid. TUis will leave a balance Bí2.:V77 . Ül to be raised. Yc would ■reforc respecfcfully ask that the Hii of fwenty-five hundred dollars be ■ropriated for the ensuinsr year. [%i of wbich is respectfully sublitèed by the undersisned SuporiuIndents of poor. nat(i Oct. 17. ïsnn. JAMES TAYLOR. E. P. MASON. TRACY T. TO'XKR. ■Mr. Niiittaker moved tliat tlie reBrt be accepted aixl referred to tlip Bmmittpp to examine accounts of the mpr'intondeuts oí tlip I'oor and printH-ith the proceedings. Hirríeil. Br. Damon froui Conimittee ou Kinal Claims No. 2 reported bilis illg Claimed. Allo-wed. ■nk Tx-afch. Constable. . 10 -tó i !) i ■ A. WardA Coroner'a InKmest 3 Tí W'. D. "LudloVv. Turor...... 150 H. J. West. Juiror 1 30 Mnhn Knoll, Juror 1W H A. Boyo, Juror 150 Heorse Héselschwerdt, Kuror 150 Ais. West. .Turor 1 j ï [Hammond. AAritness.. 7 mtl Hammond. 'lo mj-n'-i' Hammond, Witm- lí % Bpr-kwith. Witness.. . ' ■brt Buchane.n. Justice. 13 90 I B. Turnbull. Jusiice... ' Brnard Parker, Justice. tw Ik. Taylor, Juror 1 Hii. I('-ick, Juror 1 r0 lj(. Maroney, Juror 1 50 ■o. Alien. Juror 1 ■ i. Juror 1 a Hiel Vogel, Juror 130 Eos Van Orden, Yitts s - - BL Streerer. 87 I Low. Witnoss l Wood. C'oniStíible.. 2 7ti 1 .6 ■ r. Hall moved iluií llie report be ft)tfl and adopted. ■irríi'i!. Hr l'.ihbins froni ConiDiittee ou k:i Claims X. 1 reported bilí oí Claimed. Allowed. ■jk.. jsYivi tfí S461 6? $459 55 ■ mi moved rlial the repon be Huid adopted. ■nii'Uln;íT moved tliat the ■liill of Sheriff nul Deimty Vxirintcd with Tlie procvedlngs Br bilis as clniuied aud allowed. Kd. ■líibbins f nuil Comniitteo 011 ■Lii claims So. 1 rejmrted bilí of ■illfu for reward of $2.".(M) in ar■Char!rs ('ole. ■ iniíly moved tlmt the bilí lio Blniiy from ('ommittcc on Civil ■■porlrrt liills of Claimed. Allowel. f.r.ny 40 (X) ■.ívory A 8 00 ■acksur.. Deputy ■ $14 75 15 75 HPVoHiliüW moved th;U tho l'CRj( acc-epted aud adoptod. L Case moved as au amcinliiiciil ■rhc bilí of 0. H. .Tacbson 1e alI ít .l.".7.-. ■l-ied. griíri"u! niotioii as nmcnded r-arBsValters moved io adjourn unPfcRNOON SESSION. plfd. (uoium present. W! moved lo recnnsidor iho Hin (íillen for íhc roward ofI Wni. .ír.dson for the arrest K Colé. , BiliK moved tliat tlie bilí be Bback to tlie Comrnittee. they Hiin fi'om tlie Prosecuting AtHi' rlglits iu the case. Ka mon from ('ominittee on Bu.iims Xo. '1 reported tlie folL Clalmerl. Allowofi. ■ iünaii% .Tustiue.S 3 00 $ 2 75 Bo. Wítness... S8 ftn Wítness.. 88 V WitneFS 2 1S ■ lustice 2120 ■iulpy, Juror.. 50 ■ Juror 50 ■ Jnror B0 I Juror 50 ■"'?, Juror.... 50 Wm. Winans, .Turor r Chas. Manly. Juror 5 Geo. Rauschenbergei-, Juror . Geo. Bauer, Juror 5 Mr. Bibbins moved that the rcpor be aéeëpted and adopted. ( arried. Mr. Walters moved to adjourn n til lü a. in. tomorrow. Carrted. JOHN r,. BUNTBB, Chairman. .]. F. SCHÜH, Clerk. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1S99. The Board met pursuant to ac journment. Iioll cialled, quorum present. Minutes read and approved. Mr. Damon l'roni Commitioe ói Criminal Claims Xo. '1 reporteil tli 1'ollowiiiiï bilis: Claimed. Allowed B Paiker. Justk-e $1140 $114 J. H. Flsh, Justice 19 2. 1!. t'. Turnbull, Justice 28 20 Mr. Bsach moved that the report b aceepted and adopted. Cavried. Mr. Biggs fiiuii Commlttee on Crim inal Claims Xo. 1 reported the follow ins bilis: Claimed. AUowei O. ir. Kelsey, Dep. Sherllï.$l9 70 $132 54 F. Jerry, Dep. Sheriff 3S 90 3S 9l Z. Buck, Dep. Sheriff 1S1 20 181 5 Z. Huck, Dep. Sheriff 183 60 1S0 2 P. McCabe, Constable 26 8 Mr. Walters moved that the report be aceepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. -Mclntyre l'roni Committee 01 Civil Claims recommended the bilis o Claimed. Allowed Dr. AVileoxson $ 9 00 $ Dr. Owen 9 00 M. E. Da venport 8 5 ,T. Taylor 79 50 T. 1. Towiifr 67 ST E. P. Masou 90 00 CavanauErh & Wedemeyer 9H 00 Wallace & Clark 40 00 Wallaee & k 40 00 Wallac-j & Clark I. 40 00 Mr. Beach moved that the report Ik accepted except the bill of Cavanaoig) and Wedemeyer ana Dr. Oweu and Dr Wilcoxson. Carried. JIr. IWbbins moved that tlie bilis ■Oavauatigh t Wedemeyer and Dr OwéB and Wilxoxson be laid on ih table. ; Can-ied. Mr. Kenuy i'roru Committee on Civi Claims reported bilis of Claimed. Allowed. B. F. Watts, care of clock.$ $ 2T 00 B. F. Watts, cure of cloek. 3 00 B. F. Watts, care of clock. 8 6 John. R. Miner. Juror 17(1 Ij. C. Goodrich. Juror 1 70 James R. Bach, Juror 1 70 John Gillen, Juror 170 George Isbell. Juror 1 70 Jasper Imus. Juror 170 James Chapman, Witness. 95 Harry Murphy. Witness... 95 Iizzie Shafer. Witness 93 Dr. E. A. Clark 5 00 lr. D.runou moved that report be aceepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Beach moved that the hour for receiviBg lids for printing proceedings be ])ostponed unril 'J p. m. Carried. Mr. Damon moved to reccive bids from th banks at ' p. m. " Carried. Mr. Beach moved that the ehair ajpoint a Committee cf three to investígate the worfe in ti:e Treasurer's oftice in reference tu State TMx Commissiou. ( 'anied. The Cliair appointed Beach. Bacon and Shadiord. Mr. Mclnryie moved to adjourn until '1 p. m. Carried. AFTERXOOX SK3SIOX. Koll ealled, quorum present. Mr. Damon from Cominittee on Criminal Claims Xo. 2 reported the foHoTvübg bilis: Claimed. Allowed. James Kelly. JuEtice $ $10 05 W. Bowen. Constable S W 4 20 J. Wood. Constable 4174 Mr. Walters moved that the bilis be aceepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. from Committee on Civil Claims reported the bilis of „ _ , Claimed. Allowed. B. F. atts, Coroner % 6 00 $ :, 60 B. F. Watts, Coroner 8 98 7 98 Chas. Brown. Juror 170 Frederick Kémps. Juror... 