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Tuis is leap year. Kioht arresta were made by the city pólice during the past month. The officers elect, ot' the A. O. U. W., will be iustalled nezt Monday evening. A ldmber firm of this city paid $5,000 tor freights during the past six mooths. Tue officers of the red ribbon club win be the speakers next Sunday before that organization. Earnest Masón has been appointed commissioner of the fifth ward cenieteryby the common council. On Monday last Mr. A, McReynolds and Mrs. Prof. Langley were elected trustees of the I 'nitarian church. Tuk debt of the Congregational cburch, $5,000, has been funded forfive years, with interest at six per cent. Oni,y two weeks more is our premium list open. Looit at the advertisement setting forth the attractions. The report of the trustees of Zion's Lutheran church last Mooday night, showed tliein to be free of indebtedness. Dr. Calvirt's ité and daughter passed the last two or three weeks in Jackson, but have again returned to this city. Owino to increased buiness, I. S. Grinnell has renled the second floor of the store he occupies on Main street. The Rev. K. P. Qoodrich has reoeived the appointment of stenographer for this judicial district. Salary, $1,000. The $7,000 five per cent school bonds have been taken by the First National Bank they'paying $100 and 51-lOOths for each $100. ________ Monday evening Messrs. J. Ferdon, L. D. Halo and H. Osborne, were reelected trustees of the M. E. Church for three years. The cases of John Clair and Wm. Qraham, charged with selling liquor to corumon drunkards, have been adjourned until next Monday, Mr. J. M. Slater, of the firm of Slater & Graf, started for Columbiaville, Micli., on Thursday, to put a sheet-iron 6re-proof roof on a $20,000 mili. Up to the 5th of January, city taxes to the amount of $41,600 had been paid Treasurer Woodruff. There stil! reniained unpaid aboat $12,000. A 8EVEN-MONTUS oíd daughter of Dr. J. Kapp died last Sunday moruing of inflammation of the lungs. The funeral on Tuesday was a very large one. The first of the year i a good time to square up all accounts, and among other things to cali in and get one of our fine premiums, which go with The Coürier. A festival will be given tbis evening in the basemeot of the Chandler House, for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Wilson, pastor of the A. M. E. church. Admission, ten cents. The two Misses Sinclair, who have been teaching at Manistee, carne to this city a couple of weeks ago, the one to remain for some time, but the other bas already returned to her work. Mr. O. A. Sobkr, of Superior, sold to Mack & Schmid, at 40 oents per pound, his two years clip of wool of 4,000 pounds. This was a much better figure than ho could realize in YpBÜanti. Mr. Chari.E8 Fall left on Monday evening for AlbaDy, New York, to engage as traveling salesaan for tb gent's furnishing goods house of S. L. Munson. Ele will travel in Ohio. Johanna O'Haeba, wife of John O'tlarra, of Toledo, died this month, aged sixty-seven years. The remains were brought to tha city and deposited in the Catholic cemetery vault Mr. Lawrence Noble, Deacon Cady and John S. Nowland, were elected trustees of the Baptist Church last Monday svening. Prof. E. Olney was also elected clerk and W. W. Beaman treasurei. MiiinriAi, Johnson expended $148.70 during the moDth ending December 30th, for the city poor. It was expended among the various wards as follows: First $12.30, second $46.62, third $21.16, fonrth $31.47, fifth $24.10, sixth $13.08. Last Sunday R. E. Frazer, John Scbumacher and Thomas Kearns, went up to Marshal and held a temperance meeting, succeeding in scooping in 107 persons. At Flint, two weeks before, Frazer and Schumacher secured sixty-seven names. The following officers of Company A were electod last Monday evening : Captain „ „ „ „ __Q, h. Manly r irst Lieuteuanl.. J. F. Schuh Second Lleutenant C E. H Incoe k Board of Directora Z. Roatb, A. Sorg, J. W. Hamllton, O. Bllu and L. F. Wade. The balance of the officers will be elected some time this week. On Monday evening Rev. J. Alabaster instituted what he calLsa religious institute for the systematic study of the Bible. It is especially interesting to Sunday school teachers, but a general invitation is extended to all. Those attending will bring a Bible and blank book. The following trustees of the Presbyterian Church were elected last Monday evening : A. W. Hamilton, and Wm. Deubel. The attendance was very large and much debate as indulged in. An adjourned meeting will be held in two weeks to conMilrr some questions now pending. Last year there were 270, and this year 370 marriages recorded in thecounty clerk's office. The matrimonial, as well as all othcr kinds of business, appears to be looking up. Kvidently the young men f'eel encouraged to assume the responsibilities of niarricd life, as the prospecta look bright in the future. L. Saviers, brigadier general and quartermaster general, has ixsued his annual repurt, from which we learn tbat the three regimenté of State troops are embraced in twenly five companies ; also that the State has eight six-pounder cannon, and five tcnpounder rifled cannon (iroti), which are distributed at various places through the State. No fortn of beauty bas more Jevotees, especially among the ladies, than flowers; but in order to have these beautiful genis of nature in perfection, it is necessary to procure good seed, and aluo to bein possession of some knowledge as to the proper mauner of planting the seed and cultivating the plant. Tbis, and much more very useful information, is contained in D. M. Ferry & Co.'s beautifully Tlustrated DeBcriptive and Priced Seed Annual, which they offer to eend free to all. The following officers of the Ann Arbor Schaetïenhund were electcd on Wcdnesday evening for the ensuing year : President, Conrad Krapf; vice-preMdent,Jobn Waltz; secretary, Anton Eisele ; treasurer, Frcd. Graf; first and second shooting inaster, F. Bross and John S. Nowland ; finance committee, F. Horn, F. Wurster, and E. Luick. The society has $75 in the treasury. - ______ TnE "mum social" of the V. C. T. U. will be held on Wedoesduv evening next, Janury 14th. There will be shadow iictures, pantomime mum niusic, etc; also recita tiooa and si'nging by the children, and other interesting performauees. Let everybody come. Social will be held in the basement of the opera house, comtnencing at 7} o'elock. Admission ten cents. The following officers of the Ann Arbor i tv )and were elected on Tuesday evening for the ensuing ycar : President john CbaM loe President j. Armbrmter gforetary Mr Lotz preamirer c. M. Jones Instructor lrof. Slmouds The lattcr namcd gentleman is recently froin Detroit, and is credited with being a very fine musician. The hand will doubtless rapidly tmprove ander his instruction, Durino the recent ice that envcloped the earth and ground liko a mantlc, a half tipsy fellow feil prone upon the ground and was unable to riso. A reverend gentleman who had oiton expostulated with him because of his inebriety, came along and remarked- " VVell, Sam, the wicked stand on slippery places." Looking up with a half quizzical expression, Sam said- " Well, you may be able to stand, but I can't." ■