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roí the PRESIDENTIAL YEÍR. "TUK l.KADING AHHBIOAN NEWm..,.h, . THE NEwVoRiTtribüNE FOR 1880. TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. P08TAÜE FKEE IN 1HÏ U.NIiED STATES DAILY TKIBUNK one year. t,lo'oo THE SEMI WBEKI.Y TlilBINK." ' Slncle copy, one year $ nn Fivc copies, one year j A .„h Ten copie, one year .VZ 'I 2 OOead! T1IK WJtKKLI T8IBVMK. Single cnpy, ono year to ,, Pire coplee, one y er ' , -,,,,,H.h Tcd copie, one year ZZIZl 1 ií each Any number of coplea of elther rdition iboTe ton at ttie same rate. Addltions to clubs may he marte ai uiiy time ai club rate-. Ketnit By draft on New íoik, poat office urdiT, c.r Ín i. gbtered bxter. A.N AMaZíHS I'lOiNIUH. To any one snbscriblni; for ihe 'A Veklv Tribune íor Uve yeara, remlulng na the prlce, fin, and 2 more-, we well aend ' h tmbtr't BncydopadXa, unuoridged, in fouriecn vulnmee, with all 'he revisión oí Ihe ndlnburgh cli Ion 01 18W, and w Ib m tddllioual volumes, ciiverinK Amencan tópica not tolly treated In Ihe orlïinal work, Iba Whole i-mhraclnir by actnal pnnteis' m'.-aMirrmeiit. twelve per cent more matter than Applrtoiit, Cyclopixdia, which' elle for $so. To the iS.iiW reader who proenred from uh the Wrbtstt-r's Unabrirf tnl pr mium we nced (inly pay thiit while ihiw , ö ir la even more hurta], we eball carry it out in a mam. er euuallv sati.-luclory. The lollowlug are tlie teime In détailf Chambtr's Encyclopiedla, a Lilirtry of I Universal Knowledgc, u vnls., wiu, ai(11. Fnr 17 1 t'ou8 " n""!ricn aiibjecta, 6 separate Kr $12. rol., 20 vol. In all. anbsiantúlly b.,índ in ! cloth, and the Weekly Tribune 5 year" lo [ one subscrlber. í Cha'mhcr's EnCTCloptedla, 20 Tole For $18.-!above, i.d the Scmi Weckly ( years. ÍChiiiubcr's Encyclopa-dia, 20 vola aa ahove, and ten coplea ol the Weiiklv Tribune 1 yoar. I Chamber'e Encyclopudia, 20 vol ., For $27, above, and 20 copies ol tüe Weeklv'irih ( une 1 year. Fnr9fi Chamber's Kncyclopu-dla, 30 vola as """ í above. and the Daily Tribuna 2 yeaw. The books will in all case be sent at the snbscribers' expense, bnt wlth no charle for packine. We shall begin sending tl.em in the order In bich subscriptions have been received on tue lirst of Jauaarr when certainly live, and perhap eix, v.ilnme? wlli be ready, and shall aend, thencelorward, by express or mah, aö puiif-criberc ma1, direct. The pnbllcation will contlnoa ai tbe rata 01 two volume permoctk concludn k in eptemlwr next. A Magnifïcent Cift! Worcester's Unabridged IHctionary firee. The New York Tribune will send at subserlber'K expense for frelght, or deliver in New York City ree. Worceater'a Great Unabridged Onarto Illnstrated Dictionaiy. buund in ebeep, edition o 1179, tbe very lateat and very best edition of that Kreut work, to any one remittlng $10 for asinijle ï vears' sulMcription in advacce or ave 1 vear labterlpdona lo the VVeekly, or ' $15 lor a single 5 year1 inbecription in üdvance, cr five 1 yeiir Bnoacrfptlona lo n ■ SemlWaek)y or 1 yearV Biihfcriptkn to tna Daily, or $30 for a single :! years' aabacrtptlon in tdvance to the Daily Tribune. tor one dollar extra tbe Dictlonary can be sent bT mail to any part of the United Siatcs. wbile for abort dií-tance ihe exprajaa ii much chcaper. Addrees THE TR1BCNE, Sew York. In Point of Excellence it is Uiisurpas.wd, and Every Family WIH Apprpciate it and Enjoy its Pcrusal. Bvery inan.8hou]d make hls home as Ciimrortablc and atlraitivo as po A iao't est-enual rtqnMta to that end is a good newspaper. 