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OLD AND RELIABtfT Dit. Bajctobd's Livkk Ikviooiutor ' ' i a Standard Fumily Romwly for disoasus of tüe Li ver, Stomach _A ' uulBowels.- It ia Purely _áíÍGi Vegetable- It never .,___ W% % Debilitaos- It is %%n I ir Ü Cathartin and _Y1 M U i" ! Pfelüi lililí ___J I fMhn heen nsrei ; i 11 ■III' in practico jl 18 %% "I1(1 y tllp public, 1 1 El L. iur more tlmn 35 ycurs' IS with uuprecedeuted nsults' V SEND FOR CIRCULAR ÍS. T. W. SANFORD, M.D., ïïiffi p INTDRl -BIST TUI, lol ITi K, ,■; TlTli V% VWt% V VVS VV 'Xvvix„t S8S (90 L. S. LKRI'H, AliENT PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMZfl AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE fiREATEST MEDICAL TR.UMPH OF THE AGE. I J i I O lILLO wi-d In combinar in CURE SICK HEADACHE. J1"5 Vüit th beren. TIITYIO Bil I C lic80faST"EN0TBIN0, riiRF nvïPFpiÏA mZrf ToliICCURE DYSPEPSIA. Xheir flrel pptwnt _..___ '-„ - _; effect 8 to increii U. s TUTT'S PILLS ff'toVCURE CONSTIPATION. Imilate. fbnthevtetnis Domihnd, aud TÜTT'C D"!IC by theirtODicauiooon IJ! I O rtLP0 tho digestivo orean, CURE PILES. ÖÏÏV TÜTT'S PILLS da si i Ivl D W I 'LLU whirh PFRQDNQ Tik'C CURE FLVER AND AGÜE. 0N FUSHwJ.teT tbe im i' m -■ of Uieao I U I I O rlLLO SaptabUitj to nosrtati CURE B1LI0US COUC. llll! hen ii - efflcicy ín enring nerTIITTIC DI I I C v""s debi'lT. melanCure KIDNEY Complaint. ggTSttS. I S PILLS ndlmimrtingliíaUhJÉ CURE TORPID LIVER. Sold verjwbec. TÜTT'SPILLS 53 ISl, iMPART AFPETITE. JíüW YOttJL 864-1005 TTie IIOP TAD wtll enre where no oth rrmedr or mi', ilcinc wiil, and do it Ín a haruüe, pUmímuiI and sure way. I 1 ia woni by tho pnrlent nPTt the sttn near wbere the diseae or alimeiit ts. Tho curativo element i of tbe remedies in tho Pad are absorbed through theporo, pennoatliiK'Pvery til-re, norreandtlssne, remira' Inte and de-stroyine nll dlseaseor cause of Ilseasoiii tnepvrtem anrï drivfngevcry Teslipeor dlsea-'.e or malddv, of whatever Dame or nature, catín-ir f;it of öio pvsttm, lcavlna tlio patiënt with ynutli-lihe, permanent, roNuit nealth. The liup Fud l.i a- eaf ily wora as a watcn or Inckot, and prereHta stcknp'-a, restores perfect : i withmit ha lnctoswallowpolsonoadruf% nofirumris or dangeroiis minerals nevercure, r 1 1 only stuju-fj , iiauseate and deotroy beáUti and Ufe. No one ghonld rwt a moment tlll ther fc Eod I'd ready to present or cure bicIiloss. Jfar salo ty a!l best druggüjta. Bend tur Circular. HOP BITTERS ïli'U CO.. Bocum. N. YFor Sal' In Aun Arbor by H. J. Hrown A: (o., aud i Fberbacii A Son. 947-998 I f y ou are a man of bti&aic-a, weakened by tbe itrain of ■■ yuiir Uutiüíi, Rvuul stimulanta andaré ■ it yon are a mnn of letfora, toiteg otct 7our mtd&lttb Work to reature braln nene nd waste, uso If you irej-üung and BUfi"crin(f from any Indlscretia ori.ip.U!rn;If you aro n.arrltd onlnple. oíd or ?young,suiLeriiifrom poor ■ Infronaliüdof bu km-ss, rtlj on ■ .aocrrrvoaare, whererer yoa are.irbenrwryuaíeel foor ■ rt : noeda ch usina toningor 6ti:r.iila;i:i, without iwícxi'rrfnilfl.tfcze ■ llar-i you r'spensía, kidnry or vrtnnry comptaint, ái+ Ïeaaeof tho stomach, bmrtts, bb-od,UttT,amrvE9 If yon are piror!y wak and low pplrlted.try it ! Buy It. . uponlt. Yuur ('lu-gistkeepsit. It may uve yuur Ufo. It bu Tcd huilreda. Hop' - 1 rn-rliUTwWH.nWtandbL Ak eaildr. The Hop Pa i í r Stomach, Lir ud K).!nfy,nprior toU otli'-T. Curo by [.■ rplmn. 1 1 ti ptfct. Atk iirugpiU. lUOIi M abwtlut (md i rrMbtabl car for druclt- , mHf PHIB Ofitim. lobc-o or nrctn-. BMHV vr ,. :.!Vy.V-i ■'- nH. p i: tít Mfg., Co-, WiilYlifc,W."T Cor. Randiilph an'l Ltra 'i 81., FIR8TCLASS IN EVEHY RESPECT jIfD ('EMTRAT.I.Y LQCATKP. T. ■ 'ns f-ftrn Jltii?.1 pr ilv, ■ ■ 1;ní to 1 i ationon.K.mi. M, v. bo.-;c;:.a:j, Pro?. I.atnSuií't I)" 9-14-1W9 H PAD PIIDCC Dlíbete, Br1eht"i nisenc". Cirrb of Hladder. DropíT, Srtwl, I''1 UrtnthiL'. Hich Ctilorwl l'riiu', Inahility to Hetmn i the OrlDP. I'AIN IN I I1K BA K N'r;"!'' . F male Weíkneís, nd all DlseaMi "'''" 41 NBJrS, HIADDKK üd UlilNAKY WBO" l ii nottitn fe can. . ,.k, LUl'K UU I only ttie Ü_S PAO. '""""■.íf i,ur rul b malí Irec on i.cdpi ;;ll}'r'cc; $: :;. oi cures and oor book"__" LIO . I i f yiv.irnnr.ri'!"' IAV KIDNET I'.VI) ( O., T()LK. )llioI B EtB i II .V SON. A 1 1 1 1 Arluir. ïïnn_5jLh' utliiK A-i'tit for Washu-iiuw Oounty. "'"'" _ LJOAL! COAL! O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlnor iind whoU'salo dealer of tbe cokbmted BRIAR RIDGE COAL. AL80 - DtaliT in Hard Coal and Hg Iror. Ordcm promptly filled. Office, 90 OriBwold streot, Delrolt, room 953-1004