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ki: di m. o ri( i:s. liiicklcii's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the wnrld fur cuts, braiaes, sores, ulcers, xalt rheum, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, enrns, nnd all kinds of skiu eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction in every case, or ruoney ret'unded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by L. 8. Leren, Ann Arbor. 935-986 An Honest Medicino. Of all medicines advertised tu cure any affection of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, we know of none we can reeomuiend so ii)fhly as Dr. Kin's Aar Dt'scnrcry for Jonsumption, Coughs, Colds, Aathma, SrODOhitU, Hay Fever, Iloarncness, TicEÜng in the Throat, loss of Voicc. eto. l'his medicine does poritwety cure, and that whtre everything else hasfailed. Ho medcine can show one half so niany poi(ive ind pcrniancnt cures as have alrcady been 'fFected by this truly wonderful remedy. ?oT Ashuia and Bronchitis it is a perfect peoifiOi euring the very worst cases in ihe hortest tima potaible. Wc say liy all means give it a trial. Trial bottles ten cents. Regular size $1.00. For sale by S. Leech, Ann Arbor. 968-986