1 70 Johñ G. Dieterle. Juror ] 70 X. Geo. Kemps, Juror 170 John C. Lutz. Juror 1 70 Chas. Kapp, Juror i 70 Geo. Sauter. Wítncss r, Mat. Schaíble, Wítness 95 Milton Steft'e. Witness 95 Dr E. A. Clark 5 go Mr. Stadford moved rhat the feport ie aceepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Case. Committee on Eaualizaüon. made tbc following report: .Mr. Melntyre moTéd that fnrther consideration of the Coiumittee ou Equalizatíon be postixmed until 10:30 tomorrow. Carried. -Mr. Braun moved Unit tlie Farmers' & Bank be awarded the ctwtbfly of tlie Oounty money at 2 per cent and ', per cují overdraft Carried. .Mr. Bfbbins moved to appoint a Commrttee of three ro make due nrestigatlou of Litoer if in of Lec-d"s office. Cariied. Al-ssrs. Bacon. Walter and Alliueudmger wr.ce aipointed. Mr. Sha df o id moved that the contract tor medical attendauce aud medicine for the jai] he awarded to Dr Piersou al the aum of twenty-four liUars (24.(XJ.) Carried, .Mr. Fowler moved tliat the contract for printing the proceedtoga of rhe Board in Germán lx; awarded to Mr Heibér for sirty-flve dollara. Carried. Mr. bowler moved that we make MoiKlay, at 2:30, a .special to consiáer the bids for printing the oi-oceedlnga. I.ost. Mi-. Cas( mored that the Ypsitontl Seininel le awarded the contract tor printing the proceedlngs at i-?,.()2 per oase. Mr. Braun moved aa nn amendanent tluit tlie proceedtags le printed by the Annis Democrat ;it S:{.1O per pae. Camed. The original motlon as anifnded. Cartied. Mr. Beaeh movcö that the bilis of CaraDanpfli and "Woöemeyer be raken tram the tnble. (an-ied. fr. Whitaker moved! tbat tlie bilis be aliowe.j as claimed - $95.00. Carried. Mr. Oase moved tliat tlie bilí of Dr. Owen and Dr. Wilcoxeon be allowed - .0.00- $í).0). Carrietl. Mr. D&iuon moved ihat the cieauing oí' tho walks placed, in charge oí' tlio Building Committee. Mr. Senneidter moved; t lia t i lio Janítoi' be allowod $25:00 fot eleánlni? the walks. .Mr. f'nsf moved as un ameudment that the janitor lio nllowecl $l().0o por year ïor cleaning sidewalks. ( 'a rrled. The original niotion as aniended. Carried. Mr. ('aso moved that JIr. D&venpori be allowod $10.00 per year for six years for eteaning sidewalU surroundi,S' r.lie Court House. Yeas and nays called for. Yea - Sehneiöer. Krapf, Iïraun. Bitobins, Walters, Clark. Dresselhoiíse, Beach, Koyler. Prochnow. ('ase. "Whirtaker. Voorheis, Kenny. Mclntyre, Ilnnter. Mi-CuUougli - 17. Nnv - Shadtord. Bigps. AlhnenriInsrer. Colllns, Fowler, Bacon. Damon CarrieO. Mr. Bi.crírs moved! to adjourn muil Frithiy at 10 a. m. Carried. .TÓH'N Tj. HUNTBR, .T. 1'. SCIiril. 'Cliairman. ( lork. FRJliVY. OCTORKR 20. 1S99. Tl-ie I'.oard níet pursuant to adjourulUPllt. lloll falled. quprnm present. Minutes read and approved. Mr. Damon, t'rom committeo on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis: eiaimed. Allowed. G. Thompson í ' Ol) Mary Easton 8 Ida ashing-ton J f Richard Coleros n J Frod .Terry. Constable : J Wm. Everj', Witness llr. Alton Geo Boettner. Wïtness - 1 lbcrt Westfall. Witness.. Geo. Glotz. Witness: Christian Souttor. Witness Chas. Soutter. Witness.... Philip BUim. Jr.. Juror.... ] I, SohellenberRer. Juror Frd Ottmar. Juror ' Freií Vetter, Juror 2 TO John Reiflel. Jnror . W Geo. Roet tner, Juror Constable f L, L. Glover, Jurcr i J .lohn Kalambach. Juror... ; Noah West. Juror ] ?" Chas. West, Juror ] ? .'ames Richards. Juror.... l w John Webber. Juror , i Jay Wood. Constable Fred Kalambach. Witness Mary Raser. Witness Fn-d HeydalaufT. Witness L Alva Garbett. Witness LoLiisaKalamhach. Wituess to O. T. Hoover. Clerk JJ James Aras, Constable... 6 15 _.o 10 John L. Duffy. Jiistiee 716 85 (Ín 10 Marven Davenport, Juror. w Dudley Ioomis. Juror J Robert Benz, Juror Casper Rinsey. Juror ÍJ John Wedemeyer, Juror M Oro. Flsher. Jv.ror w Wm. .1. April. Juror ? Lestor Canflcld. Juror _"' Klmer Beal, jnror - Prancls Oberst. Juror Wm. H. Bowen. Juror w Geo. W. Cropsey, Juror - John McElroy, Juror Joseph Shaw, Juror w Edward TIolister. Juror.... o0 Edward Easterly. Juror... n0 John M. Thompson. Juror. í0 ?ioses ñeabolt. Juror y' Chas. Shetterly, Juror jO Casper Rinsey, Juror ■_■" Henry Exinger. Juror j" John Smith. Juror 2? James Donovan. Juror au John Webber, Witness j : Ievi Van Horn. Witness.. ■ " Joseph Webber. Witness... 3 oa James Dunn. Witness 3 on Ed-n'. Chrlstensen, Witness Geo. Wilson. Witness 4 R. Armhruster. Witness.. 48 Fred Golz. Witness f Geo. Lewis, Witness 4S Fred Garven. Witness Chas. Easlick " .Terome Canine, Witness... Su vjeo. iriKieoí h rui. niuicsew Harry Bussoh. Witness - JohnByron, Witness 80 Geo. Agnew. Witness Sn Delbert C. Goodspeed & Elizabeth Mulholland. Witness 2 Frank Andrews, Witness.. 48 Millard Clement. Witness.. Wm. Hoppe. Witness Albert Weimar, Witness.. R. Armbnistpr. Witness... 