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I $100 REWARD ! FOK ANY CASE OF CATARRH TIIAT CANNOT BK CURBD WITH ÖAWÜIlB. Tbl Ik ii hiimliti!-. Nr tiaxal douche. No snnff. Nothine to Irrítate Iho nasal cnvity, or destror the "f f iiit-1!. Il ik an INTKKNAL KBM2DY ACTINCI UPON THB BLOOD, ilianning It from iti! niiiiiiritii'H, rutiKlii); the puriforra matter to b carried ofT throtiKb the natural cnaunpl. It le a Bcienüüc lr-paration, ust'd and prtseiibtd for years by one of tbc ablcat practitioncm in ibis rountry, and ha never falled to cure whun ucod accordlng to dlrcction. If any pernon, afier takini; one dosel oí llnll's Catarrh ('ure i not cured nr bnfit4d more tliau foor times Iik ccmi, we iil riliiTiit monry paid. II it doe ïu l'""'I. yon are wíHiur to pay fnr It. Uit does no ciiort, it (f t yon noiiiiiiL'. Irire 7.", centn pur bottle. Sold bv al! iirurt i-rh . ( niiiínctiíre'i by F. J. C.I1ENKY & CO., LruKKit8. Tolo, Ohio. If yuur driiKi;iit floee imt ki-ip It in stock, atk hlm to et it lor yon, or srnrt dlred 1. proprietort, and it wilt ba pn.nipily forwardfd. Kor mile in Ann Arbur iiy II. .1. BBOWI & CO., ÍHÍ5-ÍH7 t'or. ui Main ntid Hurón nlreetn. "POR SAL. I have u good nOUBDIQ Í.I1LL of Jour run of stonc, Uut I wlll sell or rtmtunfl for proporty In Washtcnaw Count. 9Mtt RICE A. BEAC