'llie prrunal of euch a newppaper not only In ils in tha rblng geneiRiion a lora ol home, out ifl a constant incentive to impr-ivement. Simp y as an educator. and aside from a il othi-r consitierations, no pan ut should longo takinff mío a funilly thr Detr.nt Frce Prees. For the year 1880 we have to (ffer the standard líiiiun hieb have made the Free l'reas ihe n:ost popular journal In the world. ard with mk hadditiona as will prove or peclf! interest to Muhigan readera. Addrssing more particularly the larnirr, we takt.' extreme paine to procure complete and itccurate markvt reporté. They embrace farm producía of every characler, including live slock. The quotationi, correctcd to the day of pub.icatlnn, Imm al! the leading clties, as well as thoee of Detroit, are ïiveli each week. A careiully organized system of recular correspoudence throiihi MIcblrant wtll give Caereïdera early and complete intelligcnce of all happcniuirs in llie Mate. At this polnl we wlfh to remind readers ihat the best and milest reporta aa well as th.' earbaal sewa of all impollanl ffalrs, Wbetbsr bapi eniug in MirliIgaD or elaewbere, will he fuund in the tree Press. wa iniiibt leler lo the two most recent and terrible diía-ters in Michigan- the Adrián urand stard horrorand tne Jacksuu railruad accident- hs example. reinioned on iriquem occulona by aecoanü ol greai pnbllc eveniswhirh the Weeklj Fice Prsas hüs laid belore its readers in advance of lis contemporariea. No newspapiT has brighter or mire intelligent editorial commeata on ihe irnding topics of ilie i"aj. None sorpaaa il m candar; nciuc eo,ual it in - arjmerit; none approach u in i-plce, sparklc and vivaiity. lts correspondence, by its Bsperioi excelience. has attracled great attemion, und m iln eapadtl department the Free Preaa is acKnowlcdged to itaud ar ihe very front. Readers of the Free Press will receto lhroi:gh lts columns an lutflliglble idea of new bouka ofmcrltas they are from tune to time pnbtiehed, Liberal extracts and discriminatiug revlewa ;ppear every week. Attention Is glven to historlcal tcpics, and artlcles having special refirence to our uwn Staft aie in preparatlon. "THK HOUSEHOLD." Every issac of the Wi ekly Free Press ia acconipanied liy '"The Houset oíd," a Bopplanent Gï to social and domeatíc Coplea, on r culuire, imnr work, toilet and cooking redpea and bousebo.d maners generhl.y. It is fnralahed without extra cbartre, and every purchaser or infafearibsr lo the Weeklj Free Preaa i entitleil lo recemaacupj. To pum up, all must coucludr that Ihe Weekly Free Press and Tne HouM-hold'" - a mpphiiu-nt whlch i'vtTv i.-mu - ihouyii liirniahaM a j-or, m Ttie itmoiint and excellence ol' coments with the beet of tne $1 magazines. The Weekly Free Press and " The Household " together are iurnislied at $1.50 a year. Liberal preminm. embracii g yearly Fubacriptlons to thevaiious magazines, etc, etc, are glvcn fbr clubs. Address letters to THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, DETHOIT, MICHIGAN. 967 Estáte of Cliauiicey ltranch. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw.aa. Notice is hereby glven, that Dj an order of ihe Probate Court for the Connty of Washtenaw, made on tbe uvi'iity second dny of December, A.D.IH71I, slx months irum thut dato wen allowrd for orediton to present their claim amiiiiit the eatate of ('hauncey Brancb, lata 'jf ■■■''i' i'niint}, rleeia-fd, and thut all creditor." of said (ieci-ased are reqntied (o preaeni tlu-ir claims to sald Probaie Umin, ai thr Probate Office In Iba Olty of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, onor belore the twemysecond day ol June next, and that sucn daling will he heard before uid court, on Monday, the tweniy.srcond day of Maren, and on foeeday, the twenty-eecond day ol June next, at ten 'clnck in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated Alu Arbor, December 22, A D 1S79. W1LL1AM i). 1IAKK1MAN, 968-969 .ludüe of Probate. Estáte f Andreir Bosa ÖTATKOF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wasbtetiaw, sa. At a session of the I'rxba.e t'onrtfor theCountyof iVa.-liienaw. holden at the Probate Office, ie the city )f Ann Arbor, on Friday, the nlneteanth day of Jecember, in Ihe year one thuuxand elühl bundred ind seveniy-nlne. Present, V illiutn D. Harrun in, ludge of Probate. In tha matter of the estáte of Andrew Bh, lecrased. On raad Ing and iling 'he petition, duly ■erided, of rzni c:. RoDlnaon, exeentor, pra)lnt tbat ie ni.iy ba luei led to sell the real estáte whereof Mid deceasi'd died seizt d. Therenpon It is urdered, that Tiuday, the wentleth day of January next, at ten o'd'ock In na forenooB] ba aaaxffoea lor the hearing ol said 'tltion, and thnt the devlsees, legtteea, and leirs at law uf : deeeaaed, and all other perouë lntereated In aut eatate, are reqidred to apier at a acsslon ol said conrt, then to be l.oldeu at be l'rolmti' otllce. in the city ol Ann Arbor, and how cause, If any there be, wby the uraver M the wütlonei -hoiiid nol ba grauieil. And it is lurther rilirid, thnt said pelltioner uive notice lo the perons loterusted in said aetatë, ol Uk pindrncy of ald petlttoo, and ihe hiarii i tbereof, Oj rausing a OPJF "I tble order to be publialied in the Ann Arbor 'i'iuier. :i newapaper printed and circnlaiinf; in sid onnty, threa aucceralve oeeka prerlona to said day i hearing, (A trne c.pv.) Wll.i.lA.X! D IIAHHIMAN, JudLe ol 1'uiWate. W.M. G. DOTY. Probata Rédate. 960 989 Eatate f Additie LeBaroa. Tll.i'l MICHIGAN, Connt] :w, ia. Ai n aaaaion ol the ProbatrCourt mr Connty of Vaahtenaw, holden at the Probate I ffi e iu tbe city I Aun Albur, on Honday, ihe twenty n;nth day of Iccfinber, in thr year one thousiind eÍL'ht hunarcd ml m- ihly-nine. Present, ilhtun l). Uarnunini ndge of Probate, In tin' maller of the eatate of Adellne LeBania, eceusi-d. Annetta 1'. Phelpa, aamlnistratttX Of fP late, comea into conrt and repr aeula thal ihe la ow preparad t rwder in-r ü account as iwii dmlnlairaltix. Thereapon it Is ordered, that Monday, tl e twen y siMh day of Januaiy nrxt, at ten o'clock in ie inrt'i (Kin, be aasigiied loi exatalntsü afd Uowisg such account, and that tb( hiirs t i i aald deceaeed, and all other peoona ii"er' sted iu siiid eatate, '.re requlred to appear at a "ssion I said court, thrn to be holden al tb I'1"" ate Ulllce, In the city of Ann Arbor, In said coumy, nd ihow callee, il itnv tl.rrr be. vvliv the ; tid account iiould nol be allowrd. And il is lurtlu'i ordered, Jat eaitl aduuuiHlrülrlx i;ive uotice lo the I'r" ins Inlaraated in said etate, ofthe pendency of ald oconnt, aod tha hearing taereof,bj caiisim: a copy t th s oidti to be pnbltaned in the Ann Arbor Cour '■. a newapaper printed and circulating in said onnty, three lucceáialve vaejka prt vlöHa 'o sald day I heirtog. (A trne copy.) I1.1.IAM 1). IIAKK1MAK, Judgeof Probate. WM. Q. DOTY, Probate Begiater. 98T-7(}