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DR.. CHASE'S I WCOTHTKRSD IÑ U.S. TryS Xfil ASD CASADA. _ =L __ FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglnator of Dr. Chase's Family Medicines is uuthor of Ir. 'hac"H HiIkh; or. tiir V. very body, and other Recipe ii'ks hearing hls name, and were hrought about tbrougli th Inciulrles of many of the piirclmsfrs of hls Books for somethlng to meet thetr llugerlng and compllcated diseased condlttons, which they did not flnd described In his liooks. The proprtetorship of the Medicines, and the business management of the sanie, havlng pasxed Into thr hiuids of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQJUARTERS AT DR. OHASE'S mi F1T1 HOUSE A ARBOR, TIK II.. We would say to tlie public, tliat they can rest assured that lr. ChaNc'K Family Medicine w Hl glve them a greater satlsfactlon thiin any others, for the Dlseases for wnlcb. thelr ñames Indícate them to have been prepared- equal to that of his Books over all other books of a similar character, as shown by thelr sales, whlch have exceeded the sales of any other, reachlng over one milllou coplea. Qive them a trial, therefore, and know for yourselves. Is 11 we aak. DR. OHASE'S GoughandWoundBalgam Has been found the qulckest and most certain cure of Coughs of any preparatlon in use; also qulckly relievlng Hoarseness, Soreness of the Throat or Lungs, Pain or Tlghtness across the Chest, Bronchitis, Clergyman's Sore Throat, and Consumptlon In all lts earller stages, Whooplng Cougu, Croup, etc. Frlce % 1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $5. DR, CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevenís and cures the Pain and Dlstress of the Dyspeptic after meals, and for Purlfylng and Renewlng the Blood, quickly toning up the Stomach, and invigorating the whole System. Prlce $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $5. DR. CHASE'S LiverUnti-Bilious Pilis For curing the Dlseases of the Llver, and correctlnï Bllious condltlons of the System, as well as for all Cathartic purposes. Sugareotted ; selling for L5 ceutH per Ilox, or 5 Boxe, pONtpaid, tor . DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-strciitíth LIniment, eratllcating intiTiial or external l'alu qulcker and more perinanctitly tlmii atiy other In use. Two si zes, - O mis mul !, ui O Infgu Üottlca for &. DR. CHASE'S MEDCATED PLASTEN Is put up In Roll or Stick Form, which wlll spnnil s dozen Piasters, givlng a strengthenlng and heallng Piaster for two cents not equaled tjy lor which you pay two shllllngs; selling for Ji5 cents per roll; flve Tolls, postpaid, 9i . Dr. CHASE'S CATÁRRH SNÜFF Is for the qulck cure of " Colds in the Head," and dotng all for old OhronlO Catnrrh that medicine cnn du. Kolliiin for 5O ets. per bottle. i o?{ii i:i. Any of (heaa ktedlotnea, (if your Drueglst has not ni them,)or for anyfurther lulonnatlon In riliition to ihem, address the Dr. A. Vf. CHASK MEDICINE COMPAXY, Ann Arbor, Illch. ALL FORMER YEARS OUTDONE. 356,432 O-ElsTTJiaSTE SINGER SEWING MACHINES SOLÜ IN 1878. BEI Mi 73, O More Than In Any Freviotis Year. WK WAHKANT mm MAC HINK SOLD BY D. SOME VERY IIAED NUTS TO CRACK int. Compnni'-s have sprong np in every part of the. Union tor miikini.' nn "Imitatlon Blnger Machine." ) h y are not similar companUë formed for makimj hnUntuiM of olher Sewing Machines t The pnhllc wlll draw it ouii iuterence. Oold iê conlinually counterfeï'ed; brast and tin never ! 'M. The HiriL-'T liae takn the fibst Prfze over ill i ompduton tbu two üindkkd timks. Wliy f AitorUMCblctsoItretha Relief Commltte undcrtook tofarnleh sewlng EOacblnestotlkeneedywoiBMi (if Ihat city. ApplicMiiU were permittcd to cboose inmi au dinerent klnda "f machines. 2,911 Hpi)tcanie were tarnlshed rito nuehlnei; ',-127 chote síiiu'.t Machlnea, nd 517 dlntribnted their chotee moni the' uve otan kinds ,i ni.icbines. ñe glrls were ti) eaun thkib i.ivino on these machines. Wliy dld they take Sincera Kor further particnlars cali on i. L. a-ieiisriÑrELij, AT THE SINOER OFFICE, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, WhO II sel] ynti a Sewinir Machine chcaper thim inj other maii. I am i rent uIkd lor the UoME-STICJ and lor the NEW Wlll IK, the mot popular m-w machine in the world, hiTlng L-ained a aak' exceeded only by the SiiiL'r, in tin; Htiort sj)ace ol two years. UPAIKIfffl a Spetialty- Siners Made as Good as New. 9Mtf I. L. QRIXNBLL, Ann Arbor. '%■■ ■ m am wll-v do yo" eufler 1 II BI lf ' 'li the puin in yonr I H Ml W "k l"lnB "r "d'-;' Ul I IWI I V.inr kidue.vs are dlx■"" ■ Based Do uot delay. biit rrv a OOM ■m ■ ü mm m ■ Hunt'M Rrmedy. n B n I# ■ " Al iliBeasee ol ihe kldK J ney, bladder, liver and DMUIVi i'velfdT,írop8í' Ilri'M ■ dlwwa ui Uk Iddnan, and lncontlnpncc and retentlonol orine. are cnred by IIuiii'h Ki-iiiil.v. If Is prapared BXPBB88LY lor these dlui'Ues. Cameron Cnunty, Central Pcnnsylvanla, ) Diunwiimi, Nuv. is," IH7H. DtarSir - l munt ar HINTS BBHBOT has ralaed the dead. it rafead me fmm the dead for Mirr. at the doctora had .-ivi'n me np to die in S1X H0ÜR8, and o bad all tbepeopla. My frlend called In the pi ittSI to prepare ma lor death, and he alto Hid I waa cl ara. Tiiey uil had ma dead, bnt llinii's Ramed; stred me, and 1 am ulive to-dav, aoand and cnred of dropav. R. w. THUDE l'nmi BT. I.. G. laylor, 1. !., I'iiitnr First liaptist Chnrch, Provldence, K. I , Jan. B, 1879: I can lealUy t" the ilrtneof HINTS u km KI) Y in k id ii.' dlaeueelrom actual trial, havin i beengreatlj hfloefltted liy itx na. E, ;. TAYfOR. ■ ■■■■■■ajIJkUnnfH BI 1%T! ' l"-''ii nd bv liui,H I I BM I m ■ Physlclan for :iu lUll W '"ln " "s "ever " l,en known to rail. It is a safe, ure and _ __ _ _ 'm _ _-i'-edy con, It Ik ■1 Pil r ni# ■;r lv v''H'itablv. All K ■■ mM ■II V"1" "" '' '' j " IIEIflCIlIX'-wVs: II.AKK!. PBOVIDOIOa, H. I. I Sll by all lintx, aml by Farrand, Williams Co., Detroit. 984-876