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CHURCH DIRECTORY. llnptist Church. Rv. S. Haskïll, Pistor. Síb i itl sorvlcos, 10% a, m. and "K P. . So iJy School after mornine; service. Prer meeting Thursday evening ut 1% o'clock. Cathollc Churrli. Riv. Fathkii Fiílí, Pastor. Low vtsss, S A. . iíh Miiks, l4 k. a. Vespers r, . Hnnday School, ïhi r. m. Conresrational Chiireh. Kkv. W. H. Hvukk. Pintor. sib itb wrrtoe, m a. m. :ind ?h ' " Su ay School aïier raorninu service. Pra -ar meeting riinrsday evening at 1% o'clock. Episcopal ('lnirch. Riv. Wti.lys Hai.i., KeaWr. Saboath service, 10 a. . and 1% p. m. Suiily School. i% r. m. U.Hi'ioa services, Thurd evunlng :it A o'clock. Germán Methodist Church. Kiv. 0. Hf.i.wio, PlltOTc Sabbath services, W% a. m. and V4 r. h. : iy School, at nine o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday. Lutheran Churcli. Rkv. John Nbumann, Paetor. Sa .bath services. 10% a. x. and 7H p. Su iday áchool after mornlnL' service. Pr tyer meeting, Thnrsday evening at 7% o'clock. Methodist Church. Rkv. Johs Ai.ahteu, Pastor. gibbtth cervices. 10'i a. m. and 1% p. h. Sun liiy dchool nflcr raornin:? service. l'rr..r isatlng, rtnir"dayi;veninKat 74 o'clock. Y i l'eople'i Moeting, Saturday 7 p. m. Trosbyterian Chnrch. Rv. Prbd T. Biiown, D. D., l'iiptor. 81) ath orvlCB-. 1') a. h. and T% p. m. Su ,.lay Scnoolíiid Btble clans after muraing service Priver meetin rinirsdny evcniiu ut 8 o'clock. V.i ing Popl MetHing, Snnday eveuing fi. Chitarían Clmrch. Kv. J. T. Suniiekland, Pastor. Sa ibaln services, 10!4 a. m. and 7K p. . S inday School at 12 a. St idcnts' Bible Olass at 9:15 a. m. oh Lutheran Clmrch. Rit. H. P Bki.skr, Pastor. St'ibath BcnUaa at lOyfc a. m. .ind 7 p. m. S inday -ichool Immediately fter mornlnn service. RellglOU servies vVednenday cvinlntr at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. (i EO. W. RENWICK, ƒ From the Nw England ƒ (oryof Hule, BoeLo. Teacher VoCflland Instrumental Muic and # Uarroony. ƒ ƒ Conduclor of Musical Conven- tfons and evening clnfM. ƒ Prívale laMom ■ ili lu givantt ƒ Um repidencf "I ; ƒ ƒ Adilresi P. O. Box 1201, Ann ƒ Arbor. M WM. C. STKVEXS, M.D., OFFICE, :c.J Washington 8tra1 Office Iours-1 lo íl %. m., Ift) í. x. u 12 .. -z lo 1. and 7 tp 8 r. m. Jlmulenee- No. 10 I t. iil.'ltr _ MARY E. FOSTElt, &ttoniey_at aw. Office al ucr rasIdanMi iMo. OO West athnrlne Mt ƒ orFicic hoürs : ƒ ƒ Prom9o'clork a. m. to 1 p. M. ƒ ƒ 194-845 T HKNRY R. HILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Eslalc Broker, AND INSURANCE AGENT. oitick: Xo. I Opera Ilousr Illook Anh Arbor, Mica. M8 f JOHN L. UUKLKIUH, Attorney -AND Counselor at Law. oftici : Over National Bank, ASN AKBOR. ƒ 7H4U W. II. JACK8OX, DENTISTA i once over Bach & Abel'. l5ntrince by First National Bank.X 73ïtf F. SORG, ƒ HoOII, SlON AND OBNAMBHTAL ƒ PAiMmR. Paperlnu, Glazing, I I 'iildijg, and work of every I f crlpticn done In the bent ttyle. ƒ Painte, üils, and Varnlsbes on j band aid for ale. Shop, No. 3S K Sast Washington Street, Ann I Arbor, Mich. 909-654 ƒ WILLIAM HER, HOÜ8B, 9IGN, ORNAMENTAL & FKK8CO PAINTEK. paperlng,Glazlng, Gilding and Calci- mmlnj, anil work of cvery decriptlon doneln the best stylc, and warrantfAX totttre aatlsfaction. Shop No. 4 WestX WaehlnKton Street, Ann Arbor, MlcnA 68 I THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, mmCTi GENERAL BÁNRIN5 BUSINESS. CAPITAL, $50,000. Organlzed indcr Uh QaBWki Hanklng Law of this State, the stcckholdere are Fot a" additiunal anount eqaal to itock held liy them, thereby creatlng a I uncí for the beneflt of OeuonitorH of $100,000.00. Kour pr fent. intcrt-Ht 1 allowed on all BnvinsB DspMtta of onu dollar sud upwards. teeordiiiï to the ralis of the Bank, and intt-rcKtcompounded seroi annually. Money to loan on unincumlu-red real estáte aid otuer good r-ccurity. inrtclort- Chrixtian Mack, W. W. Wlnes, R. A . William Dcubel, Wllüam D. Harriman Daniel Hincock, and Wülard B. Smlth Ilimn Chrutiah Hahk, Pre W. W. Winïs, Vice-Pre. Ciiah. E. HiacocK, Caehler '.'15 IXMi G To WIÏiANS & BERRY FOR MMIMT TA110RING for the follón ing rMMU! Ut. Oarvorklnllnr-tclai.s. 1 1. Mr. lerry U the onljr enttar in tbe State who M lv yona p.-rfuci nt without u ving m. M. We Invu the i„rk.,--i usnrlmenl In th' BUta, havlnir over MX) dlfferini itylet to lelecl from i. ;;? „,e e niuiu Dnt nri.i-.ela..,. ti iminlUL'8. ata. we na fUn ig iwr t, „.1()W u,.tr„it 1r, M, WINANS & BERRY, DSO-IOOT No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. JAMES McMAHON, ATTORNEY A1TD SOLICITOE, CIRCUIT COJRT COMMISSIONER AND INJUNCTION MAS1ER- Office ín New Courf House. [921-972