Classified Ads
SPECIAL NOTICES. JDEPORT OP THE CONDITION - or thi- ANN ARBOB SAVINGS BANK, AT ANN AKBOR, MICHIGAN, At Uk close or buulnem, Monda) , Januur) .-(■■, A. D. isso, Hlda in accordance with Scctlons 18, 19, and 67 ol Aa (eiicTal Banking Law as ameuded In 1871. HE8OURCK8. Loans and Diecounts $182,873 38 Bond mul Morli'iii;.', 9(1764 03 U. S. 4 per cent. Bonds aud premiam 1 j,(M9 50 OverdrartH 77 53 Kuruituri' aud Fixtures 3,930 5 ld vnme Stampe HO 48 KxpeiiieB 50 BülnluTiaueil 2,425 71 Due Trom Natloual and State Banks 86,031 46 ' 'u-h on hand, viz : Nlckelsand ponnii a $ 50 00 tillvureoln 2.0'4 6 Oold coin 1,328 00 Legal Tinder and Bank Notee, 44,062 (.0-47,459 6b Total ■ 432,553 68 MAB1LITIE8. Capital Stock $60 000 00 I'ndivided Prollt B.746 .1 ÜDpald DIvldcndB 74 00 Duo Deposltors 373,734 38 Total $4.32,S53 68 I do solemnly swcar that the above statement Is truc, to the best of my knowled"e and belief CHAS. E. lflSCOCK, Casliicr. Rubscrlbed and 6worn to before me, this 6th day of Jamary, 1880. 968 EHANUEL MANN, NoUry Public. JPOK EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of the State, valucd at $,000, which I wil exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BEAL. "POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-ouo acre, with a good dwelliDg bougcon t, ono mile fiom city city limit. Enqulre 85t( At THE COÜRIER OFFICE. JJONEY TO LOAN. At sïven pet cent. Securlty must be on flrstclasB farms in thls county, or city propertj In Ann Arbor n central and deslrable locallties. J. Q. A. SESHIONS, Altorney. 959tf Office cor. Main and Hnron sts., up-statr. JPOR SALE OH EXCHANGK. Ten teren of land, with irst-claes building?, nearly now. Barn, 80ï30, stone basement. Land under good state of cnltiyatlon. Situated on Liberty st., west- ust outside of Corporation. Wil! sell cheap, or exchonge for flrt-clas8 city property. Addresí, JOHN L0WRY, üiiS-072 Ann Arbor, Mich. [ME AT TWENÏY CKNTS. Ohlo Lime wlll hersafter be sold at my lime works, at Wholesale, for twenty-flve cent, Monroe lime at twenty five cents, and TUENTON lime at twenty cente per bushel. Also brlck, water lime, calcined piaster, cement, plasteiing hair and wood for sale. J. VOLLAND. Ann Arbor, April 9th, 1879, "■"" The annual mecling of the Waihtenaw Mutual Flre Insuraice Company will be held at the Court Bouae, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, Jannary Hthih, 18S0, at ten o'clock x. m., for the election of offleers, and the transaction of such othef business as mayproperlycome bcfore the meeting. A general attendance Is deslred.. N. SHELDON, Secrotary. Dated Ann Arbor, Dec. 30, 1880. 967-968 PROPOSALS FOR WOOD. Suskd proposals for 150 cords of wood, foor fcet long, goad green, body or straight hlckory, maplc and second-growth upland oak, in quantitie not less than ten corda, wlll be rccoived by tbe under. eigned, for thlrteen dayp, from the ñrst to the thlrteenth ay of January, 1880, Inclusive, np to slx o'clock r. M. The wood to be dclivered in the next Ixty day8 after nwurding the contract, at the different school honses in Ihia city, in such quantitle aa dlrected. The righl of rejccling any or all oflers is reserved. L. ORUNBR, Tmimi of School District No. 1 of the City of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, December 29, 1879. 67-968 ÑOTICE We have causid one of our " Watkins' Portable Gas Street Lamps " to be placed on the corner of Washington and Second streets- one block west of Hangsterfer's- and would request all cltiiens intorested in a good and rellable street llght to cali and examine the snme, comparing It with the present coul -a and oil lamps now nsed In this city. Tbese llfihts can be furniehed at about half the cost of the conl gas street lights. Apply to UeMffU Gas Lllit Co., Detroit, Mich., 9(i5-96S p. o. Box 618. STDDENTS' LECTÜRE ASSOCIATIOJi. HON. WILLÏAM PARSONS, TUE POPULAR LECTUREnt WïLL LECTUKK ON RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN, January IC, issn. Mr. P.irnons hae atready lectureii hcre -4 surcetsive teaiona-trom '72 to '75, inclusive. 'RICttA.'SlJD PEOCTEE, THE GKEAT AflTKONOMCR, WILL LCCTURE ON THE MOON AND OTHER SATELLITES, Jannary 8, 1NHO. UNIVKR81TY HALL. Tli'KKTS- At Andrews' Bookstore. 9t;7tf It will be for your Intorpst to KnowThat CASPAR RINSEY (Lnte from a Orootr'i BoUM ín Detroit,) liuf openvü a CA0CER7 il PETOS STORE Al Xo. 16 l'.iisl lluro ii KI roei. lic wlU al-o kiep In ,-tiick FLOUR, FEEI), TOBACCO ASD CIGAKS. All gooát irc lrcli nml ncw, nnd, bcing purthrtne(l at the IowmI W holatwle t'aih Prlreg, will ne sold at COrMlp imlini'lv low. 4'hmIi pul il lor all kludn of Country Produce. RMI ASPAR RINSBY.
Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance
Students' Lecture Association
Michigan Gas Light Company
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Andrews' Bookstore
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William Parsons
Richard Procter
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Rice A. Beal
N. Sheldon
L. Gruner
John Lowry
J. Volland
J. Q. A. Sessions
Emanuel Mann
Charles E. Hiscock
Caspar Rinsey
University Hall