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Maine's Double-header

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The governmental affaire in the State o Maine have changed very eonsiderably since uur last issue, and present a situation sim Sar to that in Louisiana in 1876, or, in other words, it has a double-hoaded govern ment. Thlï stilte of aiïairs was preoipi i .iti''l last Monday evening by the Hepubli i ans exeoating what is Frenchily oalled ; chip cTetat. On tbc cvciiing in qneation at twenty minutes t.i six o'cloek, the Re publican memben of tbs Seoate and Boiu of Kepivsentatives proceeded to the Stal House, and, betaking themaelvea to thci proper rooms, then and tliere duly organ zeil tliiiiisi'Ki into the Legislatura of th State, the; having what the fusionists liav oever had, namely; a legally oonatitntei quorum. The raemben that liaJ boei eounted out by Governor Garcelon wer duly adinitted to seats as niembers, facie, of thu Legislature. Both branche ol' the Leirislature appointod rommittees to rail apon the justiees of the supreme cour f'or tlieir opinión, touching the legal organ ization of the saiue, and then adjourned at L':15 the next morning, until Saturflay January 1", at 2 P. M., at which time they xpeol tu lie in receipt of the opinión o the judges askcd for. They freely announc that, ahould the decisión be adverse t tliciii. they will quietly disband, and g about thcir usual nvonitions ; but shouli they, as thereis no doubt they will, b declarad the legally elected and organizei legislative jassembly of the Ktate, they wi enforce their claim. Before the expiration of the term of hi oflSce, Governor Garcelon issued the follow ing special order: "Míj. Gen. J. L Cliauiberlain is hereby authorized and di rected to protect the public property ani institutions of the State until my mooeaso is duly qualified." Under this order Gen Chamberlain took possession of the Stat property, and stationed wen to see that i was duly protected. When the newsspreai that the llepublicans had taken potsegsio of the State House, James D. Lamson, o the fusión Senate, and would-be actin Governor, went to Gen. Chamberlain, am protested against his allowing them to liav possession ; but bis protests were disre garded. Subsequently he wrote a letter t the General desiring to know whether h was prepared to recognize his authority, t whieli he replied : " 1 cannot, under pres ent circumstances, recognize jour author ity as Governor of Maine." T. B. Swan and Hai riman, mem bers of the fusión Legislature, chargei that a llepublican, named Wallaee R White, offered to give thein a $1,000 brib eaeh f'or refusing to take their seats in th Legislature, for the purpose of preventing a quorum. They further my that they too! the money in order to exposé the plot. Mr Wliite absolutely denies this statement and demanda a trial. He has been suui nu ii il to appear before a fusión commit tee, so they can investígate him ; but, de nying their authority in the premiaea deuiands a trial befbre the courts, where the guilty one can be punished. This i evidendy a deep-laid plan to cast suspicior on every one who rcfused to take thci seats as being bribed. They were furced to this uieasure because a sufficient numbe of the counted-in members had announcei their intention to refuso to take their eat to prevent a quorum. Aa attempt has been made to implícate Eugene Hale in the bribery business ; bu their charges were to ftihc that they soon feil to the ground, as did their otlier t' i reports that he was verv sick. Tlie fusionists iiot liaving a quorum, me on Wednesday, and coolly proceeded to count out more Republioaru and put in fusionists, so they can go through the for mality of eleoting a Governor. The fusionists have been working on the wrong bans from the comniencement o this sanguinary struggle, and have disre garded all precedents and the intent of ihe law, and, we tbink, tliat ere another issue of this paper the Republicana, who are logally entitled to represent the State, wil be doing so, thus f-ettüng at once, and, we trust, forever, tliat no class of men, who are clothed with a little teniporary authority, can, in the Northern States, successiully disregard the laws, and thereby take the governinent in their hands.