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Ayer'sCathartic Pilis For all the Furposes of a Family Phjsic, fa crm(. r Costlvenefia. JauDtlice JW Dyspepsla, Indigestión Lki Dysentery, Foul StomWÊl ach and Breath, HeadlAiurmvlÊÊ ache, Erygipelus, Pites, PJ 'SmB Rheuraatlsm.Eruption __JtasÉK - an Skin DUeases, B1I'Jtf HHMS fousnesfl, Llver Com- plainl. Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rlieum, Worms, Gout, Neu ralgla, aa a dlnner jiill, and purlfylng the blood, aro the moet congenial purgativo yet pcrfectrd. Ttaelr effccts abundaotly show how inuch they excel all otber Pilis. They are safe and pleanaDl to take, but powerful to cure. Tliey purge out the foul hu)iiorM of the blood; they ulimiilnio ttiu riaggtot or iur"'" ■' '"nn Into actioü, ilnd they inipart heallh aiid tone to the whole being. i noy cure uoi omy me every day complaluts of evcty body, but formidable and dangcroue dipeasee. Must skillful physiciaus, moet eminest clergymen, and our best citizens, eend certlficates of cureH performed, ai)d of great henefiu derlvcd from these Pilis. They are the safest and bent phyeic for chlldren, becausc mild as well as effectufil. Bejng sugar-coatod, they are eay to take ; and being purely vegetable, they are euUrcljr hartn less. PKEPAKKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analyticul C homixts. Sold by all Druggists and Dnler in Medicine. 968-1010-e6w ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MARBLE GEAIITS MIMESIS The public 1p invited to cali and examine specimens uf the celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN., MARBLE Of whlch we have a Biipply of new designs. It Is nipi'rior toatiy nmrbk' in beauty and durabiiity, and tuke the place of Sc-.tch Uranitc. i'i: i i: 1.0 i;i{ tiiax ever. WOKK ALL WAHRANTKD. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and ('atlierliie Sts. ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN. 915tf FERDON IíUMBBR YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufacturer and Dealer in 8ACINAW CA11MD LUMB1R, LATH AND SHINGLES. We Invito all to give Of a cali, and examine om stock before purchaslng elsewhere. ALSO AÖKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND HBLL8 KIRK BKKK. JAMES TüLBKRT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH, Snpt. feb.!2,'79