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IMPORTANT LETTER From a Distinguished Physician. NO Binóle discase has entallen1 more mifforlner or has Unod the breakíiiR up of the constltutlon tlian Jatarrh. The senne of Bincif, of taste, of síkIh, of tu-arHt. tlit luinmn voice, the mimi, oneor more ftudBomlinea uil yieM to lts destructivo 1uüuenct Tlie polson fl istributr throuhout tho ttyatem ntarks cvery vital urce, umi bronka up tho most robust of eoiistlfuttona. CTcd btrftubn butllttle undrrfitood by most physl s, impotently asnilrd bt miacks anti charlatans. ' tliose auffcriiiK froni lt luive ïlttle hope to bo relleved f lt this elde of tha grave. lt lft time, then, that tha lopular troiitmnnt of thia terrlMo dlsvasu by remedica wltliln tho reach of all pamd tuto hands at once cora)ctcnt and trustworthy. The new and hlthcrto untrled nethott adopted by Dr. Banford In tho prepnratlon of ils IUniOAL CtTBSDU won niy h f art y approval. I bcievt! it likclyto 6ucceed wlien all tho usual remedlea all, beratiHe lt strikes ut the root of the dlsease, viz.t he acMifieti blood, vhllo lt heais the ulerrutert merarane by direct appllcatlon to the nasal passag es. lts ction la bascd on ccrtaln flxed ruien, and unies the vital forcog are too fur extmusted, must. In the groat majurlty of cases, ell'ect a cure. OEO. BKAKD, M. D. NOBSCOTT 1ÏLOCK, SO. FraMI NOU AM, ÜCt. 1, lffïi. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE MAT safely claim to be one of the fow popular remedies receirlng thr ipproval of medical Kentlemen, who, In private, nut unly frccly recommenrl lt but tmo t In thelr families In prefcrence to any of the prepara lons usiiAlly prencrlbrd bv physlclan. " You aro aware," sald ndititiiiKUisht d city physlclan, ' that my obllntion to tho Man. Medical Society are uch thnt I cannot publicly recummend ur prescribe the iadlcal Cnre ; bntpincc I recelved so mucu relief from ho uso of lt inyne]f, nfter t thorouirh trial of the usaal emtdles, I havo privately advluod lts Ose, anti presóme have Bont to jour store nolessthan ono hundred oí my patiënte forlt." UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. piENTLEMKN.I V.V h:ivr' Ktld Banford'b KadihaL Vj Ci'kk for nearly yr:ir, nd can cay candldljr that wc never old ;i slrnllnr prcparuUotithtit fravo such universal sutl-facLlon. Wu liavu to learn tho lï rat com plalnt yt t. We are nnt in the hablt of rcconimendin(f patent medicines, but jrow preparation meet the wants of thousniulR, and we thlnk thOM ailllcted Rhould be etinvincedoflt Krent ni-rit so tliatihoir uitl'ering wlll bo rellevrd. We bare beta In tfae tlni -usincss for tho past twelve years oonMantly, and Buld everytlilnjf for Catarrh, but Tonn Iftadi rent. IC you see proper you can ase thls letter ui uny part of lt that you wlsh. Vcry truly yoiirs. .8, D. BALDWOl & CO. ■Wholesale aml Retail Dealen in Druf, Ilooks and Statlonery, Washington, Ind., Feh. 23, 1SÍC. Each packape contalns Dr. Kanford'almprovcdlnhalink'Tubc, and full direct ions for uso fu all cases. I'rlce, $1.00. Fop salo by all wholeaale and rctall drtiKRtsts and d aUirsthrouiihout the I'nitLMl States and rimadas. ÍS & POTTEIï, General Agenta and Wholesale DruKfftot", Hoston, Masa. VOLTAIC PLASTER An l'lt'ct ro-iiil vu nir Ituttrrv roinbl iti'd vllh a liik'bl y nedlcated tH t-vuut Uruitiu l'lustrr, lorminii !■.! l'liivfrr tor iminsiiml uchfH In ih World of AIiliuluc. ELECTRIC1TY Aa a rand curativa and reatoratlrc afrent te not equalh'd by any elemeot or nu dicine ín the hlstory of tliehealinirnrf. Unlcss Ui e vital f park hatlicd the body, rcstoration by nieans ofclectriclty is posslble. Itlsthe last resort of all physiclans and stircons, and lias retcuedthouaand, appnrcntly dead, from nn untlmeljr frrave, when no otlier human arency could have buccecded. This is ttic leadlng curutlvc element iu lhê BALSAM and PINE. The hcallnji propcrtlrg of our own fragrant balsam nnUplne and ttie uiusoi'thc East are tot wcllknown to require dcscrlptlun. Tbeir ratful, hi-aliiig, soothliiíf, and rtrengtiieninfr proper tica are koown to thousands. When tombhu-d In accoidanco with late and Important discoverics in pharmaey, tliir hrnliriK and BtreniftlienMiff pronertloa Increased tenfold. In this respect our riantur I the beat In uso wltliout the aidofeiectricity. TWO IN ONE. Thus comblned we have two RTand medical agents )n one, cacti of whlch pcrlorms lts function and uuitedly produceB more cures than auy llnlment, lotion, wash, ur piaster ever before compoundcd ia the history oí medicine. Try one. riticü, l Ujc.ntí. fiold by all Wliolesale and lïctail Drueplsts throuefa. out the United Stati-s and Canudas, andby WEEKS POTTER, Proprletors, Boston, Masa. