
SPECIAL NOTICES. I) BPORT OF THE CONDITION - OP THE- UI ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, AT ANM AKBOK, MICHIGAN, At the close of biutlncia, Moiuliiy, January 5tli, A. D. 1HNO, In accordance wlth Socllon 18, 10, and 07 ol the Qenoral Banking Law as anu'udcd In 1811. BESouncKa. Loann nd Dkronntg $182,873 88 (16.764 83 ir cent Itumlsaiid pruiniuni 12,849 60 Hvcirlralts 77 53 3,9: 85 ■ Statnpg 140 40 60 ESills In Transit 2,425 71 Du Ii nka 80,031 46 haiül, vla : ali I dIcb $ 50 00 Bllvercoin 2,024 M Qoldeotn i,i- (Ki Legal Tender and Bank Notec, I,(J CO- 41 Total t432,B58 08 .-.0,000 (XI 8,7 SO 74 ( Dua Dl ; R8.7M 38 Total ■■ MafiöS 68 l (1" abovo Btsteneot is md bollef. U18COCK, CWUac. , tbia 'iil' ilay of 'lanu.'iry, 1 Ö3-flï MANN', N',,tary I'uWic. ■pOll 8ALE OH RX0HANOB. ra Of land, n ith likt4lMI boildlnca arly HIi linru, SOxtB, iimi. Land undor food t.ilr of tuit i vat on . Situatcit on LilnTty Bt., wx'ül- JuHt outnidu uf oorportjtloD, Will noli cluiip, orexchai ityproprt7. Ad, Ir. JOHN I.OWKV, Ann Arbor, Mich. T IME AT TWENTÏ C1SNTS. be ïohl at iny limu wirk(, for twenty-ftvo cents, Muur.' lime at twfnty-th i' cento, uri TBKNTON lhnc at tuvnty ■el. 4JO hrick, watrr llmu, calcimd h M f r and wotxl for hjiIo, .!. VOLLA.NO. Anu Arl.or, Apftl Stb, 1 itVltf ol the Womb.) A Wcalo-hl Quered Ith this tvrrlhie doctor after doctor, went uj pltalB wher i lemali alt ; ytirc, baodasei and i lof. Het ilfa wh inisrrMr.l Dr, ulli r LroUneot. Hit relief 'Ul- inn: Well. B UoDKRMOTT, il i Ha itreet, New vik. Sulil by all dniiM-t. rL'iid forpamphlet Hit. (ILE8, V."tBro(war. N. Y. Trial aizc 25 cents. wrr-au