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Horrible Burnings In Russia

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The Russian (Jourier reports a shocking disaster froui Yolodaroek, in the goveru inent of Kieff. A Jewish boy had beer ordered at eight o'clock in the evening o the 8th uit., to fetch souie kerosene from a barrel that stood in an outbouse. The bar rel eoutained nearly tweuty vedro of tbii dangerous oil. At'ter filling his oilcan tht boy atteniptt-d to turn the tap of the barre by the In lp via candlestick, in which there was a lighted eaiidle. In doing so, how ever, the light feil froni th'j candlcstiuk into the oil-can, instantly kindling the kerosene The boy fled in terror, overturning the can in his flight. The flames rapidly spread and the people in the house, followed by neighbors, ran up to the eecne of the con flagration. Some of the crowd were at tempting to get the barra] of kerosene int the open air, when an explosión occurrcd covering eyerybody wbo was noar with the burning oil. These unfortunati' peraoo rushed froui the outhouse aniong the crowc which lnxd collected outside, and thus se many of their clothes on fire. Altogethe there were thirty-seveu persons attaeko( by the flamea, of whom, at the date of thi report, eighteen had already died, whilc there wus littlfl hope lor many of the rest A nol hor terriWe caliimity frotn tire tooi place on the 17th uit., ;it Laishelí, in tht BLuu gDvtrimn'iil. The ion of a peasan was celebrating his wedding, and, accordint to the custoui, at niht, uftor the OOnolosioi of the festivitios, the newly-weddcd i:ii were conduotcd to their chamber and lockei in by the best man. The latter BOOD after wiird retired to rest with the romainder o the couipauy, who were all " strougly aleo holized." At three o'clock in the mornins fire broko out in tlio houso, and the intoxi cated inuiatcs were all burnud to drutli with the exoeptipn of the Father of th bridegrooni. H was found that the newly marrit'd couple nail maimeed to open th door of their chauibcr, but were unablo to penetrato through the sea of firo whicl surroundcd them. On the extinction o the fire, their corpsos were found near eacl othcr, partialiy burned to ashee. Ftrwell Register : There is a lame lea at Morgan Brotan' lumbcr camp, abou odo niile south ol' this DJMe, wlio snmki1.chcws tobaooo, drinke whisky, and perfora several othor eivilizod fuats about as woll u; the average young blood of the ieriol,am he isn't much of a bear, either.