4" Paul Moses. Witness 48 Wan Lee. Witness 48 C. J. Sohuman. Witness 48 Flemmins Carrow. Witness,. 48 Arthur Sweet, Witness 48 Jas. Washington, Witness 48 Parris Banfietd, WitneriS... Vinla Writness... 48 Lewts Dolbee. Witneês.... 4S Fd. M. Hoivan, Witness... 48 Joseph Visgar. Witness 4 55 W. H. Woodbury. Witness 4 55 Chris. Seyfried. AVitness... 48 Ernest Lutz, Witness 48 Wm. Gerstner, Witness 4S Rebecca Bishop. Witness.. 2 15 loseph Pieroe. Witness 48 ■í. C. Biirney. Witness 48 indrew Sawyer, Jr., Witness 4S has. Schumán, Witness.. 48 Car] Meyer. Witness 48 lattie Nfwman. Witness.. 48 Geo. Isbell, Witness 48 ïottlleb Peterson. Witness 48 Mr. Clark moved tbat the répoit be ccepteiJ and adoptéd. Carriecl. Mr. Kibbihs. froni Committee on 'riminal Claims Xo. 1. teported bilis f: Ctaimed. Allowed. Wm. K. Lehman. Deputy Sheriff $ 5 8fi $ G2 32 V. J. Holmes. Deputy Sheriff 68 50 5(5 54 Mr. Proohnmr movort tliav tln retort be accepted and adlopted. Csnied'. Mr. Blbbíns, tram öommittee on viniinal Claims Xo. 1, rc-subniittod reward bill of Sheriff Gillen of 25.00. Mr. Braún moved that tho bill be AlIpwed at $16.00 for services rondcrod ly Sheriff ;il Emmet Coiuity in the Colo liorse stoalinp; case. Cnrrjpri. Mr. Kenny. Committee on Civil f'Ijiiins. reported the billa of: (Jlaimpcl. AHowert. B. ff. Watts, Coronar $ 5 00 3 72 B. F. Watts. Coroner 7 90 7 82 WHHam Walsh, .luror ] 70 Bid W, Millanl. Juror 1 70 ,T. Q. A. Spssions Juror... 170 P. W. Rosa, Juror J 70 John R. Miner, Juror '.'. ] 70 Wm. J. Clark, Jurör 170 Benste Peavy, Witnp?ü 9ri '"iurlolph Koarns. Wttnss 9ñ Isaac Greenman. Witnesw. K W. a. Brandy. Wttnefes 95 Walter Brown. Wftness 35 John Berueche, WitnE?s... 35 Allee S. Sehall, 'Witness,. . 9S .Satip Kellirieyer. Wftnesa. 3 Jr. L; Beteer, M. D.. Ex-. nnd Tast 5 00 F!. F. Watts, Corcner 6 80 B. F. Watts Coroner 9 40 S tin Thomas Mose. Juror 1 60 Maurlce Lantz, Juror 160 Frank Parker, .luror ] 60 O. !!. Manly. Juror 160 PlenfSmlth, Juror 160 li. W. Snell Jurnr J 60 11. C. Cardell. Wltneae 85 .k'lin Todd. Wltnecs 85 .Aibert Stevens, Wltness .. ' S5 James R. Roblpon. Hark.. ■ 2 75 Míirtln. Witness Si fc H. Swwl, Juror 1 70 Martin Cramer. Juror 1 70 Stanton Furpiif-on. Jiiror.. 1 70 August Frig-erle, Juror 1 70 FMward Campbell, Jnror.. 170 James MoGreg-or, Juror 1 70 Air?. Ka te Alford. Witness S3 Peter Devoe, Witness Í5 (.'. D. O. Connor. Witness.. S5 . l)r. O. R. Pratt, Kx. a ml To'ümony 7 ,"i3 Mr.. FÏéchet" moved, tliat fhe i-purt be aeeepted and odöpfed' öarried. Mr. Bigjrs. from Ooinniittèi' mi Ct'luiInal Clajins No. 1. reportéd the followinjr bilis: Clalmed. Allowéd, Ij. A. Wiïcjx. Dep. ShcrifT.S J 4S 25 faul Schall. Dep. Sheriff.. 105 41 gn 41 Mr. Clark moved thai the report Ik accepted and adopted. Cí'-tTied. Mr. Cliilds. trom Cominittee to settle witlj ut' Poor, mudo the t'ollowlng report: ïo the Honorable Hom-d of Suporvis'ors of Wnshtenuw County: Gentlemen: Your Oonamtttee to whom was referrvd the report of the Superintendeufs of Poor for the yeai endiiiir Oetober 1. 1S)(.). for examinalii'ii wou'.d respeeiïul'ly report tliaf iliey have performed th'at duty. Thai thcy have corapartíd said ï-eport Avith the books and order stttbs in the office .;l the Superintendent of the Poor. and flnd tiiat tile orders glven ai;re( with tlü lills tor the same. Tliat the whole amount of money rec-eivcd inclviding money on hand Oct. 1. l,S!),s was flve thonsa'ud eigbty-three nnd flve one-hundrediths dollars.' That there wera orders paid nmounting to 4 S04 04 That there were orders outstándinB 198 90 Total orders jjr(X)3 :,4 Ieavingr availablecash on hand as per cash record 579 51 Balance on hand as above ....$5,583 05 We reeeived valiuible assistsnce in our work from the SivperintondK-nis. also martod; ho-spirnlity from Mr. nnd Mis. ShanklancT. All of whic-h is respeetfully submitted. W. K. OTTTT.pS WM. BT'RTlRSf! WM. F. HALL Coinmitte.". Mr. Bmcíi mnvivl thai the report be acc-eptod. adopted and printed with ih ■ proceedanss". Cnrriedl Mr. Caso, frciu t'onii'i' '■■(■ on E'iualization, made ihe followlng report: REPORT OF EQUALKATlÖ.v COMMITTEB FOR TEAR 1899. Real. Tersonnl. Total. Equalization. "V Gtty $5,695.370 1 774.77:; $7.270.143 $5,770,000 A. A. Town 869.700 88 225 907.925 S35.000 Augusta 606,400 474:,0 IÍ53.S50 527,000 BiidKewater 696.730 76Í450 773.1S.1 723.000 DexteT 508.360 .i9 7fK, 568.120 490.000 .'■eedom 702.679. 122000 824.C70 liSfl.OOO Lima 734,695 (3 0S5 7 7 7S0 775,000 Loc-i 8R4.800 121600 1 (: i; 100 880,000 Lyndon 428,450 :;ó'üOo -HjAiO 361,000 Manchester 1,051,675 2K5.375 l.:!H7.050 1,100. 000 ;V;!'tfi,e,ld 74ii-'"" 85,150 S32.100 6S7.000 Pittsfleld 1.027,250 76 370 1,103.630 1.048,000 ga!em 782.470 .,800 849.270 S56.000 a..iine lv08O,6OO 94 650 1.175.250 1,067,000 1,088,840 142,060 1. 18). 900 1.200,000 Sharon 771.0W 103.160 S74.200 712.000 si perioi 9S9.O1O 53,210 1.042,220 912,000 h'lvan 930.275 223.75C 1.154.025 1,038,000 Webster 763.060 9S 5H0 SU 590 810.000 YorV 1,067,880 211,425 1.279,225 1,017.000 Ipsllanti", Town 949,730 107,400 1.057.130 308.000 Ypsüartl- City. First District.... 1.808,575 519.400 2 327,975 2,025.000 Ypsilantl, Secorid District 011,250 86,050 697.300 570.000 Total ....