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Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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REPORT OF THE CONDIT1ON OF THE - 1 At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of busine, Dec. 1, 1898. RBSOtTBCBS. LIAB1LIT1ES. Loans and Disoountt 1437,953 28 „ ,t , t . , . . „ stocks, Bonds, Mortïaires. 659 911 59 Capital stock paid In ï 50 [Jnired Staies and Mich. State Bonds 24,700 00 Surplus fund,. Ud BlnkdirnagHoüe:::::::::::::::;-;;::;: 'm S ündiTided Priesa Furniture and Fixtures _ 7,417 32 8es, Interest and taxes paiá 14 OtherBeal Estáte 48,781 43 Dividend unpaid, CASH. Due f rom banke in reserve cities ...151,678 32 DEPOSITS. Due from Treasnrer Sobool Dist. No. 1, Ann Arbor J0.282 30 Commercial deposita, subject to Exchanges for clearing house 3,90 98 check laf Cheoks and cash items 765 38 „,„ ",L""".L IZ Sïickels and cents 324 57 Sa-ring Deposita, 89É Gold coi n 40,257 50 Savings Certifícate of Deposits 101 ü!seancdoatioDarBañ--Ñote8-;:::::: ém % Due and Bankers -JÍ. 11,437,393 36 k l STATE OF M CHIGAN, „ J Countv of Washtenaw. f88' ■ M I, Charlas E. Hiscock, oashier of the above oamed bank, do soiemnly sweaiH above statement is true to the best of my knowledfre and belief. Oa as. E. HiscockM Subscri ' d and sworn to bef ore me. this 6lh day of December, 188S. Michakl J. Fritz, NotarsP Correct Attest: Christian Mack, W. D. Harrtman, L. Gruner, Dtreotors. 7 Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,00(1 Transacts a general banking business; buys and sells exchangesd York, Detroit and Chicago; sells drafts on all the principal cities of EvM This bank, already having a large business, invites merchants anH to open accounts with them with the assuxance of the most liberal deafl sistent with safe banking. In the Sayings Department interest at the rate of three per centB semi-a nually, od the first days of January and July, on all sums tfl deposit A three months previous to those days. thus affording the peopB city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, torjether wl urn interest for the same. Money to loan on approyed securities. ■ Dirkctors.- Christian Mack, Daniel Hiscock, Willard B. Smifl Harriman, William Deubel, David Sinsey, L. Gruner. W Officbbs. - Christian Mack, Resident; W.D. Hamiman, Vice-PB Chas. E. Hiscock, Casbiei M. I. Friti Ass't-Cashlei.