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CHIEF AMONG STALWARTS. Tte IÉ-Ooi FOFL 188O. THE LEADING REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER ! Weekly, Semi-Weekly, Daily, $(1.15. J.5O. '$10.00. IN NEWS-GETTING, EDITORIAL ABIL1TY, CORRESPONDENCE, And otj IhiiiK Unit {uvk to niakc a First-class Newspaper, The Inter-Occan lias no superior. The DAILYlter-Ocean Is ih' lnani tinriiiii; Paper publishcd in liiia;'n. The I.OIX;l li;PATMET in i in ii i publishcd ilic latesl ■evi ol' Ilie Secret Order, i u al nuble Icature. SEMI-WEEKLY INTER-OCEAN Is pnhlishcd cvcry tlonl:i and Ttaurtday, and con talm a compendium of the NEWS Ol' THE VOKM. An Educational Department Ilas been added to Ilils cdillon ol' Ihe paper, and is very liiflilj spoken ol' by the School Superiilendents and Teachers. It is ■ ■■tended to lili a want long lelt by persons interesled in our School. The Weekly Intep-Ocean Ilas THE LARGE8T eirciilation of' any Political i-i i:i r ín the I nited siales. It is u paper l'or Ihe people, and costs only tíí - -j POSTAGE Vl10 PAID. The Commercial & Agricultural Hepiirtinenls are ably and earcl ulij coixliiclcd, and are as ; able as mij publislxed in this country. "OUR CÜRIOSITY SHOP," WOMAN'S KINGDOM, and THE HOME DEPARTMENT Will continue l.taiiiiiï and InterestlBg reatnres. Vs a I'OMTICAL, l.l I llt lt .V FAMILY M.W SPA PI R THE INTER-OCEAN IS UNEXCELLED. It in the ion of the Proprletori of THE i Tl'.K-Ot i; v to spare neither pain nor expenH) to keep it l'nlly abreast or Ihe times in all ilimy.. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Addrcss TUK IXTER-OCEAN, 97tí Chicago, III. DANDELION lr. Whita'l Diindi-llou AltiTative, thi' (rent Blood Purlfler aod lUMiovtitor. tpeclflc !r L ver om jiiiun, BllloaDMS, t'hills and Kever, UjapepsM, E dne Dtwaae, Etbnnutla ud OoMÜpwtoi of beBowek, Bemovet plmplnand mIIowow from -Uim, proilucinn a clear complexión. It la purrly reeetable, porfectlv bannleca and pluuni m mkf l'int botilc ouly 1, aud every bottta wurranted. PULMONARIA, íp.3? i i ODgBii Coidu, AKthma, Kroni'.hitia, Croap, i pias CiMih and Inclplcnt Consumptton. Flitv wnta per bottJe. Ijir;e hmtlc f 1, and cvery hotile ivarm.ited. For aale in Ann Arbor by Kberbach & áon, and druïgiKtB everywhere. 959-1018