-■ Ï29,002,87S f25.000.000 , .Mi', noved tliat tin.' repon 1 lic aeeepted audi akited. Mr. Bacon offered the following substitute ou Equalization: Ea"aiizaTotal. tion. Ann Arbor City $7,270,113 $ 5,7a9iOO0 Ann Arbor ï.)wn 907 925 835,000 Augusta, 653,850 519,000 Brldgewater TI'J.ISO 723,00) Dexter 558,120 490,001 Fi-eedom 824,070 OSO.OuU Lima 797,780 775,000 Ludi :. 1,016.400 SiJO.OOO Lyndon 438,950 :S1,0jO Manchester 1,3o7,o5D T.lM.oiX) Northfield 832,100 BS7,0(X) Pitlstifld 1,103,620 1,063,000 Si.lem 849,270 856,000 Su line 1,175,250 Í ,((74,000 Scio l,18o,90u 1,230,000 Sharon i74,200 712,OoO Superior 1.042,22o ;I12,OOO S.ViVan 1.154.02." 1,080,00) Webster S61,."90 810,000 York 1,279,22a 1,0X1, UOU Yps;ianti Town 1,057,130 908,000 Ypsilanti- lst Dist 2,327,975 2,020,000 ïpsilanti- 2nd Dist C97.300 565,000 $25,000,000 Veas and nays callcd tor. Yea - Cliilds, Fisher, Krapf, Sliailford, Bigsrs. Al;hneudhij;er. Bibbins, VV'altei". Dreeselhouae, Btn-tless, Hall, Baeou, Jlelntyre. Huntei', Damon - 1.". X:iy - Brauu, Clark, Beaeh, Seyler, Cpllins, Prochnow, ('aso, KinKsley, Fowler. WhittaUcr. Vooi'lilee, Ki'iiny. MeCuUougb. Caí'rlecL Mr. CuIIds moved lo reconsider the voto ou the substituto. Mr. VVaiters moved that (ho íw-unsideration of the substituto ou Bquali.nfion bo luid on the table. Carried. Mr. Collins. from í-'ommitto on Per Dit'in. made the followiucr report: Ñamo. Day. Per Diem. Miles. Mileage. Total. W. K. Childs 12 36 l % 12 $36 12 R. L. Sehneider....12 36 1 12 36 12 í. J..EÍ=her 14 42 1 12 42 12 Herman Krapf 12 36 1 12 36 12 J. H. Shadford 12 36 1 12 36 12 VV'm. Biggs 12 3ri 1 12 36 12 O. P. Allmending-er.12 36 1 12 36 12 i"h;is. Rraun 12 3fi 4 48 36 48 Samuel Eibbins 14 -12 20 2 40 44 40 Geo. Walters 12 3G 3S 4 32 40 32 John Olark .12 36 16 192 37 92 John Dressélhouse .12 S6 20 2 40 38 40 David Beaoh 14 42 12 1 44 43 44 Daniel Seyler 12 3fi 4 48 :6 48 W. I?. Collins 12 i 28 3 36 39 3( VVm. Burílese 12 3S 35 4 20 40 20 Theo. Prochnow 12 36 8 96 36 96 Morton Oase , 12 36 7 84 86 84: Chas. Kingsle.y ....12 36 lrt 120 37 20 Ryron Wbittak'er ..12 36 9 108 37 08 Wm. P. Hall 12 36 3r, 4 20 -Í0 20 Walter Voorjhles ..12 36 12 1 44 37 44 Wm. Bacon 12 36 17 2 04 38 04 Bert Kenny 32 36 ]0 120 37 20 A. JX Mclntyre 12 3i; 18 2 16 38 16 John 1. Hunie.r 14 42 8 W 42 96 Sumner Diimon 12 36 10 120 37 20 Eliner McCullough.12 36 10 120 37 72 Wm. F. Fowler )2 36 25 3 M 39 0K W. B. COLLINS. A. D. McIXTYKF:. IIKK.MAX KRAl'F. Committee. Mr. Blbblns moved that the report 'no aecepte-a nud adioptéd. Cíin-ii'd. "Mr. Danion moved tliut two days be addod tp Ohatatnan Htmter's timo. Cnrried. AFTERNOON STCSSIOX. Holl onllod. quorum present. Mr. Danion, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2. reportecl the bilí oí: Clalmed. Allowed. P. W Rosa. Corf table.... $117 90 $118 40 Mr. Fowler moved that the repoít be aecepted and adoptod. ('nrriod. Mr. Beah, from Comxnlttee on Crim'u.-il ('1míh!s o. 1. roportod 'bilis of: Clalmed. Allowed. O. StebWns, Oer. Sheriff.. $ 1 ■ F. Mungcr, Constable $39 32 : w ]'. Munsor. Constable Wm. Lehman. Constable.. ly " C'. Dwycr, Dep. Sheriff.... ' Mr. Ohilds moved tliai the repon nu u-cepted and adopted. ('urird. Mr. Allmendinger, J'rom (.ammlttee on Drains, makes the (ollowins report: Your Oomniittee on Drains report that rliey have examined the report ■' the Drain Gommissioner :nil fiml :ill footiuss i-orvect. The total anuuini of ïiioney èroende1 by dlreption of' the Drain Comniissloner i :?.S54.53, if wliu-h iOO.Tñ is ('i' conipciisation cf the CommfKSlonei'. We recommend the adwptlon of the report md that it be nrinted with the pi-owwliti.n-s. (!. F. ALTjMENWNGBR, S: DAMON, (ÍEO. VV ALTER, Gomiuittee. Mr. Bvaun moved that 1I10 repori le icccpti'd mul adopted. Oarried. fr. Allmendinger l'roin Special Oommittee ou reptaolng M in Register of Déed's OfiBce, made the following report: Vour coinmittee on repla'cing Líber M. repori that In their opinión this liook should be re-written and recofaïneud that the stiin of three htindred dollars 1' allowwl for re-writing said book and comparing same wltb the preseirt Lfber M. but that no money be paid for the work untll the work of eopylng and eomparing has been cömpleted and the work approved by a Coinmittee of' the Board of Supervisors. G. F. AbUUENDIXGEE. V. BACON. GEO. WALTER. Mr. AV hit tak or moved tbat the rêport lx aecepted aud adopted. Oarried. The ('oimnunication of L. ('. Storrs was rc.-ui by the Clerb. Mr. Beach moved that the Oomunmii catión 'i' !:iid on the tatole. ; Carried. .'i-, !',,., 'h nmve.i tliat the Fes B1H f I8!V révlsed and printed in 1.899 Procoedings. i Carried. Mr. Shadford moved that the Pooï Conimissioners be instracted 1o issue do orders for tempoi"üry relief exeepi on the Corcnty House. Ycas and Naya callad for. Tea - Shadíord. Allmendinger, Braun, W-alter, Seyler, Case, Kingsley. Hall. Voorhles, Baéon, Keuny, Hiintt. Damon, 13. 'Xay - Childs, Flsher, Krapf, Bitobins, Clark. Dresselhouse, Beach, ('ollius. Burtless, Prochnow, Fcwler, Whlttakec, Melntyre, MeCulloiiiíh. 