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The ftilloniiiL' are -eleeted Htatt' items: Da#tgtt and Percy's basket factory at Decatur h Hable to movad to Mu.skegon early in (lic Bpnng. Joscpli l'ike of' Allegan lost $2,(KX) by tlie flniiiK of last weck undcruiinifig a fino flönring mil! and oaTrying off a dam. The SMS OOUDty board of' supervisors havfi offered a reward of' $"(IO tor tlic arrest and oonviction of llie murdei' Win. Young. The services of Misa Thoinpson of' Brooklyn, New Yurk, have heen eeeüred as pnoftB(res9 ai the youog laüc' seminary a( Slonroe. Mr. and Mre. JosUh I'. Holden of Grand Kapids, C(;lebrn( -il thrir fil'ty fif'ili wedding anniversary on (he 14th. He U eighty three and she cighty. Ansnii E. Ijuscy, wh married a wife in Crookgtowo, Mimi., a lew uiuiiths ago, hasj fled (o Dakota, apon (he dinoovery that he had desertcd a'wil'e in Michigan. Bcntrars entered the residence of Capt, Geo. E. Judd, near Reed's Lako, Kunt counly, on the 13lh, getting a gold watch and chain and uther valuables, (he whule worth $150. A Mr Weir and a Mrs. Hlakenstnrfe of Warren, Macotnb eounty, eaeh of wlinm ia about seventy, wcre reeen' !y unitod in njarriage, and thcy ncver saw eaeh other UDtil that d.-iv. John S. l'eck, the Adrián saloonist, for selling liquor in the same room in which billiards, eards or any game of chance i played, haR been MMased 180 and m Dt to jail for ten days. Duriug ] 87'. (herc werc twenty buildings erected in St. Clair at an ettimated oos( o 151,925, and the total amount expended for rebuilding and repairhlg reaehcd the nice 6um of over $2l' During the pint ycar the Gkand Rápida aml Indiana liailroad have suld 17,000 aeren of' pine and 14,200 acre of fjrmiiig i:md, reeeiving (herefor $460,805, an average of neárry f 15 per ■ Il.iwkins MeKenzie, formerly of Adrián, who feil down staii.s at lus tanta rad l n ■ at Morenci reccntly, qdacing homorrhage of the bead and luns, dicd on t'ue ll'ih from the effects of the. injuries received by hivn. Dr. Eli Snrilfr, of ('ciar Lakc, at the recent term of the Mouicalni eireuit court, was convicted of inauslaughtcr, by gtviog to Mn.aUendersoD a dosa of medieine to produee an abortiou, but which destroyed lier life. Hugh Hammond, who gave the name of Barney Smith, has been arreRied at Hay City for forging two check?, one of' which he attempted to pass for a suit of clothes. He has been workiog for ome time past in a lumber camp. The Monroe eounty board of' supen havo adupted a resolution favoring the assessing of proper(y for (he pvupoete of' taxation, at the true cash value thereof. Strangc that thcy should feel obligod to say they will do what the constitution of' the State and their oaths make obligatory upon them to do. A young man whogivis his name as l'addleford, his age aa twenty two, says he is froui New Hamp.shire, and that he walked from Chicago to the lumber eauips on the Rouge river, during the cold weather in December, thereby freezing his feet badly and rendering amputation necessary, has been obliged to lose one foot half why back. He is in hospital at Grand linpida. Irvin Eddy and Frank Berry,who reside in lloxaud, Eaton eounty, have been buyiti and ihippiog live i-tock in partnership for some months, Mr. Ivldy furnit-hing all or nearly all the capital. Now Beiry has skipped, leaving Eddy in the lurch to the tune of' $'JUO. His wife, who had a deed of 40 acres of land in her name, has conveyed it to Eddy, which was cortainly a very ereditable act. The libel suit whercin . f. ..].- M Alvay endeavored to recovor $5,000 damage of E. J. Uady, publisher of the lain-i ie Advocate, by consent of parties was refcrrec (o Major Cole, the evangelist, who wat at the time laboring iti Manutee, anl the Kev. Mr. Chaddoek, Cengregationai minister of Manistee, as arbitrators. Kach individual made a statement ot his case, whereupon the referees decided " no cause of' action," and that each party pay hia own costs. Sensible men, (o adopt this fair method. A Miss Sloighter, living about foor mües west of this village, a recent convert to the advent fatth, claims to have seen visions and also to have received special revelations. We are not advised as to the character of all these rovelatione, but learn that she was directed to prohibit (he keeping of' the Seventh day, or Saturday. Her parents promptly retnmed to tbe observance of Sunday. She suddenly developed an extraordinary power in prayer an 1 exhortation, and tbose who have listend to her are completely mystifiod. - [Fremout Indicatur. There are men enough to war agnost nat miial banks, but tbeir number growing smaller. At the State treaMiier's office a re mi mier has laicly turned lip of tht'good old Dempontio banking system in this State. The seeurities taken for circu lating notes were public stocks, deposito! with the treasurer, but there was no effi cient check agaiott the notes being reiasoed by dishouest uffiüia's after tliey had once been redeeuied. Tbe góvernment stobk bank of Ann Arborcloseil bosfnea in 1854, j'ist previous to the "burst up" of tbe pro-slavery Demicraoy of the Republican organization. The oiroulaling notes of this bank were called in and certifioatea isued by the State trcaurcr :it fofty OenU 00 the $1 for the redemption of tnOM Dotes, it being the amount of dividend from the public stocks sold on account of the bank. Certifícale number 383, for (he fiiiii ! issued to E. J. Burhaps of Rnxbury, Delaware eounty, N. Y., was pMtsMed and paid at the State treasury Alonday, the di'posit on hand having been bciicstlv kept all this loni neriod for the nurnose directed by law.-