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JKVE6ETABLE SICILIAN This standard aiticle is compnnnded wlth the vreatest care. lts eflseu are as wonderfnl and satisfactory aa ever. It restores Rriy or faded hair to lts yonthfnl color. It removes all ernptions, Itchlng and dar.druff; and the xcalp by it upc becomee white and clean. By ite lonic propertles It re-stores the caplllury tO their normal vinor, preventing haldncm, and maklni; the hair gtom thirk and strone. As a drefBint;, nothjag hiis bien found bo effectual or desi rabie. Dr. A A. Huyes, State Afeayer of Massachosctts, says ol it : "I conslder it the betl preparatiuH for it intended pnrppiCH." BUCKINGHAM'S DYE, Por tkc WliKker. TWi elegant prcparallon may be relied on to Changa Ül color Of the biard Irom Rray or any othtT andadrabla phadi-, to brown m black, at dlierattoo. It i- easlly applied, bel?iL in one preparatlon, and quickly and iflVrmally produces a pcrinancnt color, uhirh wil] nt-ilhcr rub nor Wfih off. MANUFACTUKED BY R. P. HALL & CO., Naslma, N. H. Sold by all DrucifistB and Dealere in Medicine. (Wi-1010-e6w k( r II ■■ Uuiii, il),, pain in vuur M HM W lak. loin or aidi-t hut trv a' onc - _ - ..... Hunt'H Keraody. n B ■■ l# ■ 77 Al1 diKcai-mol Ihe kfdM n ■ nevs, bladder, llver and DHUIVl ífaíKw. Hricl t " diacara of the kidni'.v, and incontlncnce and retentionol en red bv IIuiUh Hcinely. If 1b prepared KXI'KKSSLV lor thepe disCameron Coiinty, Central Pennsylvania, ) Dhiftwi, Not. 18, INT'.i Dear Sir - I miiKt íay HUNT's HKMKDY has ralsed the dracl. It mlMd me frora the dead for fiiri'. tif tbe dottors liad l'Ívcij me up to die in S1X HOUR8, and po had all the people. My frlends called in the prleat to prepare me for death, and bc al-" Huirt I mi doomd. Ttaey all had m( dead, bnt lluni's Rsmedjr uved me, and 1 am llv to-day, (mn)(l and cuied of dropsy. H. W. TKUOK. Frum K-v. K. B. I a.vior, D. I)., Pastor Firet Baptist C'hiuch, ProTldence, H. [., .lan. 8, 1S79' I can teaiify to the vlrtuc of HUNT'S RKMEOY in kidney diseafen frora actual tria), bu been erently baMtrted by IM ut, E. r, TAVU)U. llllklVIA11""' Kruii'dy ■ I 1 K Ii'ih bi-eii iixd by f;imVI I I IH I m lv phjrsIclMin for 30 IU1 X'n. It has never bom koown i(. rail. It is a hare, sure and -_ _ _ m- "peedy rur. It Is n r rHlfl111" voiretahle. All ■K ■■ U b II ■ li'i tle II tijuy yjn nCIftUlf tS-dw'Si.pS; I.AKKh 1'iioviiiKNcx, K. I. I Holrt lv all ItriiKifiHtM, and by Farrand, Williams tí Co,, Detroit. WI-'JT.V To Inventors and Mechanics. Pati-nU and llow (o Obtaln Pamphl'-'ts of W paffai free, upon recelpt of stamps ir pott&KOi as OILUORS, SM1TH CO., Solicitor of Patenta, Box 81, 92SU Waehlniiton, D. C.