15. Lost. Mr. Bilïbius uioved that the Building coiumlttee be instrncted vo a, t.viie-writer for use of the i School Commlssloner. Mr. Aihiiendluger moved as an I amondinenr tlial $75.00 he the límlt to pay 1'or a type-wrlter. .Mr. ('ast moved as a substitiire to Mi: A-llmeiidinger'a motion that Mr. Allnieiidiiier lie suhstituted as a CoHunltttee ot' On to pittebase a typewritex', the price not to exceed Í75.00. Carrled. Mr. Chílds offeired the followlúg resolution: Resolved. That in the future the County Treasürers, in niaklng tüelr animal reports to the Board of Supervisors le rèqulred to show th h'iwn'il eonditkm of each fuud of which ■ he bas charge, showing the ainount of balante in ea?h fund or the ainount of overdraft agalnst each fund. Cnrried. Mr. Bifís-s oifered the followlng res olulion: Resolved. Thaj the Couiity Clerlï herEty directed to purtíhase a suitnble record for the use of the Sheriff i uarry out the meal and lodgtag ac eounts as directed iu the report of the Coniinrttee on County Offleerg as prini eü on Page 2r n the mlmites of 1898 Carried. Mr. Whlttaker moved tliat when adjourn we adjourn to mnut in gpecla Scssnon ii .!(:;! Monday niorning 'Carrled. Mr. Whlttaker moved to adjourn i CaiTied. t nMlí,"V' 0CTOBBE 23, 1899. non ealled, quorum preeent. Minutes read and approved. Mr. Dainon from Comraittee on Orimlnal Olaims No. - repopted tlwfollowing bilis: X Staan, Dep. Shm '$ M: R. Fletoher, Constable ' 4 ■í. StafEan, Constable Mi Arthur Sweet. Constable. Sij Mr. Fowler moved thai the report' lie aeeepited and adopted. CarrieVl. Mr. Kenn.v fnnn Oouiuiittee on Civil C'Iíiinis reported the bilis of „ T, ,,. Clalmed. Allowed. Hárrlson Bail, Juror.!. íS, A. V. Robison, Juror 1 Oeo. Haviland, .Airor.. " ", Jaaper Imus, Juror j 4X Henry Morton, Juror , 7(i Dudley .!. Loomis, Juror .. ' í 70 Chas. lCauowski, Witness 7Clara Kanowskl, Witnes. vr! Wm. Pisehlee, Witness 7.Dr. E. A. Olark .- AS B. P. Watts, Coróner..".:: ■ Ig Blisha T,ocmis, Juror ? m Edwarl Campbell. Jtiror 4,1 James Davla, Juror . Y 7n I.ewis Bishop, Juror. .. i, A. D. Knisley, Juror , n LSenjumih Buok. Juror 17, Stanlo.". Fergusun, VVUiicss , (.- John Clark, Witness..... '.'.' k ijMviriM, Roarabaeh, AVltness r,r May Corey, Witness ór. Dr. O. E. Pratt .- í B. F. Watts, Coróñér $ 5 m 570 John íí. Miner. Juror j 7J M. C. Peterson, Juror 1 70 Fred GUlen, Juror 1 70I Yin ('rittenden, Juror 170Frcd íTuhn, Juror j 70 Chas. Saucr, Juror 170 Mrs. Robt. Paul, Witnoss 95, (íottlieb Schneider, Witness . 95 Mrs. Catherine fí-yur, Witness ht, H. R. Boyce, Witness 05. r. VI. VI. BeNer 5 00 f '. H. M a.tor & Co 3 2T. Mr. Krapf moved that the report be ;}(■(. ptcd aud adopted. Can'iedi Mr. Childs moved that the Coinmíttee on Kïnam-e ot nstriictod to revise the Fee Bilí. Carrled. .Mr. Rlbbins moved tliaf the ehair appoint a Commlttee oí three to examine rlie bond of the V. ti M. Bank for the care of the Ootinty rnoney and report to tliis Board. Carriod. The Clralr appointed Bibbins, Dnnioit oud Braun. Mr. Ohilds inovrd to adjourn until -i p. m. CniTléd. AFTF.RNOON SESSION K'oli caïled, quorum present. ■Mr. Molntyre from Committee on Civil Claims rèported tlio bilis of Mack & Maok. Vn' A'"HV-'L takera im Mack & Jluok. Undertakers 40 B. F. Watts, Coroner JO ü(í Geo, Alhan. Juror ■ )n (leo. Ga urty, Juror ' í 5o James MoGrefror, Juror.. '320 Franklln Fletcher, Juror.. o. Harria Bali, Juror Ï Sí Harlow Wells, Juror 3 20 Newton "Lyons, Witness . 1 70 Wm. Reiley, Witness 170 Tsaac Worden. Witness... 170 Wm. Jones, Witness 1 70 James Kinney, Witness... j 70 Austin Gavin, Witness 1 7fl Wm. Troy. Juror 1 Daniel Iellworth, Juror... 170 Pred Oitler, Juror 17 Isaac Da vis, Juror 1 Tu John Perry, Juror 1 70 Fred Basum, Juror 17,, Mtchael ,1. Griftln. Juror 1 70 Dr. G. M. Hull 5 B. F. Watts, i'orontr J 1.2 l.' 12 R7 Wm. A. t'lark, Juror 170 Wm. M -Intyre, Juror 170 A. Robison, Juror t 70 Thomas Taylor. Juror.. 170 iJlarenc.-e Tic?, Juror 37 John MoElcoy, Witness... 1 so John ''onde, Witness g Julius Sifrler, Witness 95 Henry Glatzel, Witness... 95 Geo. H. Groh, Witness 95 Geo. Croeker. Witness 95 Matthew Shea. Witness... 95 HMward Molkentien, Witness (& BJ. S. Gilmore. Witness... 5 fx Dr. Warthin 5 Ö B. F. Watts. Coroner.."... 8 0 792 John R. Minor, Juror ■ 170 Fred Gillen, Juror - 70 Geo. Hubbard, Juror x 70 Chas. Burnham. Juror 1 70 Wm. Daner. Jurnr 1 7(t wm. Gerstner. Juror 1 7( Chas-. Neithammer, Wit'ií! 95 Omar Russell, Witihess... 95 M. M. Davenport. Witness ,s James Murry, 'itness.... 95 Arthur Svveet, Witness tr, Albert A. Kapp, Witness.. 95 Bert Gillen. Witness 95 Dr. B. A. Clark 5 (x B. F. Watts, Coroner 3 00 9 02 John R. Miner, Juror 1 70 Bdward Duffy, Juror 170 W. K. Chll'ds, Juror 170 J. R. Baeh. Juror 170W. A. Clark. Juror ., 170 Geo. Felner, Jurcrrrr; ', 170 Joseph Cebulskë, Witness .. 95. Mrs. F. J. Squires, Witness 95 James Miller, Witness 9 Frank Minnis, Witness... 95 A. T. Hoxie. Witness 95 John Seallen, Witness 9 C. W. Knight, Witness 95 Monmouth Miller, Witness 95 Dr. K. A. Clark 50 Mr. Kibbius moved that the report 'be afoepted and adopted. ('an-ied. Mr. Klngaley from Comuilttee ons Finalice reported as foHows: Vour Comml-tte on Finalice wonldi rejjpeetfully recoinuieiid that the stim oí' twenty-seveii thoiujand four fmnÖred dollars be raised to pay the ordinary expenses of tile Oonnty. We fnrther reconimend followiiiír aii-portioniiieiit: Courty Fund :... 