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure, 1 ( Formerly Dr, Or-aiy's Kidney Cure.) A venable preparatum and the onlr sure renifdy in the world for Itrielii' Diftcnae, l)i.ilirl', nnl ALL luduri, l.l i , aud Lrinar.r Iiaeaap. riTestimouialsof the blfiheat order tn proof of these statements. ttiá-FoT thp cure of I)nbte, cali for WarDOr'l 1í;iIm-1 ('lire. tö'I'or the cure of Hrlclit and thr other dteMflee, cal) for Uui'uer'H S.klu Kidney and Liver Coro. WARNER'3 SAFE BITTERS. It is tho best Blocllurl fier. RndstiniulatPi every function to more healthful adiou, aud. is thus a benefit in all diseases. It cures tterofuloua and other Skin Frnpliona and DiseaaM, mcludiug l'uucen, Vi(■('M, and other Sore. l.axpia, WVaknoM oftlio Stoinaoli, Conatipalioii, Iííii4-h. Urneral lebll it v, etc, are cured by the Snfr Ritters. It ia uiiffinaled as an appetizer and nular mnlr. Boules of two sizes ; pnce, 5ü-. and 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quii'kly pivesKeatand Slrrp to thosuifcrlnfr, cures Íf:icl:i-li4 and ciiiulLla, prevenís I pileplio Fits, and relieves Nervoui !■■ tration brought on by excessive drink, overwork, mental shocks, and other causes. Powerful as it is to stop pain and soothr dlstnrbed Kerves, lt never mjures the systuin, vlietbr taken in small or lariifi doses. Buttlea of two sizea; prices, 3Oc. aud $1.00. WARMERS SAFE PILLS Are an immediatc and active Btímulu for a Torpid Ltver. nnd cnrc CostivtneH, Dyapeptla, Bil■■■■■■■■M É lousneii. Eiltou Diar■ LtiliJWl IVllJ 1, rhoea, Malaria. Fever ■ PvfnvTAAiMRf Bfe and Agm, and sbonlil IFTiMiin Wk be usid whpnuver the ■ Un PVBSH buweUdo not opéralo VñB fieely anti regul.uiy. ÉÊÊMÏÏTmÊ M ITV No wlíicr fUbrrt urh ■ PWhÉTTflfWWW Hl m-ill d.jM tor ■ "UlSvUluiQ Ef4 ort. 95 ctn. box. ■ PÍ'IWWHfH 1 w nrnrr'i Suft Krnirdir re ISkjliulya Lmb ol(l bj DrunUU A llt-aler ILÜT IM H.H. Warner &, Cc, I Til fa WtaVJ9 froprlelor, iLilTlfuV ROCHESTER, N. T. HhIhMm&S m C 'Sfnd for Tkinphlrt f PERMANENTLY CURES NKI0NEY D5SEASES, d LIVER COMPLAINTS, wConstipation and Piles. I DR. Tí. II. (I..VUU, South IIcro,TU.TH I "Inciwa of KIIlJiEY TIÏOUBl.rJI lt lul % flu'tiil llko a eharm. It huniurrd imin . . r; '. B !,..! n.-..i l' oadboanircrfkillxltu ftot elHflfiiíly. M NEi.sov r vincniLn, of su Aibn, vt„ M H nj-, "Ml rfjrtttlMi T-T .-. rlitcnJ B ycurw ol Krt'ut MifTorlne from IMle und lp ■ tlvcnew tt oomplctcly urcJ Of." I C. S. HOOAIiON, of'I'orthlr, hïk, "one L, LJpo4tlia"tin wcfuicra for mr In t I nli-d-lv (iirlitir v. ncvrru Uvcr itntl liLluocy S t has varavo i POWER. ■iiiiimwiM I J BECAÜSB IT ACTS ON Til IC Mi-rvuK.TiiE Bowrxa and kiu-I B xrvs AT THE 8A3TB TIMK. J BecLioe lt clcansea tho oyotemofS I the polaonous h untot that doveiopo P Ipilo3, or In Rhoumatlami tJouralglal J and Fc:naled:oorder8. H poundund t'un be M'ut liy muil ortiiuld. y ri OnopiicKneoiTlllmnlifsiv :;Uf medida. BJ Triir it T Buy lt ut (kt tluglMl Prke, l.O0. I V7ZHS, E:CaA2B3ClT 4 CO., Proprieton, Jj 3 Burilntton. VU 954-1005 DINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GR0CERY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on band, BMSAP, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE AND KBTAIL TRADK. Wc hall also keep a oiipply of 8WIFT DBUBEL'8 BK8T WUITE WHBA1 FLODR. DBLHI FLOUR. RYK FLOTR, BUCKWHEAT FLOCR, C0RN MEAL, FEED, Ac, 4c. At wbolceale and rctall. a general stock ot GROCERIESAKD IIÏOVIM conetantly on band, whlch wil] be eold on as reanon able lermti & at any other hone In the city. Oaen uid for Buttr, Ekk', and Coantry Product rally. {SUoodi delivered to any part of the city wlth ont extra charge. yr KIN8EY & HEABOLT. TTOUSES AND LÜTS FOR SALE. goiA lirlck dwellinï honfei, and a numlier of fratned dwi'llinu's, divirnbly sliuntcd, wlth mie or more lot for each, for sale, on fair term and IMHOU ■ dit. AIko. flfty city lot, wel! located, wlth Koodtltle, aodon long credit. AImj, fitrms and mortDar ui. Money safoly Invented for lender, at ten per cent. luquirc of 639tf S. W. MOKQAN,