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Congress re-asserubled this week Tuetday at noon. Twenty thousand cattle have been destroyed, by the cattle plague in the island of Mauritius. Ten Afghans were hung at Cabul, December 3Oth, foroomplicity in the late maní-acre at that place. Over two million pounds of butter and f'our million pounds of cheese were shipped last inonth to European countries. The New Orleans grand jury recoinmends that gambling houses be taxed $5,000 per yeir. Their reconimendation should be carried into effect. It (ook one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in advertising to make Dr. R. V. I'ii-rce, of' Buffalo, immensely rich and a member of Uongress. Dan Rice, the veteran showman, has been converted in St. Louis under the evangelical labora of Moody and Sankey. He will go forth to preach the gospel, and has selected the South as his field of labor. Cincinnati has done well for famishing Ircland. One entertainment on December 3Oth resulted in $3,000 being raised for them. America is virtually getting to be the mother of Ireland, if paternal care can make her so. New Orlcans is to give the most brilliaut and enjoyable carnival ever glven on the continent. Southern cities must find this to be a paying investnient, from tlie nuniber of slranKcrsdrawn tbither, urthey would not continue them. Mr. ü. B. Ainger of the Charlotte Republican lias received the nomination for the Washington postmMtenBip. We are highly pleased with the noniination. Mr. Ainger is in every way qnalified for the jiositi'jn, and will fill the offii-u creditably. Bishop GilWt Haven died at Malden, M;i". , mi Saturday last. He was made Ij;Iioi of the Methodist Pipiscopal Church in 1872, previoo to whíefa tima he had labored in a pastoral capacity both at hoaie umi in the army and ut ooe time was editor of Zion's Hcrald at Boatoo. He was in the 59th year of' his age, and died at his childhood home. The Lansing Republiean in now issued as a tri-weekly and dunn a beautiful dress of new type, with which to honor this departurc, made at the age of'nearly a quarter of a century. Tbfl Rapublican ulways a good paper i ootHtADtl; making iniprovements and adding new features. Wo bhould be pleased to see a daily issued from the 1 tal of tliis State and dot'bt not one oan he well 8ustained there before the lapse of another dvcade. This country will have to look out forber laurels in the educational line, for even the island of Cuba is taking strong measures to niake the diffusion of knowledge general, as the Gazette of Havana pubüshes a eircular- letter addressed toallGovernorsof provinces o the i.sland, declariDg that heocefortb primary instruction will be obligatory for all children between the age of six and and ten years. Parents not cotnplying with tile tertiis of the order will be fined. The Adrián Weekly Times and Expositor comes to us this week greatly enlarged, it having fifteen columns additional. Applegate & Fee, editors and proprietors, know how to run a newspaper, and that they are appreeiated is evidenced by the support they receive which enables them to mako such marked iiuproveiuents which entailsa large expense. Their journal ranks among the best of the State, and that is saying tuuch, for the editorial fraternity is represented by many men of enterprise and ability. Senator J. Don Camercm, chairman of the lie publican National Committee has issued a cali tbr the next convention wliich will be held in Chicago, on Wednesday, June 2d, to nominale candidatos for president and vice president, and adopt a platform setting forth the principáis of the party. Each State will be entitled toifour delegates at large, each congressional district to two delcgates, and two eaoh from each Territory and the district of Colunibia. The body will be composed of 750 memberB. The suggestion of ex-secretary McCullough, that the way to push silver into general circulation is to retire all bilis under $10. On this subject the Boston Herald says: "The Bank of England issues no notes under L5. The natural result is that people carry gold sovereigns and half-sovereigns, and silver half-crowns, two-shilling pieces, shillings and sizpences for small change. The notes under $10 in this country amount to about $200,000,000, and their retirement would bring into use that amount of gold and silver." The Edison electric light appears to be a success as far as illuminating is concerned, and Btock isquoted way up above par. Gras men, however, contend that the cost of production will be so great as to debar it the market. The electricity is manufactured by immense engines and the expense attending them is so great that unless some improvements or modifications are made the light cannot be used for general purposes. The principie appears to have been quite fully developed of generating light by tneans of electricity, and now all that is necessary is to simplify it in some manner so as to reduce cost of production. We have received the first number of a new paper called the Ypsilantian, M. T. Woodruft, editor and proprietor. Mr. Woodruff is a son of the proprietor of the Ypsilanti Sentinel, and isayonng man possessed of some considerable ability, and will make a good paper. lie makes a iuistake in commencing his journalistic career for himself in that city, for there is no room for another paper which he will find out in due season. Then will eome the revelation thht, the sore headed, disappointed fellows who are at loggerheads with the other two papers, and have urged hira to this step fail to furnish the support they promised. However, we wih him proiperity in his new venture. i ? ' 4 ■ Durin the padtyear 101 men wereh;inged iu the United States for various crimes, which is an increase ofn've over the previous year, and two were fchot, one in Utah, and one in Texas, where the condemnedare given the choiee between the gallows and tlie bullot. The aniouot of crime annually coimtiitted in this country could it be totalized, in all its various grades, from the petty larceny up to the taking of the life of a fellow being, it would present such an imposing array that one unacquainted would almost fear to exposé themselves for fear that they could oot do so without danger to life or property, The idea now su prevalent that an Italian is ready upon the least provocation to murder his niother would not seem so uionstrous besides the figures there presented, and even the Italiao could pause to moralize over the situation and thank the Lord that ho is not like the Auiericans. Still there is not a country to be iouna wneic iii ;„ , ;.i.„,i ,„;,i, „„,. more certainty, and the criminal is made to feel the power of the law restraining him, more than in this.


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