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T. L. Sanford contémplate a trip to Florida. Supervisor Krapk oelebrated hi seventieth birtlniaji yesterday. Mrs., of thiu ciiy, ttlke temperance at ïpntanti last Sunday. The cotillion club wilt give thcir annua niasquerade ball somc time next niontli. Earnest II. T., inkol n n of Henry Oberschmidt, of Scio, died on January Cth. The Keek Furniture Co. elect officers next Tuesday evcnini: fbr the ensaing yoar. A TUAMP mand Ueorge Williams was sent up to lonia for ninety days on Saturday. HON. W.M. 1'ahsons in Univcrsity Hall to-night. Subject, Richard Brinde? Sherïdan. Mrs. Maky Gillett, of York, has been appointed matron in the homeopathie hospital. JoeT. Jacobs loaves for Florida, February lst, his daughter Katie accomiianying Kim. MüNSON W. BLI88 and wifo, of Bottsville, Ohio, are iiting at tbeir father's, Mr. C. Bliss. _ Mh. Ed. Siiii.ikin has removed to Jackson, where he will eogagd in the commissioo business. The word " niission " inoorrefitJ; used, in a recent issue, whon spcakinj; of the fifth wanl Sundav aohool. On Tuesday Mr. C. J. Reul, ol' thi office, was admitted to citizenship in the United States by the circuit court. Mr. Alec. T. Lang, of Sarnia, Ont., brother in-law of Mr. R. Shannon, foreman of our book and job department, is iu the city. The liquor suits against Wm. Qraham and John Clair have been di-continueJ because of the non appearance of the prosecuting witness. We have reason to believe that tlie ni'xt meeting of tho State Publishers' Association, in this cily, will be one of the moet interesting ever held. At a meeting ol' the Prosbyteri in Charch held Thursday eveuing, llov. F. T. Brown was requeeted to romaia as pastor by a vote of over two to one. Those wise ones who foretell the weather, or pretend to do so, are prognosticating a mild winter, ami thus far they appear to have hit it for this seetion. The typos and presenten of Tuk CouRier office are a seeond time under obligation to the Palladimu edil rs for a liberal supply of the weed. This time it was oigan. Tuk Fehruary nutuber of Scribner's Magazine will contain the inilial number of a series of letters on Peter the Great, by Mr. Eugene Schuyler. They promise t; be of great interest. John Kisteukk, of the scoond word, died January lOth of iuflarnmation of tbe lungs, aged fil'ty years and Cfteen days. He leavea a wife aod -even children, three of the children being quite young. If Jacob C. Poulson, who formerly lived in this city, will write to bis brother, George H., at Trenton, N. J.; he will learn soniething to hia advantage, as bis father bas recently died. Papen jilease copy. Miss Cora A. Wetmore, who lus been attending the high hooi for nearly two years, has gone to her home in Concord, where sho will attend school for the present, they having an exceptionally good one. Robert H., son of Walter and Jennie Lathrop, died January 13th, 1880, aged five years and twenty six days. Diseaae, dropsy. Funeral today, at two o'clock P. M., at the residence oc Madison street, seeond ward. Every altérnate Sunday evening for the winter, Rev. Mr. Alabaster will deliver a discourse upon the rcligions of the ancients. The first discourse will be next Sunday evening. Subject, " The llelifilon of the Early Egyptians." Mr. John G. Walkkr, of this city, who makes the breeding of' fancy poultry, etc., etc., a business, has sold within a month one coach dog for $22.50, a Scotch terrier for $25, one buil terriër for $25, and one fox hound for $20. Al' a business meeting of' the Pomological fociety held on Tuesday, the subject discussed was the quince. The rfgnlar meetings have boen ob&nged to the la-t Saturdays of each month. The grapo will be discussed at the next meeting. Mr. E. G., Eq., of the law class of '77, has settled in Dfuiatea and entered into partnership with O. S. Fowler of the Manistee Times and Standard. II is a young man of sterling integrity, and one of the rising young men of the State. The building committce of the reform club reported that the Unitarian society offered them their church and grounds for $4,500, and asked a week's extensión of time, which was granted, for the purpose of further negotiatior.s with the eastern parties who are interestcd in tho prem ♦- The excursión oommittee of the reform club made their final statement for the year on Wednesday evening, turniog over to the trea-iurer tbe ram of' $69, the amount being in lianJs ainoe the Gros excursión. The total amount in Mr. Chaa. Boylan's hands, as treasurer, now being The Univer-ity librarían is allowed sleeping apartments to the law college. These he had rented to two studente named G. O. Kinsman and L. T. Ifamlin. Thursday afternoon a fiïe brokt' out in the room in thsir abaeDoe, which wasepeedily extinguished, it dring but little damage to some furniture. Accordino to a new rule adopted in the ward schools, each teacher will niake out monthly reporta of' the standing of eaoh scholar in her departinent, which will be given to the parents, who can thnsjudge of the progress being made by their cbildren. This isa good plan for all except the teacher, whose work is thereby much in creased. We have rceeivod irotn G. 1'. l'utnam 's Sons, 182 Fifth Avenue, New York, a copy of a pocket classical dictionary for ready reforence, edited by Fiederiek . Ireland. We are also in receipt of two additional volumes of tho Americ-an hoalih primers, one being on "The Mouth and Teeth " and one on the " Thro.u and Voice." As information can be gained upon these aubjecta in a short time in these books as can be obtained by much long and labonous study. As will be peen by an advertíperaent in another column, tlio Banett lram:iticClub will present "Dollars and Cents," next ■liic-il:iy evening, at the opera house. 