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CHILDREN Cry for PltcherN Castoria. TJiey llke it because Itissweet ; Mothers like ('ustorla beeause it glves liealth lo (lic liild ; and I'hysicians, because it contalns 110 morphlne or mineral. Castoria Is Sature' Remedy for assimllating the Food. It cures Wind Oollo, the raisins oiSoiir Curd and I)iarrliaa, allajs IVverisiincss and Kills ffonu. Thns iheChUd has healtli and the Motlier oblalns rest. l'leaxaut, Cheap, and licuable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The moet effectlve agutí for IKIAN and BEAST the world has evor known. Over 1,000,000 Hotlle old lunl year! The reasons tor this unprocedoi.tcd popoiailt) are evident ; Uu Contaur Liniments re hada to deserve confidonco, il'cy " absorbed Into the atrncture; tbey always cu.'e and nover disappoint. No person neid lonjrer sulfer with PAIN in the BCE, Rheumatism or stüv Joints, for the CENTAUR Mniiiieuts will surely extermínate the Pain. There Is no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Scald, Burn, Itruise, Sttag, Gall or I.ameness, to liiih Mankind or Doral) Brutos are subject, that does not retpond to Iliis Soothing Kalm. The Centaur LINIMENTS not only relieve pain, hut thcy inclle healthy actlon, nbdue inflammatlon, and cure, whether the eymptome proceed from woundg of Úv', or Neuralgia of the Nérvea; from coniracted Ourds or a tcalded hand; from a sprained ankle or a gaslied foot ; whether from diegusting PIMI'LES on a LADY'S FACE or a slrained joint on a Homes Leg, The agony produced by a Iíuríi or ScuM; mnrijicrMon from Frosthites ; SwMiniji from Strains i the torture of Rheumatirm ; Cripplcd far lije by f ome ix-Kli'cied accidenl ; a valuable hoise or a Doctor' t BUI may all bc taved from One Bottle of Centaur Linimcnt. No HouM'kepper, Furmer, Planter, Teamtter. or Liveryman, can ajfwd to be witliuiit these wonderful Linimento. They can be procured in ORJI part of tilt globe for 50 Uents and $2.00 abottlt. Trial bottles 15 (Jent. Swallowing P0IS0U Spv.rU o dixgutllnq mucom from the nostrüs r apon the onsilft, Vnti ry Kt-s, Xmfl'S, liuzzin in the Eans, Deafneas, crackling senutiODa In tbe hind, Inti-rmittcnt Pain over Iho Byeé, IWid Hrmfh, Nasal Twaur, ScabH in llic Noplille, and Ttdülag in the Throat, are SIO9IS OF CATABRO. No other tuch loalheome, tntcheroiu nml niidnrminiiig maludy curses mankind. Onc-fifih of our VhiUlren die ol diaeaes generaled hy lts Iuftctious Föison, and onu-fonrth of living mtn and women drag oul miderable exiBtences from the sanie ftUMi While asleep, the irnvVies in the ! oetrils nrc nt-ceHParily ttoatlowed into thr stomach and iftAataf into the luiifs to poison ev ry part ot the pyptcm. Dr. Wei He Mcyer's ('atarrli ('ure absorliN the purulent virus, and kills the sci'ds of puison in the fartliest parta of t lie sjstcm. It v i 1 i iidt onij rellere, bnl eer eure ('atarrh at an.v sta'jrc. It is the only remcdj nliicli, in onr judiriiient, has ev r jet rcaily eured a ease of Chronlc Catarrh. Cured ! Cured ! Cured ! Cured ! O. ;. l'nbMrv, l'r p. Wt Bnd Botel, Leng Bmoti Curud ot SOjrean CbionlcOatarrli S. Benedict, Jr, .leweler, ü7 Btodway, New Tork, linemherof lamill ('nred al OKronic Catarrh. E. H. Brbwn,'849 Canal r-t., N. Y., ('ur.