114111; Contingent am Public Buüdlng 'go wess;.;::::..;::::::::::;:-;-;;:; jg Schooi Bxamlnation . 1 -,of Stenographer ,';m Fuer ..:::::::: fastern Michigan Asylum Fund"!! 2.5WSüldiers' Relief í'gy Poor Fund SVkí Total amount appropriated 44 400 Estimated Liquor Tux 17,'iMiCounty Tax recommended ..' Zi'wh All of whieh is respectPully sübniitted. C KlSdíií.KY. VVALTER VOORHÏES, THEO. F. PROCHNOW. Mr. Braun moved that the rerort b aceepted and adopted. Oai'ried. Mr. ChJlds offered the followina r-esohition: Resolved, That bo nienvber oí ilxBoard oí the Supei'Jutendents of the Voor Of fliis Gounty be ponnirted to issu! temiwrary relief to more thaa six persons iu ariy one d;iy unieses HOTiseOl'Ier '"' COr 1eUef at Uu' Poor Oarried. Mr. BfbWas moved to adjoiim iinttt J-" i. 111. loniorrow. Cnrried. TraSDAY. OCTOBEK 24, 1899 me t l Uiel pllrsllíllit to adjonru'Roll cnileil. quorum preseui Minines iien.d aud approved'. (-vn.,Kl'""y l'roln (;'"'Htee o wvil ( lanas reported the bilis of 1T. üf AI. Hospital álíSVh Ov E. A. Clark " ?}L -Mi-. Clark moved thíit the report be .■wcepted and ado.pted Oarried. Mr. Kenny from Ooinmlttee on civil -i;nms reported the bilí Of Dr E. .. ciarle... „, derS ovëd-that the bill8 OaiTied. ■Mr. Fo from (V.mmiitee to set'"' "'Jth Couuty Offlcers mude the folowíng í'njioii: IV) i (he HonoraMe Chnirmaii and ihc Board Of Supei-vlsors: entlemen: Your Gommlttee to set ub wiui County Offlcers respectfuHv 'epp't thai wo have made carefu] ex"'niulion of the books and accounts office at the Treamirev and flnJ 'n, '" awordanoe u-ith the repon „r 1 ■ I ;va.surer srrhmiUed to this Board, uw lor all money pald out by him rrt vouchers were found :On HU Tin Is office. Weatao flnd that the eerifleate of the Ann Arbor Savlug SfofS2'.overdi"aft uu 1Your Ooinrafttee woul.i ,vrommen,l tnai nle balance shown In the ent accounts under the Sukey adminjstration bc eaaceÖed nul books balanced. Your (.'ommittee also flnd that 'tl)e cliiini made by the Superintendcnts af' Public Instrwtion 011 the Teachers' Institute Fmid for $2lo.G5 is correct. We tind the balance due said fund under Sukey of $140.43 and uuder Rehfüss a balance of .$70.22, total $210.05. And we would reeommeud tbat au order be drawn oa the Contingent fund to be placed to the credit of said fuud. We also reconimend thait the Probate Judge providB Mmself with au order book to tw used In drawlng orders on the Treasurer and tliat the bill for said orders shall be left on tile in uis othVe. We also reconimend the Oounty Clerk provide UimseM with rubber stamps and stamp each order giveii by hiin witli the fund to be puid froui. theröby aJding the Treasurer in keepius a more accurate account with1 each fund. We further reconimend thai the ülerk be insti-uvted to open a ledger account with the Oounty to keep a record of Jury, Entry and Stenograpter's Pees. Wi' also flnd tliat the Clerk .is cntitled to the followiag items of credit: Record Ing 526 births at 6 cents $ 31 56 Reoordlng 504 deaths at tí cents 0 24 Recordlng 356 marriages at 6 cents. 21 36 Services in Tax Cases 343 00 To October Docket 10 00 To keeping record of proceedircrs oí 121 divorce cases 60 50 $411 41 1-1 75 $336 66 The Clerk has reeeived inoney as follows: lïeffived for telephone service $ 190 Rece.ivtd for costs 14 75 Received for 70 entry f ees at $2.00... 140 00 Received for jury fees at $6.00 144 00 Balance due 96 01 $396 66 AV. M. FÓWLER, W. BACON, GBO. WAITHE, Coiniiiittec. Biila nee lu Clerk, $!).01. Mr. Allmendinger moved that the report be accepted aud adöpted. CaiTied. Mr. Altaendinger' moved that Committoe to s-.ttle with County Onlcers be Instructed to continue their work nnto able to arrive at. a definite uftderítjuidiuf; ol' all Eouuty accounts. Carried. Mr. Childs moved that the communication froin the City of Aun Albor in reférence to paving be received and placed on file. Carried. Mr. Childs offered the followlng resolution: Hesolved. That in case the City of Ann dccitles to pave Hurón strect from Ashley 10 State, this hereby on behalf oï the County of Wjishtenaw the paymeat of its proportiou of the wcessary paviug cnx, tne amonnt in nu case to exceed fifteen htmdred dollars, provlded tliat befare ary part of ibis lax s 1 1 a 11 be paid: the wrk sliull have been approved by the Board: of Poblic Works of the City of Ann Arbor, Veas and nays called for. ïea - Childs, Sehnelder, Fisher,, .Shadford. Biggs, Allmendinger, Seyler, Bacon- 9. Nay - Braun, Walters, Clark. Dresselhwiwe, Prochaoiw, Case. Kin.csley, ["owler, Whittaker, Hall. Voorhles, Kenny, Huntei Mclrrtyie, Mi-culloiiiib - 15. Lost, Mr. Ohllds moved ihat one thousand dollars be paid tlie City for paving Hnron streef. Mr. Blbbins inoved as a substitute tliat. the matter of paving toe refterred to a committee to report to this Board. Mr. Case moved tliat the questiou. of paving the sfreets of Ann Arbfir 1k iudeflnltely postponed. Yeas and nays called !, Yea - Braun, Vaïters, èlark. Dresselbouse. T'roehnow. Casi', l'owler. Whittaker, Hall, Voorhles, Kenny, McIntyre, Hunter- 18. Nay- Ohilds, Schneider, Krapf, Shadford, Blggs. Allmeiulinger. Blbbins, Seyler, Collius, FClngslev, Bacon, JleCaJlongh- 13. Lost. Mr. Case moved to adjonrn nnril 1:30 p. )ii. Carrled. APTERNOON SBSSION Roll called1. quornni present. Mr. Chllds moved tbat the further consideratlon of the nuron street parement be laidl uiwn tlie table. Lost. Mr. moved ihat fho pavement of Baron street ie made speelai order of business beiore adjourninent to-day. Carrled. Mr. Danion, from Committee on Criminal Claims, reportad the 1ill of: tt, t. 1r Clalmed. AUowed. D. Hoss. Justlce J:j 75 Peter Vreeland. Wltness... :! 