Classified Ads
Clonliig and OpcnlUK of 'I .iIIn. Mails leavlnj? Ana Artor, East and West, wlll lose aa lollows : OOIltO WEST. Way Mali 8:30 u. m. Tlirough and Wuy Mali west of Jack sou 10:40 a. m. and 4:50 p. m. Way Mali between Ann Arbor and Jackson 4:B0p.m. i'iiicBKii mul beyond 7:3Op. m. (.■MM. KAST. Detroit poui'h 8:30 a. m. Throagli mui 'ay Uali 10:25 a. m., 4:50 p. m. EuMern Mui Is dlstiUmled al 8 and 10 a. ni., 12 in. and 51U p. ni. Watwn Mali dlitrlbatad at6:io p.m. ('Incuso Mail dUtrlbuled at B a. m. Juckson Mail aml Wa Mail bctween Jackson and Ann Arlior dUiiilniicd at 11 a. ra. Mali iiy Toledo Etellroad oloaea ut 12:iO p. ra. Totodo Etallroad lail dlttrlbuted at8:00a. m. The muil t Whltmort l.ako, Webster and Brlghton leaves Tuesdays, TUursdays and 8aturdays at 9 a. m. anti tl r606lV6d from these places Mondays, Wodneadays and Krldays at fouro'ckK'k i. ni. CHAS. U. (JLARK. F. M. TrHifliT' illldc. Tralus urrlve and depart from the Mlcnlgan Central Depot in tlils lty au fnllows: TKAINS KAMT. Atlantlr Kxpress 2.0S a. m. Nlght Bzpren .ssa. m. FaoksoD Aooomraodatlon 8.45 a. in. Grand Kapids BxpieM MUM, m. Dy Kxpn-ss 5.1U p. m. M .il 5.Í0 p. m. TRA I NS WEST. Mali 8.40 a. ra. Day Eipr- i 11.1 a. m. (irand liaplds Expresa 5.20 p. ra. Jafksou fc,xpretis 7..S5 p. ra. vening Kxpress 9.38 p. m. Pclflc Express 11.20 p. m. All tralus are run by f'hlcago time, whlcli Is fi teen mluutes ilower than Ann Arbor time. ANN ARBOR COURIER. REIMUST FOR ÏOOO. giveFaway A Book To Every Subscriber Who p:iys for THE COURIER In full for the year 18X0; or, if nowpald beyoud Jamiury. 1880, one year addttlonal subscription ui $1.50. THE HOME GÜIDE A BOOK BY 500 LADIES, A volume of 160 pages, embraclng aliout 1,000 Practical Recipes and Hints ON Cookery, The Household, Toilet, Sick Room, etc, oontrlbated by over 500 Ladlcs during the post tlirec or four years. It contains more Information than do tile $1.50 and 2 cook books, hisidcs posse8slng the Important advantage OHf all others of being I'rartiral F.xpericnreH of Practical "Hom" Keeper. RMM select, original and Dractlcal contrlbnt-ions from so man; ladles have never before appeared In book form, and thls volume Is the flrst and only compilatlon. We liave exclusive coutrol of fhe Book 111 this Iiiicality. It ean be obtained only tlirough Tliis Offlte. s.imethlng of real and practical va'.ue. The ladies wlll be delighled wlth it. Make up rour subscriptlon8 now. If your nelghbors do not take THE COURIER, teil thera of this offer. They all want the paper and tbs book. You get the Best Newspaper, and a capital, practical, useful Book of one hundred aud sixty pages, for the prlce of THE COURIEK alone. PREMIUM NO. 2. FOR TWO DOLLAR Every subscrlber, who pays au above, wlll receive THE CGURIKIt for one year and i NEW WEIGHS DOUBLÉ 1-4 Ib to I I SPRING 16 tbs. I The euperlorlty orthta Scale over any and all others Is In lts timplicit) ; there belng only four separate and dlstlnct pleces. Doublé Kprlnsc unltel at the lower extremlty makes the adJustment complete, and the tensión Is so perfect that thlH Scale wlll last a llfetime. Metal Cap and adjustable Dial, the whole Scalo can be tnken apart almost instautly. It Is made ol the best material, wil great care, mm nuiuicd in the most modern style of workmanshlp, Japannedand ornamented in colors. There is not another Scale in the ivorld to equal it, and partlcularly none that welghs from one-fourth to slxteen pounds. ThlB Scale alone ta worth the money. PREMIUM NO. 3. IOK TWO DOLLARS Every subserlber, whc pays as above, wlll recelve THE COURIER for one year and IDR. CHASE'S ImproYsdRscipsBook OF O4H PAU KM. It embraces all fhe valuable Recipes of the Old Bóok, wlth the improvement and disco verles Id the arts. sclenees and medicines of the last elght years aUded. The new edltlon glves In plaln language foU dlrecllons for the snccessful treatinent of all the leadlng dlseases to wlileh man, woman or chlld are belr, as well as those of hors e and caltle, and are the resul Is of long experlence of lome of the most sclentlflc physlclans of modern times. The publlsher has adoptcd the Ueformed Practlce of Medicine, and many of the Recipes In thls department are more preclous than rubíes. They are prlceless. No mother should be without thls book, as 1U "Advlce to Mothers" and " Ruies for the Ircatment, Care and Management of Clilldren" alono Is worlh ten times the prlce of the Book unl ibould make lt a Welcome Frlend In Every Household In thls broad land. "It Is a Guide In Health as well as Hickness." The publlsher has also added several new and attractlve deptrtmenU, vlz: " Rules for tbe PrewrwUon of Beslui ;" "Accldeuts and Emergencia; "Ad vIcetoMothers;" " Rules for the Dress rare and Brlnglng up of Chlldren;" OoM Witer Cure; "Hints on II. us, k. -.plug;" " Amum-iiii-ntM and Indoor Uanaes for the Young;" " liee-Keeplng;" and OneThousand Household Recipes. The New Book Ir complete in all lts departments; but espcclall so In lts "Medical," " Mother's," "Karrlert," and " Colorlng," and contalnsovertwo tliousund rmctical Recipes, for evcrytblug and everybody, upon alraost every subject and brnch of meohanloml Industry, and Is adapledlo kil ïïIumm and condltlons. Tlils hook alom; oannol ba bought for less than 52. N. n.- The above premiums wilt be dellvered at thlH office. Ifothtrvtee ortlered, by those llvlnttat h distai , postale must be Kent as foltow,! Kor Home Uiilde, slx cents; for Recipe Book, flfteen cents. Tli. Boale can be sent by express, party paylng ctiarges. THis l I i;k OF I'Itl'nil.TIS WILL REMM.N OTBH üntil February lst, 1880. HURRY UP! nd Talie Hip (iooil Tliin Whlle They Are Golntf, autl Then Teil ïour Selghbors.