-d si n jmn Chronic C itnrrli. J. D. McUoiaid,7Hi F'.roiidwty M V .-(ShrteMn-U ) (urtd of 4(1 yeuiH Cliroi Je Oatarrh. Mrs..Tolm Dnngbtf, Fislikill, N. Y . i'nred of 8 years enrome ('aaurli. Mrt'. Jsoob Bwiiits, Jri ■-Ml Warren Street, Jotmj City, Cured ol 18 yrars Chronlc Catanh. A. B. Tlmrii, ïsi Motttagn M., Brookljn, (elf and 8 n) Cured of Cutjin h. Rev. Wi. Anderson, Foidhnm, N. Y., Cued ol 2() yettiH Chronic Catarrh. Mlle. Aime.1, Opera Prima Pmma, "I have r very jjreat bunuflt lima it. " A. MoKinney, K. R. Pre., SS Hrond st., N. Y.: " My family i-rperienced immediaie rslie .' Ac. c , Ac , Ac., Ac. Wei De Meyer's Catarrh ('ure is the most important Medical Disco ?er y since Vaccinatlou. It i.s 601Ü ly all I t - 1 1 - ■ or dcllvered by I). B. Dkwet S Co., 46 Dey St., N. Y., it $1.50 B pmfcage. To clubs, m. packajea for L7. ."). lr. Wei De üu-j-i-n t - .!.,„ i. k.„„f rro!. miv. body. iir.i eow The power of arrestlnR dis.:ic- dlsplayed by thie preparation iw honorably acttnou h-du'fd by the medical faculty ín evnry stxtion wbere it hal besn introducd; and the tart" "ale i- th besl narantee of UM iBtiinaiion in which it lf held ly tnfc inibllc. The Syrnp will cure Pulkunaht (J(i'iition In the flrst and xecond Ui,'e, will aw vr.-nt relief and prolong Mie in the third. It wUI CUM As-iima, HiiONciiiTip, Lakynuitis aiul CovoBB. It "ilt curthI dtMaaú orlglnatlnii ttóin want o( Mdcdi Aotion and Nsuvors &OROB, FOK THE EFFECT PRODUCED BY fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites In DisesBee of the LunffH, tbe Inventor t pennHted to refer to the Medical (ii-ntlennn oj st. John, N.H, whose slnaturcs are tttached bereto. WII.I.IAM BAYARB. M. I). I li l.N BAYAKD, M. l. lllo.l 'S u ALKI R, M. I). JOHN BA RH Y man, i Q Kt DU. .RHINSroNK L.R o -. l-n. BBOfMil KBA i uil, M. l. W. 11. HAKDIMCi. m. li.c.S. .1. n. wiirn:, m, i) T. W. (JAKKlr, M. D. I, Aahon Alwaru, Mayor of the City ofSt. John, In the Provinco of New Urunswlck, having examinad the rlcnatur,' atla' hrd to tbe foregotnjj iic-imit ol r. fcn-nre,hcreby certliy that I bellere them all gennlne. 1 can also testify to the hiuh thi rapantlcal ralae of Fellows' Compound Syrnp ol Hypophorpb oonaidet It 4aaernog at attenUoo iy profesbioo fenaraUj. -♦"♦- In tcstlmouy whiTfof I nave baveanto ■ i' ■■ t mv band, and afflxid my seal of (ir. i[ , Hayoralty, at city Ut. .lolm, thla 6ih "'aj "f Pebrnary, In ld year ol i ur l,.ird .' ♦ . 0 e thonr-ainl elgnl hundn'd and siïty. t33sx elght. AAKON ALWAKL), H. D. Letter from Rev. J. Halinon, M. 1. ('llil-MAN, (I KKN'a CoüNTT, N. 1!. I can safely and MaaiitantlyfetconMnaDd your invalunhu- preparatloa in a vunr'y oreases, aspeclally brCbaal Dlaeaaesg baring raecctefull) iir.vciii.iMi it in Bronchitis, Astbma, Debillu from Urr Con plalnt. Doblltry Peren, nnil Debllltj rrom lm poverinhed lilood. I am, ir, yonrs truly! JAMEH SALMÓN, Practicins Phyilcnm and Sarfreoa. SOLD BY AU, URUOQISTÖ. %tl-n78 1,. S. Lor til, ,i„,l. Aun Arl.or. T) F. BOYLAN, Itoul KHtatf AxriK-y. Farm, and BonaM bodght, sold, ranted, re airad and innured. Office at WO1.YKK1NK STORE, !WOtf Corner of Huron and Ptfth str.-.'ts. pOPFINS AND OASDfl i FULL ST0UK AT MARTIN' 8. All orders promptly ttn(Jed to.