10 Stephen Gay. Witness 3 10 vvm. l. Stuhbergr, Wltness. 3 10 ' nu s. R. Vreeland. Witness l --, (■o, Rausohenbers, Wltnesa 85 Frank Munger, WUncsi.... fö Mr. Prochuow moved1 tliat the bill be accepted and adopted. Oarrled. Mr. Bencti. from Conimitlee nn Criminal Claims No. 1, reponed Ilie followlng bilis: , . , Olaimed. Allowed. John Pen-y, Deputy Sheriff. % i io '■ Luxton, Deputv Sboriff ui "ï M. Jnckson, Dopufy Sheriff 10 20 f. Munter, Deputy Sheriff. $12 -i m i Mr. Fowler movd (bat the report be necepted and nflopted. Carrled. Mr. Rnrtless. from Committee on Oontaglona DiseaseR, reported tbc followlng bilis: ,,, Claimed. AUowed. ' 'I Kopbbe $2! o' ];'- 'h7. i oo i. Dresselhouse 25 51 Aftion postponQd. Mr. Melntyre reponed the i ill of l'honias Kearnev, Attornev Pee it $"".(10. Mr. Clark moved (bat the report be u-oepted and adopted. Garried. Mr. Beaeh made the followine report: Your Committee. to whom was as slgned the duty of Investlgütlng the 'iinonut of labor reqxilred of the Crwn'y Treasurer by tlie State Tax Oqmn.ission. would report as follows: We have examined the work and Jwomniend: ilmt Uie snm of spTentyflve dollars be allowed Cor tlie performance of said labor. IíAVID K. BEACIÍ, WM. BACOX. j. h. snAnpoRP. ■ .. , Committee. Mi'. Bibbius toovkI tliat ttie report Je accepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Blbbins made the following report: Your Coinmlttee, tö whom was referred the examination of the Bond of the F. & M. Bank, would respectfully report tliat we recomniend tbat It be approred! l.v this Board. iMr. Case moved that ilie Bond of the F. & M. Bank bc approved by tbis Board. Carried. 'Mr. Case moved thal the Treasurer ''close his account with the Ann Arbor Savings Bank on December 30, 180Ö, ftnd deposit Cotinty money in the .Farmers and Mechanics" Bank on the same da y. Carried. Mr. Allmendiager oifered the following resolution: Resolved, Thai the Ohairman and ClerU of this Board are lierehy requested to draw up a petition and send the same to the next lryislatiire for this Board, asking that the legislature formúlate a plan of paying County Öfficers. which will elimínate entirely. or so far as is possitle. the present praetlée of paying Gounty Officers in [):ii-r by the Fee System. Carried. Mr. Biblins moved tliai the Building Oommittee investígate the needs of the jail and report to the Board. Carried. Mr, Chüds moved to adjoum. Yeas and Nays called for. Lost. Mr. Oa?e moved that we take up the special order in reference to paving Huron street. Carried. Mr. Bibbiné moved that the chair appoint a eommlttee of three on the matter of paving Huron streef, as to the eustom of otlier connties paying their portion of expense adjacent to their property, tliey to report to the next. Board of Supervisors. Carried. The ehalr flfipnintea Case. Walter and Beach. Mr. Bibbins ".ved to adjotirn unttl 1 a. m. tomoiTow. Carried. .TOHX L. HTT.NTER. Chairman, T. F. SCHTJH. Clerk. WÉDNESDAT, OCTOBER 25. 1899. 'I'lie Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. quorum present. Minutes rcnd and approved. Mr. Burtless. from Committee on Contagioua Diseases reported the followins bilis: Olaimed. Allo wed. J . Dresselhouse $25 51 F. atz 1 00 Ed Koebho 22 00 Mr. Bibbins moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Carried. Mr. Burtless, froin Committee on Contapious Diseases, reported the following bilis: Claimed. Allowed. Dr. Chape $15 00 John Costello 5 00 navis Bros 4S T. S. Jamos 3 00 A. X. Hodgeman 75 Pr, T3. F. Chase 18 0' R. B. Honey 4 no John McDonald 3 50 A. S. Yost 7 56 Alsvr L Shadley 5 40 Mr. Walters moved the report he accepted and adopted. ( 'nrried. Mr. Shadford, trom Cominittee on Fractional School Distrlcts, made hls reporl. To the Honorable Bo;ml nf Supervisors of Washtenaw County: Your Cojnniitteé on Fractlonal School Districts make the folUrvying report: Increase. Decrease. Aun Arbor City .2' Aun Arbov Town .079 Augusta .205 Bridgewater .063 Dexter -lSfl Kfn'ilom .168 Lima -028 Lodi -13S Lyndon -213 Vtanchesteí -1"" Xorthfiokl .174 Pittsfield .035 Salem 008 Saline -0S6 Scio 04 Sharon -183 Superior -124 Sylvan WT Webster os9 York -209 Ypsilanti Town .141 Vpsilanti, 1st District .132 Ypsilanti, 2d District ■ Slgned .1. ir. SHAíDPORD, DANIEL I. SBYLER, WAlrER VOOKHI1SS, ('ommittoo. Mr. ('ollius moved that the report be accepted and adopted. OaiTled. Mr. Bjiwh 1'rom Gommittee on Apportioaraeut of Staite and Connty 'l'ax teported as follpws: Valiiatíon. State. County. Aun Arbor- City $5.750.000 $24,088. f6,302.UO Town S35.O0U 3;4W.S3 915.16 Augusta 510,0.i 2.1tiít.7ti ■ 50S.S2 Bridge water ... 723,000 8,022,61 7H2.11 Dexter 49O.IK) 2,048.19 óXIáH Freedom 6ÍSI.000 2,880.17 75:.. M Lima 775,000 3,240.02 848.40 t,odi 880,0011 li,b7S.97 9fi4.4S Lyndon 361.000 1,509.22 895.66 Manchester .... 