'l'liis pl.iv is fint-dan, and thoso who partieipate have their parts committed so well that they will be rendered iar excellence. Aa the proceeds aro to go toward purchasLDg unilorms for Co. A, let all turn out. Wi regret to learn that Miss Carrie Dean, who haa been a most successful mame teacher in thi city for the past five yean, baring rsoeived apecial induceuients, has decided to remove to Detroit, where she will give instruction on the piano and in the thorough base and harmony, which are her specialtics. We can most cheerfully commend Miss Dean to those in Detroit who desire teacher, as one not only thoroughly competent, hut very conscientiouá in the discharge of hor dutiea as instructor. Amono the dogs that are entend si the pet stock and poultry show, tliat commences in this city on the 2üth inst., is " n.niil," the ohampion of America, owned by Mr. Arnold Burgees, valucl at $15,000, logether with some more of bil choice stock. Mr. Lorjg will send his famous field trial setters, while Mr. E. A. Gillman, of Detroit, will exhibit his recently iniported Irih setter dog valued at $20,000. The show embraciug pet birds, cals, dogs, etc. , will be a source of attraction to both the ladies and gentlemen. The mum social giveu by the W. C. T. U. in the reform club rooms, Wednesday pvening last, was in every way a success, a pleasant evening beitig passcd by those who were fortúnate enough to be present. Mrs. K. E. Frazer interested the audience with a fine selection, which was well delivered. The " quartette " was excellent. Mrs. .Maud KelSey lairly excelled all hor previous efforts in the delivery of recita tions, and the Schlotterbock children were, is usual, par excellence. The profils to the Union in the way of money amounted to ibout $30. Tuk following board of directors was eleoted by Oompany A. on the eening of th sth : President, Z. lloath; vico president, J. W. Hamilton ; recording secretary, L. F. Wade ; financial secretary, G. Bliss; treasurer, C. E. Hiscock ; quartermastors, J. Bcrolzheimer and J. Sorg ; also the following non-counni.-simod officers: First Bergeant, Morgan O'Brien; secood, A. C. Nichols; third,.A. Sorg; fourth, 'A. llmtli; fifth, W. Haydcn; first C u-poral, Charles W. Earle ; seoond, John Chase; th;rd, Sagh Roas; foarth, G. 8. l'iikin; fifth, Charles Edwards ; sixth, S. C. Sheehan; scventh, T. liutzel ; eighth, J. Dietz. ____ A FEW weeks Mnce a reform club was started in Hamburg, which now numbers cighty-three members. Previous to tliis time Geo. Itogers ran a saloon in oonneetion with a hotel, but the parenta of the yonng men who frequented tiis whi.-ky fhiiji beooming mbued with the idea that temperanoe was good in their minor sons, oommeooed prosecuting George for Helling liquor to them. This, together with the inroads made upon hisbu.-inessby ilie club, so put hiui to grief that now across his room door is uailed a board, on which is inpcribed the following brief but significant words, " whcre the woodbine twineth." Euzabkth, widow of the late Hev. Geo. Smith, dii ri of paeumooia on Salurday, January JOth, af ter a short illness of about one week, aged sixty-two yeans and twehtythree days. Tlie funeral .services were held at her late residence on State slreet on .Moinlay. Mrs. Smith had been a resiJent of this city fur the past fifteen ycars, and was dearly beloved by a large cire'e of friends, by whom wiil be sadly missed, U weD as the M. E. Church, of which she v;is an etteemed member and constant attendant. She leaves to mourn her loss Mis-cs Mattie and Addie Smith, who reside at home. Mrs. S. M. Henion of Bay City, Dr. W. Smith of Port Huron and Burt. Smiih of Hnuvhton. Wiien doctors disagree, 'tis hard tp decide ; the same way with horsemen. The Ypsilanti Commercial takes the defeat of their buasted " faut hor?ei" on New Tear's day to heart. We have it direct from our citizens who were thtre that "Big Bologna" was too short of leg to "get there" on New Year's day. It is well known that horsenion will hardly ever agree as to the results of any race, but we bare It (rom iMr. A. RT. JNoble, ot ïpsiiüiiti. a veteran horstman and a gentleman withal, that the horses broke badly, and he did not even claim a victory. The Commercial informaut must have been feasting n that repast - which our boys did not get - while the races were in progresa, else he would ñot have been so widely of the mark. TlJE fcllowing naiued busine?s firtus h.-ivi', as per agreem. nt, decided to close up their places of business at 7:30 every evening excepting Saturdays, until Marcli löth: Joe T. Jacobs. Wm. Wagner, I'. .Marx, A. L. Noble, Wines & Worden, John N. Gott, Mack & Schmid, Charles Fantle, Bacli et Abel, Sheohan & Co., A. A. Terry, E. J. Johnson, A. i. Henion k Co., 0. Eherbach, J. F. Schuh, J. Schumacher, Slater & Graf, J. V. Hunt and C. Weitbrecht. A portion of the iwclty stores and boot and shoe houses desired to enter the combination, but all not teing willing, did not do so. The men who have agreed to this arrangement are Progressive, and do not believe in adhering t) the wusfy bid OtfetoU of uselessly making galley slavefl of themseivcs.