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Ise who are trying to have r Clark, of Montana, unseatIthe charge that he bought his pn assert that his backers told very man who voted for Clark p receive a nice bonus. Even Iwho are now at Washington ■ig hira claim to have a big ■his money, but say they took Hto fooi and exposé him. If ■harges be true, they show Krk is a broad, liberal states■ompared with some others ■ld down a seat in the senate. edly, his idea was that, if H who voted for him was HU vould be satisfied and ■il il be no trouble. But, H some got a larger pile ■ïers, henee the exposé. ■is at the bottom of lots of Clark will, probably, be H, because he is a member Hinonty; but, if only those B-mitted to vote who have Hd money, or had it used in B;rest in senatorial contests ■ie legislatures, there would Idoubt of his remaining. Ithis rotten condition exists Imatter of the election of I States senators, nobody I Nor do the evils of this I of electing senators stop I They permeate the other f the legislature. The mem te elected principally with tce to the selection of a eer ndidate for senator, and too ire in no sense representativ When the senatorship is set tiey are subject to the sara ices as those which controlled election of a senator. Thi ion is sure to continue unti Irs are elected for their abilit re the people and withou ice to the senatorship. Sen tiould be elected by the people rusts continue to do busines ■hey are brought to book by lirough the initiative of Presi [McKinley's message, it will be Itime bef ore they need com I winding up their affairs. Bident McKinleyisan adept in ftness. He appears to have ed theEuropean nations with P talk. He did not say q.uite 11, however, to satisty English but English papers are satis ihemselves with the saying .good understanding between rwUs is too well under nrnent. It leaves Hin in the air in a Bwkward position, how lansing grand jury is stil en the trail of Land Com Ir Wm. A. French. It has pcovered that the corarais ■asobeen too busy with other I, some of which the grane ís been decidedly inquisitive " to attend to the matter o :he $25,ooojbond required b itute. The jury beiieves the is vacant on this account, stute commissioner is'appartoing to have a stocking full ■ristmas. now comes John M. Palmer, twhile gold democratie can■l president, and denies the lublished interview purportBne from and making him Kas for Bryan for president B oL bis anti-imperiahstn ■i-Ie says, Bryan cannot be ■K'j is tooclosely identified Hc i. He never saíd he Bpport Bryan, he declares. Bjoes si, o h'jw hard it is I' to i"t away from a charI has ra-i'le ,'forj himself. Kis been a good deal of a H in ihenatter oi' party The Aguinaldo is siill bis wn ma-.i. K' rtKvays appears to be ust aüad of 1 a -.- American soMiers, jut never q-i te wiiiiin rc-aoh. H i now expected again in Cavite province. The reconimerulation of President VlcKinley, that the law fixing the irice of armor-piate at not to excecd three hundred dollars per ton be repealed, is wise. Such a law las nu place on the statute books anyway. If this government is to build up a navy, it must pay the price of the best plate, or iis navy will be worthles when it is built. And if the officials of the government cannot be depended upon to be honest with the government in their purchases of such material without such a law, they will not be with it. Representative Roberts, of Utah, is evidently beginning4to rcalize that he is up against the real thing, Undoubtedly, there is an exceedingly strong sentiment throughout Jthe country which demands that an example be made of him. The lower hous; of congress shows how sensitive that body is to the sentiment. TechnicaHy, the case against him appears weak;. but his is a case in which the house, having the right to expelí, will undoubtedly find some means to get rid of a member whose presence is so offensive to a strong. moral sentiment of the country. Ours is a government of public opinión, and in a case like that of Roberts, where public opinión has so strongly asserted itself, it is sure to have great weight. The Detroit pólice are entitled to much credit for the job done in bringing the brutal murderer of Reindel to book. At first they appeared to have little to work on, but their clever work unravelled the difficult matter and placed the suspected man behind the bars. Here they succeeded in worming a confession from him. They have bejn criticised for their methods of doing this; but, certainly, the end justifies the nieans. If the man is guilty, as he has confessed he is, he deserves the full extent of the law. If he is "feeble-mindtd," as is novv being claimed, that fact will receive due consideration. But had he been allowed to see his attorney, no confession would ever have been made, and it would then have been very difficult, if not impossible, to convict him, in which case he would have been allowed to go at large to repeat his crime. The presumption of the law is always in favor of the accused, and it is proper, therefore, to get the evidence against the aceused by such means as the pólice resorted to. They are to be commended, rather than criticised, for their good work. The horrible affair at Maysville,, Ky., in which a brutal negro murderer and rapistwas burned at the stake, is a shock to the better sentiment of the world. It is not sympathy for the worse than brute Coleman, but the fact that such a crime is possible in a highly educated and refined community,in the presenee, too, of women and children. It goes to prove, however, that, regret such occurrences as we may, the veneer of civilization is not to be depended upon to restrain people in cases of such terrible crimes. The mob's act'ton was most degrading; but few communities, probably, would fail to take the law into their own hands under such provocatioR. In spite of the horror feit by the great mass of people relative to the mob's doings, still it would be practically impossible to find a jury anywhere that would convict the participants and inflict a severe penalty on them. The sacredness of the home will be protected against such fïends, and there must be far less of such crimes before mob viblence in such cases will cease. Undoubedly, Coleman would have answered for his crime with his life, had the law been allowed to take its course; but nothing is more certain than that civilization has not yet sufficient control of human beings to restrain them and cause them to be calm and judicial in their acts under such provocation. The crime must cease before mob violence in snch cases will cease.