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oldnTrèïïïblï; - J Du. Svnpord's Livrcit Invworator íb a Standard EWüy BemedyfOT dweasésof theLivr, Stomfloh á5 im.l B,nv.lH._It isPurcly .All,! WKtó, -It oever fií ■■ TS !i.'iiiitate-it8 %%nl I ir ! Cathartic and -V U LJ „W % ItlÉiÉI 'éÍWÍ IfW. il:s ''■'" "N"':i ,' f II H I %P % '" ni.v pructic.J ; I ■ IL an1 fcy the publw, ?IV 5% f'T more tlmn 3." yi ars, P%% -n-itli nnpreoedented reaulti $ V SEND FOR CIRCULAR. J IVÏ 11111 r ■nill.TFI.I, 1111 IT-ftrAnnilN i '.'.i 991) L. s. II 11 II, TÜTTS" PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLCP.3YMEN AND THE AFFL1CTED EVERYWHERE. THE OREATEST HEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. TIITTC' DM I C ■ T"i hu n. IUI i O FILLÓ eedcdlDcombiniugin CURE SICK HEADACHE, L52 TIITTIO PUI I A tk-soCaSTRENUTUlNo, TUTT'S PILLS 0,ravi,rilL CURE DYSPEPSIA. Their flrst apparrat _ , , , ' _ "... _ effect is toincrease tl. i IUI I O IlLLO food to properly - CURE CONSTIPATION. Umitete. ThuMIwBj. tem is nomi'-bcd, aud TIITT'C Cl I O by tblrU)olcooanfl IUI I O rkLP,d 'hl: 'ligi-'livo oreaus, rune Pil c regular and bsaKL oLUKt riLta. vacuaiioat u pruTUTT'S PILLS í ri!t' IUI 9 W T!LLtf wliM. PERSONS TAKE CURE FEVER AND AGUE. ON FIESH wtullimK tho irilm-nce of tnese TIITT'C DM I C Pilis, indicáis their aI U I I O rlLLO daptnhility to nourinh CURE BILIOUS COLIC. ' UA1 hence their cllic'icy in CQring nerTUTT'S PILLS S.: Cure KIDNEY Complaint. SSTStTS „..__.. ■■■ ■ k chronic conetipaTion, TUTT S PILLS lim,artiiiKho.lthi CUflE TORPID LIVER. bold verywher. T!!TT'SILLS PiMo" lui I U rlLLO 53 Mni-ray Street, ÍMPART AFPETITE, mkw yoüit. The nop rADwlll cnro whcre no othcr kibkIt or medicine will, aud ilo it Is a hariuleas, pleaiiant "it lsworntTy th paticnt nett thcskln nearwhere the diaease or ailincnt U. The curativo elementa of the remedies in tho Pad nre absorbed througtt theuore" i}ermeatin„'"'vc"v l.hre. nerveanüti neuira' ing and desïrxy Iiik all dlseaso or cause oj dlseas,n thopytm arvl drivlngeTeryvestlpe ot dise:ne ormalady, uf wluicever name pr nai. entlroly o'it of tho ystcm, li-avli-if t.-o paueul with yonth-llke, {rmaTient, rului.-t hcaltn. The Hop Pad Is na ea.-lly wom n a wateñ or locke, and prevnts BlekneM, restores pertot hualtliVllh.rathntm:tsva.lowrni""ousilrnss nourumiis or dangerous mineralsthal n.'vercuxe but only stuptfy, uauseute aud üestroy oeaittt "jio on's ehonM rct n moment tlll they hare a Hop Pad reril . to prerwit creure BickBi a iirgalebranboBtdmgïlita. Scnd Tor circular. HOP BITTLKS MFU CO.. EocnKSTïK. N. Y. For Sale In Viui Arbor by H. J. Hrown & Co., mid '. Kberbacli &. Sou. 9l.-i"w TT you artí a nmn of boaijlMa, WjMIMHi ty the ;tnün of ta yourduties. nvoi.l shinulantsanduM If yon a man of letter. Bou over your midulbfi -yrlc to restore Umin uerve and wasU'.u If To-i Areyoung And autrerinir from W 'jjjjjj101 fyoung.sufferincfrom j r L.H!. or m inpona bed of t.!-kr.-, i ■ Whtx-v ryoa are, whfrovor yen are,wbenevcryoufw)i Uiut vnur Bjvtei i n"i.!s cliïtüFlnp tmin(ï or m stiiiiulntiiir, wtthout ti í jnoting, toko ■ HaTT you ri'mpfpfta, tcidneif or vrivartf complaint, di aH eaeouithê . M KÍ.Íttrr,oriiertieil 3 Yuu will bo eored if you uso IÍ you dm wpfUcan11owsplritcd.tryitl BuyltlnsUtuionit. Y ooi It mar vo jour llfa. It hui Ted hudred. Rop C 'ii-H llr1.iïtheïwc!eit,iaf.stanJlt. Aik chiMwn. Th tl i.h, LiTer nd Ki.!n'T,ii npHor toll otben. Cure by ataorption. It U perfect. A'k druiitt. D. I. C. ü n iibtolHU od liTeditoble tur for drunkrtxo, OM O Mn op'nm, toMrrrt or nveotin. E9HB AWw ■oUbydnisjrsU.Hop i h' . ' . ■-. .. F. -, y ' ■ i ■ f ■' ■ ÉffiD'l3Íjmi,ffl. Tor. Ranilolph ari'l I.nnvl Sta., FIRST CLASS IN EVEPY RESPECT icn onfTSILLT I .iv y: :P. Títitu fWim $1 i tloiioi louiiis. [fl. V. BOÍtCr.Arj, Pro? Late Smit 1' ■■■ ■ t House of '.' 944-9ÍÍ9 miDTC Kiali.r.H, Brlght'l IM.eaiC. O",?! KIKNKYS. BLADDKB and fRWABI WIGA9, whrn noihini' else can. , . t.e I rl,l HUT i ■' Imitatioim. Aik for and taKe. LIR'K UU I ..My tbe Dft PAD. Kor U 1 Uratttin, ot mm bj mail on n-clp' ' j2 00. Cer I re l """ book. ' UA mi Bve I, ■ sent on tecelpl ol your Mdr. DAY KIDNKY PAD COh TOLEDO, OU. BUKKBACII A BON, Ann Arbor, geMMldiJgntiiiK Auents for Washtrnaw wio- ÖAL! COALr" O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlner and wholi-snlc. dealer of tho celi'l'Mt.d BRIAR BIDQE COAL.