Classified Ads
DR. CHASS'S 'ÜQI8TRD In U. 8. .y ui ■,71 AD CMllil. S FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglnator of Dr. l'liane' Fiunlly Medicine 1 the author of Ir. :iian-"H Itfc-iprM or, Information lor Kvcrj -liody. nul 'Umi Reclpo Books bearliiu hls name, and were bronglit about through the Inquines of iiiiiny of tbe purchasers of bis BookH for lomattalng to meet thelr llngerlng luid oomplloated diaeased oondltlons, whlch tbey üld not find descrlbed In hls Books. The proprletorshlp of the Medicines, and tlie imisimhss iminmimnnl r the lame, Maving possed liitu the hauds of tho DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE C0MPANY WITH HEADQUARTERS AT TXRj. OHASE'S STEAM PITI HOUSE ARBOK, MICII., We would say to the public, that tliey can rest iissiircit that Ir. ('hanen Fanilly Meillrlnes wlll glve thera a greater satlsfaetlon tlimi any othere, for the Dlseases for whlch thelr naraes Indícate them to have been prepared- equal to that of hls Books over all other books of a similar character, os shown by thelr Hales, whlch have exceeded the sales of any other, reachlng over one million copii'H. Glve them a trial, therefore, and know for yourselves. Is all we ask. DR. CHASE'S BoughandWoundBalsam Has been found the quickest and most certaln cure of Coughs of any preparatlou in use; also qulckly relieving lloarseness, Soreness of the Throat or Lungs, Pain orTightness across the Chest, Bronchitis, Clergyman's Sore Throat, and Consumptlon In all lts earller stages, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. Prlce $1 per Bottlc, or ; Bottlcs for 5. DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevents and cures the Pain and pistress of the Dyspeptlc after meals, and for I'urlfylug aud Renewing the Blood, qulckly toning up the Stomach, aud lnvlgoratlng the whole System Frice $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver I Anti-Bilious Pilis For curing the Dlseases of the Llver, and correctlng Blllous condltlons of tbe Systi in, M well as for all Cathartic pnrpOMB. Bngarcoated; selllng for si.t centn por Itox, or 5 ItoxeH, poMtpaid, for ■!. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN UNIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-strength Liniinrnt, eradloating internal or externa! Pain qatakei and more pernianently tlian any other In use. Two sizrs, - 50 cents and SI,- or 6 largo, Bottle tor .%. DR. CHASE'S MEDIO ATED PLASTEN Is put up In Roll or Stick Form, which wlll spread a dozen Piasters, glving afltrengthenlng and heallng Piaster for two cinis nol eqnaled by those for whtcli you pay two Bbiliiogs; sellIng for 25 cents per roll; flve rolla, juslpaid, il. Dr. CHASE'S ClÍAERH SNUFF Is for the qulck cure of " Colds In the," and dolng all for oW ('lironlc Oatenb that medicine can do. Selllng for 50 et, per bottli'. l ORDEK1O Any of these Medicines, (If your Drugglsl Iiüs not got them,) or for any furthtr Information In relat ion to thera, address the Dr.A.W. CHASE MEDICINE (OMPANY, Aiui Arbor, Mih. RED RIBBON SO 31 ALS Not Dead Yet ! Frank Hanpterfer's Second Social WII.I, BE OIVF.N IN HILL'S OPERA HOUSE, THURSDAY E7E., JAU. 22 Consisting of Sonus, Dsnoes, Banjo Solos, Dutch, Insh :ind Ncro Itnpersonations, Tableax, Etc. The siniiif; ol' _!■ voioes from the Juvenile Ttemperanoe Union, Pollowed with the beautit'nl movable tablean, " The Queen of Spain in her Chariot, drawn by two White Sioani. The Awkward Squad takesatrip tothe Black I lilis. Corobat tietween tho [odiaos, Warriors, Chiefs, &c , &c, with án effeotive tableau. The taenjort rota, ol Boston, The renowned trapese performers, bave consented to aid us witli tbeii exeroisea for thin special occasion The eviniim enlertainment to conclude wit li the Vlanager's Original Flay, cntitlcd, "Where is IJy Boy To-Night ?" in which will be aroduced the thrilling sccne of a Real Train of Can (the Pacific Express) passing acrosa the stage al greal speed. Admission, 15 cents. G.ill'.'iy, 10 cents. 1'roceed.t to go touxn-il J'un Iiis'ii; a HalL Come one and ull and ppeiul yuur din I And help thu Olub aloni;, Come listen to ttie fuiitiy Ktiy un-, KucitatlouK, Tableaui and Sotik. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAT, JANUARY 91, 1O. ONE NICHT ONLY! Benefit of Company A. The Barrett I1rm 'tic Club will pnaant Uta nal American Comedy, eutiiled DOLLARS Al (JHNTS! CAST OF CI1ARACTER8. Mrs. Shebold Mra. .1. h, Bñrleigh Kvplln Nickelbnry Amy OrcutI Ilnrriei WeMord Mrn. ! ■míly Alien BeUey Muiiii.' Qoocrlch MontnenpK l'lm].l. c. M. Jonea John Fairplay c. i Frank Nlck'--lbary .1. Bbeehan Tbllip Sharp sv. s. Pack Korrelt a. s. IM'kin Wm. Nlckelbury _ I,. C Ooodrtcb Mlke m. C. BbMbw Benefit of Company A. POPULAR 8CALE OF PRI Admleslon 25 and Sí Cent. Keterved Beats, at Watt, (.in-. "Clou EXCI1ANGE. I haveafann of 1(X ncrcn n Un w. -Iitu p.iri ol the State, valned at 1,000, which I wül azi kaaga for Ann Arbor City propertj. KICK A. BKAL.