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A Plea For "higher Education" Of Cooks

A Plea For "higher Education" Of Cooks image
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AVhat are soiue of the things that every cook who prepares the food lor any family ought to know? CJolesa the whole routine of' hor work be hnp hyzard and unreliuhle, she would liave intelligent and well-deÜDed Qpmioofl coucerniug the relations of food to phy&ic&l growth to .she can fvmah that which is best adapted to the whole household, fit tobuildupsyrnuietricalandhealtuful bodies for the cliildren. as well as to give to the mature worker.s in the family the necessary nutriincut to keep good tlie balance between supply aüddemand. Thechildren rihould not fail to develope properly bccause of her ignorai.ce of ihcir Beeds. 'J'he fatlii-r ahotild liever trive out more strength and vitulity in ulrufgle with the world than shc can make nood to him as she prepares hoi daily Food. All t.hi.t iniplies a practical a lp licat ii n of the principies taught in pbyiiology ami clicmi-tiy, a- well as a knovledge of the kimi and qualit; of nouri.-hniLiii Btored in planta, Beh, tiïh and fowl. Karth, air and sea furnisli her with materials whicli she must onderstand how to preparo so thal it eau lie easily trausforiued intn Imuic, blood and muscle in sueh proportions that neb .sliall have its proper development. She uiust be both too wise and too humane to Ooncoot any dish or brew any ilrink tliat will induce dvspepsia, headache or dullness. Never until eooks give more time to the mastery of sueh studies wil! oookerv tako its proper plaee aiuong soienoes. The ljtlh'sofoursareexceedingly aömplleatcd iml delicate machines, not to be aafely tampdrad witli by bunglcrs. A blacksmith can uadertake with reater impimity to uiake a watcli, than an ignorant and untruined bpuaewife to build up without kpow4edge, aml wiiliout skiil a symtnetricat, uncí perfeotly devcloped human body. And wli(!ti tlic vaina of these bodies, not ouly as physieal or; iiímiin but as related to menu] growtb, i.s Rally appreoiated, the work of' ihe kült'd c. ok will rank with that of otlnr gTeat Boiéntfutaj and, more than tliin, with that of preat philanthrolii-f m. lt. ii not extravagant tosay that the progresa of humtnity toward true perf'ection dependa largely on tliis branch ofdomestic economy. Mow mncli thought, time and study are ofivn mnv to (he proper food for line t-t ick ? Hert: in uur ovvu labórate ryexteosive analyse! of mama, grains, etc, have been made in order to determine which will most rapidly and hcalthfully stimulate the towth ofcattlc and swine. Surely we owi' as miicli care to our children as to our lui. Is. i is et rtainly tiue thal juut in proportion tu Mie ajviijcc of any people in civJlzation will be the tdvanoe of care and skill in the prepttffftion of food, Itistheretöre worthy of bbawbinx study. Health, mental vigor, virtue and happiness depend more closeJv than we are int to imaKine on