1,100.000 4,598.72 1,205.60 Northfleld 687,000 2.S72.11 752.95 Pittsfleld 1.0S3.1KIO 4.444.0;! 1,165.04 Salem 856,000 S.578.64 9X8.17 Saline 1.074,000 4,4ÍKl.t 1,177.10 Spio 1,230,000 5,142.20 ], 348.0'? Sharon "12.000 2,í76.62 780.3H Superior 1)12,000 3.812.76 999.55 Syfvan 1,030,000 4.306.07 1,128.90 Webster SIO.OOO 3.386.88 SS7.76 York 1,011,000 4,226.64 1,108.06 ypsilanti- Town 908,000 3,796.03 995.17 f.rst District. 2,020,000 8,444.91 2,213.92 Second Distr't 5.66,000 2,361.87 619.24 Totals $25,000,000 $104,515.76 $27,400.00 W.M BACON, .1OHX D. CLARK. E. L. SCHNEIDER, Comnüttee. Mr Ghllds nioveil that Üa report be :.ceeiteil and adopted. CJarried. Mr. Ajluiendlnger froni Comniitteé on Drains raakes a Turlher réport: as follows: The fnnd for Plttsfleld No. 4 Drain is overdrawn 5 91 Bridgre.water NTo. 1 Drain is overdrawn 71 Augusta Central Drain is overdrawn. 49 The County Treasurer reporta still otlier orders outstandüng ou funds in whleh no balance remelns. "We cali the attentlou of the Board to thls matter without rocomnieiKl.'ition. ir. F. ALLMIOXIU.N'CKK. GEORGE WAÏjÏER. Mv. Krapí moved tliat the report be accepted, adopted and prlnted wiib th procoeilinus-. Carried. Mr. Kingsley moved that tliis Roau instruct the Building Colnmittee to re pair the step at the east side of the Court House, and paiut the stone work as far as the Conwnittee daem necessary. Carrled. Mr. Blbblna thcn moved that we accept the reeommendation of the Building Oommittee relative to the repair and acMltlon to the County Ju il. Carrled. Air. Ctiilds offered the following resolution: Resolved. That the different supervisors are hereby instructed to assess the several amounts as reported by the Commitee on Apporüonment of State and County taxes. fncluding the Soldiers' Relief Fund, the amount due the County House for the support of the Poor, also the amounts In the several supervisors districts as the Iaw provides, uicluding road machines and drain taxes. :is given in the several Iriiin reports, nlso rejected taxes and iridge taxi. 'Mr. ('ase moved as au amendment hat the resolntion be adoptèd excepi the Board of LeKaron. amountine to $69.68. Mr. moved that we defer iction until we hear from Air. Mason md the Proseouting Attorney. 'arried. Mr. Case .moved to adjouru muil 2 )). in. ('arried. AFTERNOON SESSIOX. Koll ealled, quorum present. The Chalrman announced that the question of Air. Case's amendment was bef o re the house. The Case amendment relativo to the Board of T,pEaron. Carrird. Air. Uhilds moved that Dennis l.rBaron, now at the County House from Pittsfield, be made a Ctiunty expense. Carried. Air. Case moved; that Amanda Vandeburgrh, now at the County House frnn York. be made a County expense Carried. Air. Melntyre. from Oommittee on Civil Claims, reported the bill of Jfrs Anna Welbum. $40.00. Air. Aílmeudiníier moved that the report accéptédi and allowed. Carried. Air. CoJlins. from Committee on Per Diem, made the following report: .-.o Days. P.p. M. Mie. Total. ? vK-c ?'ldS! 4 12-no ! ? -12 $12.12 K. ia. Sohnelder 4 1200 1 12 vv John J. Fisher 4 12.00 1 !l2 VZ.V1 Herman Krapf 4 12.00 1 V 12.12 ■T. H. Shadford 4 12.00 1 .Ú 12.12 Wm. Bie-fïs 4 12. CK) 1 .12 12.12 G. F. Allmendinser. 4 12.00 1 .12 1212 Chas. Bi-aun 4 12.00 4 .48 12 S4 Samuel Bibbins ...4 12 00 20 2 40 14 40 Geo. Walter 4 12.00 36 4.32 16.32 John Clark 4 12.00 16 1.92 13.92 John Dresselhouse 4 12.00 20 2.40 14.40 David Beach 4 l?.00 12 1.44 13:44 Daniel Seyler i 12.00 4 48 12 48 Wm. Collins 4 12.00 38 3 60 ):.) Wm. Buríleos 4 12.00 36 4.20 16.20 Theo. Prnchnow ... 4 12 IK) 8 .ga ]; Morton F. Case 4 12.00 7 .84 12.84 Cha. King-sley 4 12.00 10 1 -0 13.20 Wm. Fov,-ler 4 12.00 25 3.00 16 20 Byron Whittaker .. 4 12.00 9 1.08 13.0X Wm. F. Hall 4 12.00 35 4.20 16.20 Walter Voorheis .. 4 12.00 12 1.44 13.44 Wm. TJac-on 4 12.00 17 2.01 14.04 Bert Kenny 4 12.00 10 l.'O 1 20 A. D. Mclntyre 4 12 i IS 2.1'! 1'1 John Hunter 4 12.00 8 .W i'.ar, Sumner Damon .... 4 12.00 10 1.20 13.20 Elmer McCullough. 4 12.00 10 1.20 13.20 WM. BACON'. HERMAX KRAPF. A. D. McINTYRE. Mr. ('hilils moved that the report be accepted :iul adopted. Carried. Mr. Cliilds moved that tjie Soldlers' Rt'licf Comiaission bo allowed $3.00 per day aiid six cents mlleage eacli way. (';U'liO(l. Mr. Chllds moved That tbi Chair appoint ;t Coiruaittee of tbree to exair.ine Oie worfc of cqpyiug Libfer II. Carriéd. The Chair appöinted Ghilds, Allniendinger. Kraun. Mr. Mclntyre, i'roni Conimittee on Civil Claiins, reported the I)ills of Clalmed. Allowed. I. navis $8 0", I. DaviK 180 Mr. YUiiitaker moved that thé repcrt hp accepted and ádopted. GaiTieS. Mr. Collins moved thal a vote of thanks lie extended to our Chairnian. Mr. Hunter, and Chairman Pro Tem Beach. lor thelr justice, kinduess and e(iiiTy dnrtag the nessiou of thls Board, also to Conniy Clerk Sclmh for liis clerical services rendered the Board. Carried. Mr. Damon uioved that the Conimittee appointed to nspect Liber M be paid $3.00 per day and the Clerk be tnstructed to draw warrant for so me. Carried. Mr. Allnieudintier moved that the Conimittee to settle with County Oflicei's be allowed $3.00 per day for the extra service. Carried. Mr. Childs moved to adjourn. Cnrri((l ' Cluiirman. Clerk.